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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Happy Friday everyone and welcome back Janice!

    Ishy and Janet and Sausage, you are all doing so well! Here's a little cheer to lead you into the weekend! :yougo:

    Weekends can be hard, but they're not impossible. Just think how nice it will be to actually REMEMBER the entire weekend. Wow...I went a decade and my weekends are all fuzzy blanks. It's nice to come out of the cloud finally! I like taking naps on weekends because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to, due to a hangover. Those weren't good naps. I could never sleep well after a binge. Now my naps are amazing! LOL

    All this talk about naps is making me sleepy. You guys have a great day and stay CAN do this!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Hello Everyone,

      Congrats to everyone and a special "wahooo" for Sausage on AF Day 78!!! Today was a great day, spent about 4 hours learning one of the advanced level of Excel and was relieved to know that while on my 6 mile run, I was able to review in my mind what I had learned. That my mind was able to absorb all information, which means that I will test well on Monday. Just like studying for finals, I have to study this whole weekend advanced Word, Powerpoint and Quickbooks. Yikes! Funny thing is that I am having a different mind set, instead of stressing about it, I am just telling myself that to learn as much as I can from now til Sunday night and whatever happens on Monday will happen all good, no matter what.

      Sausage, there was no way I could drink on a Monday and then run on lets say a Wednesday because chances are that when I drank on Monday, I drank to get messed up. So, I would be hung over til Friday and well then Friday was my excuse to drink to get pissed drunk AGAIN and I would waste my whole weekend recovery on a Saturday (depending how much I drank) or just F***K it and drink Saturday and recover on Sunday. The sad part was I would just end up doing all over again and again and again. When I would train for a run, like the LA or San Diego Marathons, I would not drink at all. Luckily, I had found MWO before and was able understand what AF meant, especially when it came to your day count. The one good thing that I learned about my drinking is that it is possible to stop and wow it does feel good to hit that 30 mark but the thing I need to learn is that whether it be 30, 60, 2 years, etc. of being AF, NEVER EVER will my reward be ALCOHOL for achieving those days, months, years. It's not in my rewards never will be....however there are PLENTY other things that I could reward myself with and of course one reward would be from my lovely MWO supporters : )

      Welcome back Janice and congrats on AF Day 3. Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing over the weekend. Happy Mother's Day too, to all you MWO hot mama's : )

      Welp, gotta get back to my studies, will write a short nite nite post before going to bed, being as its not easy typing on the IPAD, it's great for simple stuff (like watch Netflix in bed...I love that) but not typing out long texts.

      Thanks to everyone for sharing your progress and advice, it really means alot to me. I read all them and take in every word you guys write. One thing I am doing differently this time, is making sure to post everyday and it really has helped out alot.

      Lots of hugs,
      AF Since May 2nd 2012


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        Goodnight or Good Morning to you....

        My brain was on overload with Excel, it would not allow anymore information on functions and formulas. So, I am going to bed....

        Looking forward to reading your posts and again thanks for your support!

        AF Day 10 yippeeee made it to the double digits!!
        AF Since May 2nd 2012


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Hello everyone,
          PJ are you studying for work or general self improvement? I always want to improve my computer skills to be more effective and efficient. but never manage to get around to doing it! It's not at the tippy top of my list.
          k9 and sausage, as well as many others (UW, Lav,WW, Shue etc...) you don't know me, but I know you! I've read many,many of your posts while lurking on this sight and I just want you to know how helpful and motivating they have been....and funny too. Thank you!!
          I feel really good this morning, peaceful, despite having a house full of kids that kept me up as well as an irritating sinus infection. Oh and not to mention an 18 year old cat who likes to gently poke me in the face at 4:30-5 am wanting to eat. It's o.k though, I love our crazy old cat.
          I'm still thinking in little chunks of time.I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
          Have a great day everyone. I'll be checking later!


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hello Everyone,

            Congrats to everyone on their AF day count. Wahooo to Sausage for AF Day 79!!! Today was a good day, went shopping for a new bed and found a great deal. I didn't get a chance to study my software programs but tomorrow I have the whole day.

            Ishybit, I am studying for work. I know the basics for each program but in order to get a better paying job, I need to get to a advance level to get more money and further my career. Your 18 year old cat, that's is sooo cute. It's so too funny my SweetPea is next me in bed and she has this lite snore, it's so cute.

            I agree, K9, Sausage, etc have been definitely motivating and so supportive. There are LOTS of people here that have really helped me out and the best part is that no one "judged" me. It so nice find this site and be able to feel that I could share my story, after enduring so much "guilt" and most importantly that I was not alone.

            Okay, SNL just started and I am heading off to NEW bad. I hope everyone is doing well

            Looking forward to hearing from you all.....

            AF Day 11
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi Janet and everyone
              Quick hello from me here on day 80. Yesterday I played tennis with the kids - they are only just learning to play but we had a good run around the court,
              Last night I was out in my road talking to one of my neighbours and at the end he said " well have a pleasant evening, I'm just off in now to open a bottle of wine" why did he have to say that!?!.

              Started me thinking about wine, however I went in and opened a ginger ale - for a minute though it did sound tempting.

