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Drinking Too Much

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    Drinking Too Much

    Hi, I have been drinking way to much and I think it is time for a break. I had quit before for over 3 years and I did more in that time than I had done in my whole life. I guess I am looking for some ideas on how not to drink. I know that its stop completely for most everyone and that tapering does not work for many. I just joined this forum again today and gonna try again. Thanks to anyone who responds.

    Drinking Too Much

    You have come to the right place for help...we all seem to be Fighting the same beast. It is definitely a positive that you were able to quit before!!


      Drinking Too Much

      Hi Joe, I'm new here and have also been drinking too much. I once had 14 years of sobriety (and put some time into AA) but have been drinking off and on, and recently mostly on, for the past 7 years. I've been very soul sick, sick of myself, missed some work, more lost weekends, not sleeping well, not exercising, eating poorly, very depressed to the point of immobilization, isolating, and generally being extremely harsh on myself. However from the outside, no one other than my closest friends are aware of my "issues." My drink of choice is wine.

      I have no doubt that I'm an alcoholic and I have not been successful stopping on my own for any length of time, plus it is getting progressively worse, as is the nature of the beast. So today I took a first step and made an appointment at counseling center that specializes in addiction. I go this Thursday for an initial evaluation and then I'll see a psychiatrist hopefully the following week to determine the best treatments, which will likely include medication and behavorial therapy. I have "co-occurring disorders," the alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety. I'm trying to salvage my job and not go to rehab, but I will if I have to. I feel good about taking this first necessary step since I haven't been successful on my own, just staying in that relentless limbo cycle of drinking too much and then feeling guilt and remorse. I know I've got to get beyond that ever-shifting line in the sand for good or it will kill me.

      Sorry to be so long-winded, but it's good for me to speak out on how miserable my life has become. You'll find lots of support and advice on these boards. Checking out an AA meeting might be enlightening. I know from my prior sober experience that while it can be rough, especially at first, it is ultimately so much more rewarding. I will rejoin AA once I get my treatment on track. I live in a very small community so I want to feel more secure with not drinking before I go back "permanently" one day at time.

      Thanks for posting. Good luck to both of us.
      "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
      ~ from Goethe's Faust

      :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
      :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


        Drinking Too Much

        Joe and Monique,

        welcome, both of you....I hate this bloody addiction, the lack of life, the destruction, lack of motivation, self loathing. I am sort of new also, and just starting out. Good luck to you both. If you post in the just starting out section, BTW, you may get more suport. Best to all ov you (and me

        akaMonique;1308685 wrote: Hi Joe, I'm new here and have also been drinking too much. I once had 14 years of sobriety (and put some time into AA) but have been drinking off and on, and recently mostly on, for the past 7 years. I've been very soul sick, sick of myself, missed some work, more lost weekends, not sleeping well, not exercising, eating poorly, very depressed to the point of immobilization, isolating, and generally being extremely harsh on myself. However from the outside, no one other than my closest friends are aware of my "issues." My drink of choice is wine.

        I have no doubt that I'm an alcoholic and I have not been successful stopping on my own for any length of time, plus it is getting progressively worse, as is the nature of the beast. So today I took a first step and made an appointment at counseling center that specializes in addiction. I go this Thursday for an initial evaluation and then I'll see a psychiatrist hopefully the following week to determine the best treatments, which will likely include medication and behavorial therapy. I have "co-occurring disorders," the alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety. I'm trying to salvage my job and not go to rehab, but I will if I have to. I feel good about taking this first necessary step since I haven't been successful on my own, just staying in that relentless limbo cycle of drinking too much and then feeling guilt and remorse. I know I've got to get beyond that ever-shifting line in the sand for good or it will kill me.

        Sorry to be so long-winded, but it's good for me to speak out on how miserable my life has become. You'll find lots of support and advice on these boards. Checking out an AA meeting might be enlightening. I know from my prior sober experience that while it can be rough, especially at first, it is ultimately so much more rewarding. I will rejoin AA once I get my treatment on track. I live in a very small community so I want to feel more secure with not drinking before I go back "permanently" one day at time.

        Thanks for posting. Good luck to both of us.


          Drinking Too Much

          Welcome, I am glad you made it to the right place :l
          Have you read the book 'My Way Out' (around which this site was built)?
          It has helped me tremendously.
          I have also noticed that the supplement L-Glutamine seems to help a lot of people around here with cravings.


            Drinking Too Much

            Hi and Welcome

            Hi Joe, (and Monique and Daya) :welcome:

            It's great to see you on board. Everyone here has their own story of what finally worked, or is working, for them, to take them out of the negative addiction cycle we've all experienced - the promises, the negotiations, the let-downs, the embarassments, the good intentions, etc. etc. I strongly feel that something clicks in your mind - that final something that gives you the strength and motivation to finally take the plunge. This may not be a bolt of lightning but could just be that final straw that breaks the camel's back - but that one thing seems to often be the difference between 'OK, I'll try' and 'Right, that's enough, I want my life back!...'

            There's a great thread called 'Toolbox' which is the first thread in the Monthly Abstainers forum - all about what other people have found worked to help keep them sober and alcohol free - read others' experiences and pick and choose what might work for you.

            The book is great, I found the hypnotic tapes really effective, some people are using medication, some AA, ... it takes a little time to find the right combination of things that will help make the difference and start building those steps to success - but you've already built and climbed the first one - coming here and acknowledging you have a problem, and want to change! So congratulations for getting this far - remember the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step (apologies if I've mis-quoted!).

            Look forward to seeing you around - you're amongst friends here, so read, read, read and keep posting!
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              Drinking Too Much

              help I was doing so well then lost my job due to elimation of title, can't talk about that till I get my severnce package, but lost it after trying to ween one at a hour.....
              Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some

