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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hi Janet, Sausage, Ishy, Running & all!! Totally agree that checking in with MWO each day has to be done & even if its a quick "hello" if time is short, thats what I intend to do, its got to be part of my 'therapy'!! I've been posting on the 'Flower' thread on the monthly abstinence so I have been here, honest!!! But I think I need to come to your thread each day too Janet as we're just starting off on that AF path & we can encourage each other!! Day 8 today for me!! I cant tell you how much better I feel. My day is sooo different now, I have so much more energy, motivation, & generally feel happier. I am a much nicer person when I'm not drinking. I feel in control & I'm getting so much done in the house & garden!! Being in the house all day on my own was always the perfect opportunity to drink but no more. Plus, I'm starting to feel healthier...I'm swimming most mornings at 7am which sets me up for the day. Hoping to get back into short knees wont allow anything else, but it wld be nice to be able to throw on the running shoes whenever 'drinking thinking' starts to appear. Sausage, I've ordered the Jason Vale book "Kick the Drink"..think it was you who suggested it?? That & the documentaries will be part of my toolkit thats for sure!! Will check back later hopefully to see how everyone is doing.....take care. xx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Hello everyone,
      Last night was a little rough for me. The toughest times are when we have nothing going on, just a quiet evening at home. Yes, like many others I would prefer to stay home and guzzle away. I say guzzle and I have to remember thats how I drink. There's no such thing as a "relaxing" I have to remember that as soon as I pour a glass, I literally race through it so I can have another or im obsessing about how much is left in the bottle. I think that's what I will try to remember today if and when the witching hour strikes. I've also been chunking through the days sometimes saying "you can drink tomorrow if you want, just get through today.
      I'm super tired this morning. COFFEE!
      Have a great AF day everyone.


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        A relaxing glass of wine is what I meant to say....iPad typer.


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Hi Ishy,

          I related to your description of "guzzling". I would pound beer after what is relaxing about that? Nothing! When I'd get down to the last 4 (out of 12) I'd start worrying that maybe I didn't have enough, then I'd stupidly and dangerously go out and get 6 more. I did that more times than I can count! I'm glad to be free of about being enslaved. The freedom of sobriety is wonderful!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hi everyone

            Brief check in. Very busy day for me, work then two different after school activities for the kids.
            In bed now, just had a cup of tea and going to have a little motivational read on MWO before I fall asleep.
            See you tomorrow

            Sausage x
            Day 83


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hello Everyone,

              A quick post, today I ran about 3 to 4 miles in the blazing 94 degree weather and I feel great but phew am I tuckered out. Summer is coming and man oh man does it get HOT where I live. The crazy thing is that I love it, I am the crazy person who goes to Palm Springs during the summer, when the weather is 102!!!!

              Congrats Sausage on AF Day 83 and congrats Janice on AF Day 8. Ishybit, hope you are feeling better and glad you were able to pull through. I can totally relate to what you wrote and K9 had posted as well.

              Okay, bed time for me..oh forgot to mentioned I have job interview on Friday. I just know that I will be working soon, can't wait to go back to work.

              AF Day 15
              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Hi a quick check in so you know I'm still with you guys!! Dashing to get ready as going over to my mum-in-law's for the day...having a day round garden centres & lunch out!!! Janet so good you are facing, & have been able to prepare for tomorrow's interview, with a sober head, well done!! Sausage...I have drunk (or drank??) sooo much tea lately...!! K9 can soo relate...drinking made life so complicated. I remember my Fridays were spent trying to work out how much I'd need for the weekend, & shopping for more 'just in case'. Hope my book arrives today!! Have a great day all, will try to check back later tonight. xx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Good day everyone,
                  It's good to see everyone staying strong. You're all very inspiring to me.
                  PJ I kind of half heartedly committed to a 15k! That's a huge yikes for me. Maybe you and sausage can motivate me. Jogging has always been a staple for me but I've never been interested in exceeding 5 miles and actually now days I only go 3-4 miles. One of my issues is that my joints have become very achy. With out going into detail, I have some health things that are effecting my joints. It doesn't stop me from working out but I'm much more aware of after I run with a friend this weekend I will decide if I will go for the 15k or just the 5k. I wish they offered a 10k! Challenging but not intimidating. Anyway speaking of exercise, i feel more determined to fight gravity by changing up my routines. Currently I go to a lot of bootcamps but im looking into crossfit (the new cult). I sometimes think "who cares and what the hell am trying to prove, I'm 46!" but I like a good endorphin kick...the better addiction. When I drink, I'm only exercising to rid myself of toxins from the night before but for today I feel more in tune with the process and the journey. Oh k9 I was checking out the shred. The title in itself is totally motivating! Keep it up.
                  So my AF days have been, upbeat and energetic in the morning until mid afternoon and then during the witching hour until bedtime I become an irratic, bitchy lunatic. My poor family can hardly see it coming. Im going to try to take a deep breath before I freak out tonight.
                  Well this is a ramble for me, have a great day everyone. At the very least I'll be lurking later.


