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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hello Everyone,

    In reading the titles of everyone's thread title, I felt it appropriate to start a 30 day thread. I have been a member 2007 and yet here I am AGAIN only to have done the same crap as before, nothing changed. Well, actually I did manage to achieve a few 30 days AF (the longest has been 90 days), but then that told alcoholic mind tells me "well, you can get drunk one night and then start AF the next day" and before you know it one night turns into a out of control where total mayhem happens. Its me calling in sick, missing not just a day of work but weeks and the reason why I get away with it is because I tell me that there has been a death family. Oh my god, now it's turned me into a LIAR and the result ends with me losing job. I am 42 and longest job I have ever held was 2 1/2 years and by the grace of God I have managed to stay above water. Some of the jobs I had were great and could given me a career but I choose alcohol instead. Every single time, I go through this and it's become so exhausting. So, today I will begin my new journey of surrender and say goodbye to my evil friend (the wine). I know that if I continue doing this, I can never have the life that I want. I been an alcoholic for 20 years and have lost friends, a chance to have a child, a job and most importantly I know that it has DAMAGED my insides for sure and I will DIE!! I am going to also start attending AA meetings, even though I am not big fan, it's just time to do whatever it takes for me to stop. To stop fooling myself into thinking that I can drink...I CAN'T!! I need to stop fooling myself and start to build a new life of being AF and I know that those 30 days that I was sober, it felt fricken AWESOME!!!

    In conclusion, this last binge was really bad. Drinking in the evening, morning and passing out at night. I can't imagine how the people at the mini market must of thought when they would see buying two bottles of wine for the last 18 DAYS!!!! Wow,
    that's just someone is a serious alcoholic and that someone is ME!!! So, I am now will starting my new life and hope that anyone who would be interested in doing a 30 AF to join in, the more the merrier.

    Thanks for letting me share my LONG story and sorry for any typos. I wish you all the best luck in the battle because it is and but again once you surrender to it, life can be great.

    AF Day 2
    AF Since May 2nd 2012

    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hey all...

    I just realized that it would best to post on the monthly abstinstence or daily AF. But glad I was able to write my madness out. Phew!

    Thanks for reading my long blah..LOL

    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Hey Janet,

      I will lend my support on a 30 day thread!!!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        I'm doing 30 days AF and there is a 30 day goal thread in the Abstinence section. They have a daily thread where everyone checks in once or twice a day to reconfirm their commitment and just tell each other how their day is going.

        Good luck on the thirty days!


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          I'm really glad to see you come back ready to tackle this thing once and for all. There's lots of time left for you to have a spectacular AF life! Go for it!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            You can start a thread of your own Janet and ask others to join you in a 30 day challenge, somewhere where to come to be accountable every day and to map your journey, it really helps and also you get to meet new people on the same part of the journey as you and friendships are formed.

            Go for it!
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Thanks for your post. I, too joined in 2007. Oddly enough I wasn't even drinking then like I did this past year. I usually hang out in the monthly ab thread as it helps keep me accountable. Join in! I was also good at doing thirty days then going eventually right back to where I started. Enough was enough. I don't ever want to go back down that road. Keep checking in. You can do this!!!!
              AF since 2/22/2012


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                30 days is a WONDERFUL goal to have.....IMO its one of the milestones on the way to being AF.

                Id suggest setting a few "smaller" goals.....1 day, 7 days, and so on until you get to 30. I think you will find that hitting a few goals and gaining some traction, will be very beneficial.

                I guess you could call it baby steps, ya gotta crawl before you can run.

                Wishing you all the strength, knowledge, and support needed to reach your goals
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Thanks Everyone,

                  Yeah, I was able to figure out the way to work my program on the MWO thread. I guess at the time I just needed to write it out the guilt I was feeling. Congrats AlmostFamous on your 60 plus AF Days : ) Thanks for advice Nelz, yeah I have no problem doing the 1 day, 3 day and weeks of being AF, it's when I reach my 30 days, my alcoholic mind tells me that its okay to drink and FINALLY I surrendered to that I can NOT DRINK EVER!! And I am okay with that...Congrats on achieving your 1 year mark : )

                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hi Janet
                    I'd like to join you on your 30 day thread.
                    Today is day 71 for me, which means that when you make 30 days I should just be celebrating 100.
                    I feel I can relate to you - I am 41 and was a daily wine drinker too.
                    I first joined in 2008.
                    Mt first attempt to quit was in 2008 and I did 108 days AF then I thought I could moderate and within days was drinking at higher levels than before.
                    My next attempt was later that year, think I managed 57 days and then I started drinking on holiday.
                    My 3rd attempt was between 2008/09 when I managed 257 days then was pursuaded to have a champagne toast, again thought I could moderate WRONG ! Once again my attempts at moderation meant I drank virtually eery day for nearly the next 3 years!
                    Do you spot a pattern here! I think ive finally got the message now that I can't moderate!
                    So I've finally accepted it now I think. I'm terrified of another relapse. With the help of this wonderful site I've been sober since 24 Feb.
                    I generally post on Newbies Nest ( great place when you are just getting started) and AF daily.
                    Look forward to sharing the next 30 days with you.


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Hi Sausage,

                      Congrats on you 71 days AF and wow when I reach 71, you will have had 130 days!!! Yeah, I am so looking forward to celebrating 71 days, it nice when I did reach 30 but then I would go out and get drunk and then let binge begin!!! I will be happy when I reach 30, 60, 100 but the most important thing is that it's clear to me that I can no longer drink and to know that there is life after not drinking. I am looking forward having a new life and wow am I going kick booty, it will be hard but you know that's just my growing pains...LOL.

                      Thanks again for your reply and yes I look forward to sharing next 30 days with you too.

                      AF 3 days
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        30 days tomorrow.
                        I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Hi again Janet

                          I've just noticed that you are a marathon runner. Me too! I've run six including London 3x and New York ( my favourite) once. My PB was 3 hrs 57 mins. That was all before I started drinking heavily. When I was drinking I did a few smaller races including a 10k 18 months ago but I was nowhere near as fit and im not going to reveal my times on here although I did manage to jog / run all the way round the route. I wasn't addicted to alcohol in the late 1990's early 2000's when I did all my marathons . I did drink but only moderately and I always went totally AF for a month before any major distance race, without any difficulty at all. I only really started drinking heavily in early 2006. I have written about my story in the My Story Section. I first posted it after I'd got 6 months sober the first time, but I update it every month now in my latest journey.

                          I am keen to get back into my running now I've stopped drinking and having just recovered from plantar fasciitis in my right foot. I work part time and have 2 kids and my husband is in the forces and away a lot so I don't have a lot of spare time!

                          You are absolutely right in that to achieve success in this you have to see that there is a life without drinking. If you don't grasp this you will ultimately fail or get very depressed. You will find a lot on this site about gratitude ( that you are sober) versus deprivation ( that you can't drink) and it is the key to winning this battle with your thoughts that will lead to ultimate success. With 72 days under my belt I am thinking a lot more clearly and positively but this didn't really happen til I was past day 50.

                          I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

                          Sausage x
                          Day 72


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Congrats Dave on your 30 days, that's awesome. Can't wait to see many more days...good job.
                            AF Since May 2nd 2012


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hi Sausage,

                              Congrats on Day 72!!!! Its late here so I write more tomorrow....

                              AF Day 4
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012

