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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hello Everyone,

    Late check in for me too. Job interview went well, however there is a bummer, no medical benefits. The guy wants me to come back for a second interview and I have a real good feeling that I will get this job but if I don't that's okay too.

    Hope everyone is well, will write more tomorrow. Congrats to all, on you AF day!

    AF Day 21 ( 9 days til 30)
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Morning all... Huge Congrats to Sausage on 90 days today!! Well done Sausage for getting well & truly back on track!! And well done Janet for yesterday...sounds like it went really well, I will keep everything crossed for you!! Well, I got back from the north & sound but very tired!! Took Jason Vale's book & read it on the!! What an eye opener, it was really so simple yet so powerful but with no magic formula, just making you see alcohol for what it really is...a poison & a huge illlusion. Think I will be rereading some of it over next few days. Mam wasnt so good yesterday, think she's got another uti which she is very susceptible to after years of abusing her body....she had a kidney removed 2yrs ago. It also makes her very poorly so I'm hoping the second lot of anti-biotics will work quickly. Lovely sunny day here in England so I'll get a few jobs done, but taking it relatively easy today. xx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF


        good morning to all and best wishes for the day. iy is day 5 for me and i currently have a positive outlook on no drinks. Will try and stay active and focused..this weekend is gonna be tuff due to the fact that i live in s Florida, have a boat, friends that drink and plans for labor day weekend. will c how it goes...


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Hello peeps,
          Bent, keep up the good work. You can plow thru this weekend! Sausage you're almost back in the thre. Digits! Janice, we just finished the second season do Downton Abbey. Have you seen it (this may be a stupid question) it makes me want to go back and visit England's beautiful land and rich history!
          Well I'm. Still plodding along and feeling better everyday. I feel lucky today. thanks everyone.


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hi again,
            I just wanted to share; I dropped my kids off at school this morning and realized that I kind of looked like a wreck, no shower, no makeup etc.... But you know what? I still look and feel ten times better than i would had i ishowered put makeup on AND had a raging hangover! I can look people in the eye without shame or guilt. No wondering if they can see/smell that I'm hungover. Yay, just another little victory.
            I'll be checking in later.
            Ten times might be an exaggeration but you know what mean.


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi everyone - day 90 today! 3 calendar months tomorrow, I still just take things a day at a time and am scared to look too far ahead. For a long time ( nearly 3 yrs !) I couldn't get past day 2, but then suddenly things have clicked again, so it is possible for all of you to achieve this too and much more besides.

              Janet, glad this interview was a lot better for you, keep us posted on how the 2nd one goes.

              Janice, glad you are back safely and that you have found the Jason book of value. Sorry to hear your Mum was not so good. I read the other night that you said that your mum hasn't drunk for 4 yrs since she went into residential care. Hope you don't mind me asking, but did she find it difficult to stop?

              Ishy - I know exactly what you mean about still looking and feeling better than if you'd been hungover. I relate this similarly to when I have a bad nights sleep. In the early days of quitting I did really struggle with sleep and would often get less than 4 hrs a night, but even so despite the sleep deprivation I still felt so much better in the morning than I did when I had been drinking.

              Hi to everyone else. I'll update my story at the 3 month mark in the my story section tomorrow.
              Sausage x


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Looking forward to reading your update Sausage. Its funny isnt it how in your early days, you had trouble sleeping...I am the opposite, I am sleeping so soundly since I stopped. About Mam...she had been so very ill just before she went into care in 2008 and was in hospital for 2 months without a drink...this had been a regular pattern for many years. Because of her dementia & her being so ill physically, I dont think she was conscious that she had stopped, if you know what I mean. There were times when she'd ask for a drink but the carers were very good at diverting her. Ishy, awww love Downtown Abbey bigtime!! As well as the two series there is a Christmas special too which was lovely!! I'm into ancestry & family history in a big way so I love those type of dramas!! Looking forward to next series due to be screened here in the autumn!!!
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hello Everyone,

                  Today was alittle bit of blah day, was feeling really low. As you know, I went for a job interview yesterday and made a good impression to the VP. He wanted me to meet the owner of the company, but he was busy working on a design. So, he told me that he would call me to schedule a second interview and could I come back tomorrow (today). Of course I said yes and as soon as I got home, wrote a nice thank you letter. Feeling really good and thinking "ah at last, I can go back to work". Well, today came and he never called me........He did mentioned in the interview that he has 11 interviews til Thursday, so I am trying to be optimistic and think "well maybe he will make the final decision then" but my gut feeling tells me otherwise.... The good news is I did get another call back from another place I sent my resume, so I will call them tomorrow.

                  Anywho, this is a reminder of what alcohol has done to my life....I will get through this and something will come my way but man I wish it would get here soon.....A thought did occur to me today during my "blah" mood, at least I did not drink today. Thanks for reading my blah...

                  Congrats to all, on you AF Days : )

                  AF Day 22 (8 days til 30)
                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Morning (evening?) Janet and everyone.