              Hope you are all doing OK
              Will drop back later

              Sausage x
              Day 80


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Hi everyone..just wanted to say a huge well done Janet on day 11!!! Day 5 here & feeling strong....especially enjoying those lovely sleeps, no waking in hot sweats or heart pounding, such a difference!! Watched the Rain in my heart documentaries which left me speechless, so scary but I know I will keep revisiting! Sausage congrats on day 80 - and for quickly putting those wine thoughts to the back of your mind!! Off to baste my roast lamb...its smells beautiful!! xx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hi Folks:
                  May I join you? I can't believe that I am back to day 3 again. I had 5 months AF then a couple of slips which is not too bad. I caved a couple of days last week at a convention that I attended.
                  I hate waking up with a hangover! I am so done with this.
                  To day 4 and beyond!
                  Don't worry, be happy!


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hello everyone,
                    R4L welcome back. 5 months is amazing, I hope it's easier for you to get back on track. Same for you Janice. Sausage I'm glad you stayed strong and hopefully you enjoyed your ginger ale. I know if my neighbor said that to me, I would think "oh yeah me too" glug,glug,glug. I honestly don't think I have EVER just had one glass.
                    Well today was a super lazy mothers day....almost guilt free.
                    Good night to day 7 for me!


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Hello Everyone,

                      Just a quick post...already in bed & I realized that I forgot to check in. Today was a great day, went to see the movie Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp, well the only good thing about the movie was Johnny Depp..the movie sucked!! What a disappointment especially because it was a Tim Burton film.

                      Anywho, I have to get up early so I will write more tomorrow..congrats to all you AF'ers and welcome back R4L. I can totally relate to being done with this.....

                      AF Day 12
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hi again
                        Welcome back R4L good to see you.
                        Sorry you were disappointed with your movie Janet, it's good though that you almost forgot to check in here, suggests alcohol was not at the forefront of your mind.
                        Janice, glad you found Rain in my heart scary. I think that they are a very useful tool.
                        Ishy day 7 is a bit of a turning point, when you get to day 8 you will realise that you were AF on this day of the week last week too and this makes a huge psychological difference.
                        Well today is day 81 for me. I was reading some of my old posts from 2009 last night and they were very enlightening.
                        See you all tomorrow, won't check in til late though as I have a long day at work first.


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Hi Everyone,

                          Congrats Sausage on AF Day 81!! Congrats Ishy AF Day 7. Like I had mentioned before, I do really well achieving weeks of being AF and now I even have progressed to 30 days, it's the after the 30 days when my alcoholic mind tells me that I can have one drink and well you all know the end of that story. One thing I wanted to do differently this time, was to make sure to post everyday, even if it was just a short post of "hello". Today was not such good day for me as far as being alot more productive in the job search and sitting my butt down to learn these tutorials. But I am not going to beat myself up, there is tomorrow and that's where I can start from, the best thing that happened to me today is that I didn't drink and I am soooooooo grateful for that.

                          I am going to head to bed.....hope everything is going well for everyone. Congrats on your AF days and look forward to hearing everyone's progress. Thanks again for sharing, it means alot.

                          AF Day 13
                          AF Since May 2nd 2012


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Good morning and evening and maybe afternoon too,
                            PJ I'm learning it's important to post everyday. I've always known that it's important to have the support of others, talk openly,ask for help, be accountable order to heal from anything. I wholeheartedly back people up that are struggling and need help for whatever reasons. BUT ive never been able to apply these tools to myself! I think it's fear and not want to be accountable or maybe fear of failing? I'm not sure but here I am posting on MWO. It helps to know you and others out there understand!!
                            I had a bunch of ladies over last night for bunco and I did NOT drink. ! It was hard at first and I'm still scared if I look too far ahead but I know it's possible!
                            Thanks everyone for helping me get through.
                            Have a great day, I will check with you all later!


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hi Janet, Ishy, Janice, R4L and everyone else.
                              Ishy I think you are right, checking in and staying accountable / posting daily is very important. It is when I stray away from this site that things start to go wrong.
                              It's been a long day at work and I haven't had time to read properly/ spend time on here today buti wanted to post briefly and stay accountable here on day 82.
                              Hope everyone is doing OK
                              Will drop back tomorrow.


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hello Everyone,

                                That's one thing I wanted to do this time was to check in everyday, the other times I would write this long post and then would post a few more times, only to just stop posting all together. Which is why I decided to start a thread because I wanted to journal this on a everyday basis and hopefully find others to join in and well here we are......thanks again for guys for your support and posts. This has really helped alot and sorry if I sound like a broken record with "thank you".

                                Congrats Sausage on AF Day 82, oh man I can't wait to get that are almost there...the THREE DIGIT count..wahooo!!! Tennis is one sport that I would love to learn to play, I have rallied a few times but never really learned the game, hopefully when I start working again I can learn the sport. It's a great workout!!

                                Congrats Ishybit on AF Day 7!!! How are you doing R4L & Janice?

                                Today was a productive day, was able to study for about 4 hours and then go out for a short run (my ipod battery ran out...darn it) and I applied for about 9 jobs. I am going alittle nuts not getting any call backs but I am trying to stay positive. I just need to stick to my routine of studying 4 to 5 hours a day on my software stuff and being consistent with my fitness and diet. But again, most importantly posting everyday MWO!!!

                                Welp, time for bed.......glad to hear that everyone is doing well and look forward to reading your posts.

                                AF Day 14
                                AF Since May 2nd 2012

