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I need help

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    I need help

    I've been there

    I know how you feel. But, there is hope. And sometimes that it enough. The people here are great.


      I need help

      come out come out whereever you are HG
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        I need help

        The G-girl updated on the Topa thread, and is planning a garden in the gardening thread, so I think its safe to assume she is doing well


          I need help

          Peek aboo Mama Bear. Soryy, didn't mean to disappear. Been poting on a couple other threads, like Dizzy said above. I'm doing well so far - just trying to fill up the time that I previously spent drinking. Sure is a lot of time :-(


            I need help

            it is isn;t it???
            That's why I love my comforter, my laptop and NETFLIX!!!!!
            I am sooooo stinkin proud of you sweetie
            we can do this together
            I have a week and a half under my belt....again
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              I need help

              It was A LOT of time for me too...but now I get so busy, I wonder how I found time to drink...then I remember, oh yeah, I neglected a lot of things...showering, brushing teeth, changing into know, the small stuff. LOL

              Glad to see you here HG and of course Mama!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                I need help

                Hi Hippie Girl,

                I just wanted to say hang in there and keep posting. There are a lot of supportive people here!

                I'm on day 2 of sobriety myself. Went cold turkey after an episode involving a large quantity of beer, some whiskey and an entire bottle of cooking sherry... talk about hating yourself the next morning

                Anyway I am taking large doses of the vitamins and Amino Acids that help with the craving/withwraw symptoms along with a few advil during the day and an ambien before bed, and it's helping me make it through the day... I went for a run today too excercize really helps. Day 3 is always the hardest for me... that's when I start to actually better, the energy level is up and Its easy to convince myself that I can just have 1 or 2 drinks ... which of course becomes 10 or 12... So I am hoping to be strong tomorrow.

                Stay in touch