                    Glad you didn't drink Janet, stay focussed , at least this interview seemed to go well and there are others in the pipeline so things continue to look up for you - you are on AF day 22 and you never know you may still get a pleasant surprise from this one. There is nothing more you can do now about it so move forward and concentrate on all the things you can do about your situation.

                    Quick hi to the others too. Today is 3 months , 91 days , and I've just updated my story in the story section so some of you may like to take a look.

                    Back later, have a good day x


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Hello Everyon,

                      A quick check in.....going to bed early, have an another interview tomorrow morning. Hope everyone is doing well and congrats on your AF day.

                      AF Day 23
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hi everyone..good luck today with your interview Janet...but stay positive abt the other one, you never know!! Another lovely day here in England after a few wet weeks!! Feeling really positive, hubby opened a bottle last night. I had no pull whatsoever - had enough of that poison! Decided yesterday as I must have saved abt ?100 the last two weeks not drinking, I have ordered a juicer from Jason Vale's hubby has indigestion problems, my daughter has hormonal problems & me..well, we all know where my problems are - no, should say 'were'!! I was existing on coffee & wonder I had heart palpitations in the night!!! So, my thinking is that it will do us all good to get juicing!!! Its arriving today, got a free book with it as well so cant wait to get started. I am literally having to work out what day I'm on & that feels great in itself!!! Have a great day everyone!!! Will check back later to see how it went Janet!! xx
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Hi everyone

                          Yes good luck with the interview Janet, look forward to hearing how it went.

                          Janice, do let us know how you get on with Jason's juicer and what you think of it. I know he is famous for juicing since he quit AL and has written a few books. I must look at his website and fin d out more.

                          I am yet to buy myself a reward with all the money I've saved. In 92 days I must have saved loads! Am going to have a think about what I might like to get possibly to mark 100 days!

                          Great that you are not so focussed on the days Janice that you have lost count. I am still counting as it helps me. I am keen to get past day 108 ( 2nd longest I've ever done) and of course past the infamous day 257 when I started drinking last time. Once I'm passed these ill stop counting and look ahead to 1 year. I have an AA Sobriety Calculator link on my mobile so I can always check the number of days, hours and sober heartbeats at any time if I want!


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Good Morning /Good Afternoon Everyone,

                            Thanks and yes lets hope that this might be the one, but if not, that's okay too. Janice, glad to hear your visit with you Mum (sorry to hear about her health) didn't set off any triggers and wow that's great that you did not even have a "pull" when your husband opened the wine. Does he know what you are doing? I hope that when I am passed a year, that I will no longer keep my counts but I WILL always remember the date. Janice and Sausage, you both live in parts of world that one day I plan to visit. One thing of the things that is on my "bucket list" is to DEFINITELY plan to travel to Europe and all other parts of the world...ESPECIALLY INDIA!!!!

                            Good for you on the juicing, it's really has alot of benefits, however the cleaning can be a pain. I used to have a juicer and once I was able to get used to the clean up part, the benefits were well worth the clean up.

                            Sausage, I think you should definitely treat yourself to something nice. I will definitely reward myself when I hit 100 days too. Besides doing my day count of MWO, I also have a monthly calendar and every Sunday, I put smiley faces stickers on the days that I am not drinking, wow it's nice to see the calendar full of smiley faces. I have been doing this about 10 years and even though I haven't saved all those calendars, it's interesting to go back to a few months, to 3 years that I did manage to save and see all the smiles and sad faces too. I was thinking that once I start working again, I would like to go through my bank statements and highlight the ones from where I would buy my wine. The money that was spent, I would add up and put that money back into my account. Now obviously, I could not put ALL the money back in at one time because the dollar amount would definitely be in the thousands, so I would limit up to $50. So, maybe I would just go back for a year or two.....I was also thinking about going to AA to get my 30 day chip and do it for every 30 days, even though AA is not for me, there are some things I do like. And I know it would be good for my sobriety.

                            Anywho, I have to get ready for my interview, sorry for the long post. Congrats on to you all, on your AF Day and again a BIG thanks for staying on this journey with me. I do plan to stay on this thread unitl I reach 60 days and then will venture out on the other threads.

                            AF Day 24 (6 days til 30)
                            AF Since May 2nd 2012


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hello Everyone,

                              Great, great, great news!! I got the job that interviewed for today and will start on Tuesday. I have to say it was kind of quick, however they did do a background check and as far as I know it came back cleared. I always get so nervous when they do these background checks even though I have no criminal background and had one done on me in my last job (4 months ago), still it makes me nervous.

                              Anywho, I am so happy and relieved but phew I am exhausted.....this has been really stressful but definitely I got a good life lesson in this and look forward to continuing my AF Day count. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to reading your weekend posts.

                              AF Day 24 (6 days til 30)
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Fantastic Janet, so pleased for you.
                                Will write more later x