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hello Everyone,

                    Hope everyone is having a good AF Day. Congrats to Sausage for Day 84 and Janice Day 9. I FINALLY finished one of my tutorials for Excel, it's hard to learn a PC tutorial on a Mac but I was able to figure it out, it just takes awhile longer.

                    Ishybit, I think any kind of exercise is good for you, running is definitely something that I see the results right away, whereas the elliptical I have at home doesn't really give me the REAL hard workout, if that makes sense. I am about to head out for my afternoon run and well it's not so hot as it was yesterday but still I definitely get a tan (I get really, really, dark during the summer). Running is running, whether it be 2 miles or a marathon, whatever you can do and can be "consistent" with, will work. For me, I know that from time to time, I will run a marathon but I realized that it's just way too much for me, so I have decided to just do half marathons for now. Ishybit, 46 is a great age, just remember AGE IS A NUMBER it doesn't define you or what your body can do. Just as long as we stay AF and we have it in us to exercise or do outdoors stuff, age to us will be a wonderful experience. However, I think if I decide to drink again, age will get the better of me, leaving me back to that depressed drunken fool. Hope that makes sense.....By the way Ishybit, what day count are you on now?

                    As you can see I changed my avatar, I came across this picture and really saw myself in it. I was born in India (Calcutta, but that not being the reason for changing the avatar) and was adopted by an American family. As a child, I wasn't into my culture or art but now that I am older, my interest in the culture and art has alot of meaning to me. So, when I came across this picture I just was so intrigued by it, that I decided to apply to my avatar. I also have a Ganesha on my wall and it's represents the beloved God of obstacles.

                    Anywho, hope everyone is doing well and I will check in later....

                    AF Day 16 (4 days til 20 days and ten days from 30)
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Very tired, but just wanted to check in and say hope everyone is doing OK.
                      I'm off to bed now - safely through day 84
                      Goodnight/ good morning ! all.


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hello Everyone,

                        Congrats Sausage on AF Day 84!! I am beat tired but had a wonderful AF productive day. I have an interview tomorrow and I am keeping my fingers crossed but even if I don't get the job, I will be just fine and dandy. I feel very confident knowing that I will be back to work soon. I did have a strange dream the other night about drinking and thinking to in my dream "oh crap I blew my 15 days" but that's all I remember of the dream. Huh? I didn't wake up in a panic. I knew it was a dream but it did feel weird. I have a friend of mine who has been AF for I think almost 8 years and he would tell that he would have dreams of drinking.

                        Anywho, hope everyone is well and I will check in tomorrow.....

                        AF Day 16 (4 days til 20 and 10 days til 30)
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Another quick check in, hoping I'll have more time on here over the weekend. Day 10 & I have so much more energy, I'm fitting more into my day & not as much time on computer!! What a nice problem to have!!! Good luck with the interview Janet, will be thinking of you...and love the new avatar!! xx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Hi Janet (and everyone else!)

                            I had a drinking dream last night too...and at the end of my dream I was spraying a wall with the words "Starting Over Sucks"....I don't remember actually drinking in my dream, but it was obvious I did. I was glad to wake up. I had a struggle with drinking thoughts last night before bed, so I guess that's what brought on the dream. Good luck with the interview, I'll be thinking of you too!

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hi everyone
                              Yes I like the new avatar too Janet, hope the interview went well ( am sure you'll have been to it by the time you read this)
                              Drinking dreams - don't remember having any of significance in my previous long quit but I had a horrible one the other day, it was so realistic, even featured MWO, and me logging on to admit I was back on day 1 -in the dream I was so upset, then I woke and for a minute I really thought it was real.
                              However it did scare and motivate me to stay AF so it did no harm.
                              Back tomorrow
                              Sausage x
                              Day 85


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hello everyone,
                                PJ, I hope your interview went well! I'm feeling a little fragile today so I'm going to try and stay busy this afternoon! Happy AF Friday!

