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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    day 8 af

    Ok, so made it a week without a's where it gets tricky for me as I'm the type of person that can go week and then feel like i did good and have like 18 beers on day 8. This week will bee especially hard due to memorial day weekend as we will b taking out the boat and grilling at a friends either today or Sunday (haven't checked weather yet) moderation would b the normal thing to do in such a situation but i don't seem to b that guy..once i geta couple beers..its on!..I'll let u know how it goes.have a great weekend all


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Janet that is fantastic news!! Well done you!! What more motivation do you need when you see how in 24 days you have changed your life around. I am so pleased for you. Bent please take care, dont get caught back in the trap because that is what it is. Think ahead & how you will feel on Monday morning having to go back to Day 1 again, its just not worth it.

      Sausage, the juicer arrived yesterday..its a Philips wide chute aluminimum one from Jason's Juice Master site and its amazing!! You can literally put whole apples in it & dont need to chop everything up small!! (which is why I never used my old juicer-no comparison!). Got a free book with loads of really simple recipes eg 2 apples, 2 carrots, & a lemon & ice made the most refreshing juice! Early days but wld definitely recommend it!!

      Well I'm off into the sunshine to pull up some weeds!! Will check back later!!

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        Hello everyone!
        PJ congratulations on your job! That's fantastic news and exciting to know that you will be starting it sober,clear and with tons of motivation! Yay.
        Bent, I think once you say no to the first drink it gets easier then people get too busy drinking to notice. I was at my brothers 50th bday last night. It was hard at first especially when they were passing out tequila shots but I managed to move around and out of range. I also said I was on medication that made me a little wacky.....which is kind of but not really true. It never stopped me before but it was a useful excuse.
        Janice keep us posted on the juicer. It's never appealed to me to drink veggies but I love the idea of all those nutrients going into my body!
        Have a great day everyone. I'll be checking in later.


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Hi everyone

          Bent huge congrats on 8 days, you've done every day of the week AF now so it should get easier.
          Ishy well done for staying strong at the 50th party.
          Janice have you used your juicer yet? If so, what did you make?
          Janet, what are you doing this weekend to celebrate your new job? Many congratulations again.

          Well the weather has been fabulous here today and the kids have been playing in the paddling pool outside.

          Very tired now, am in bed (10 pm) although it's not even dark outside in Scotland this time of year!

          See you all tomorrow

          Sausage x
          Day 93


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hi just popping in before bed...hubby is well gone on the settee after a bottle of red, I've been on the red too-the cranberry juice and still bright as a button!! Which is just as well as up and out for 6am to do a Boot Fair!! Sausage, yes the juicer is amazing, see my previous post..wld def recommend it!!! Very easy to use!! See you tomorrow. xx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi Everyone,

              Today has been a very busy day, I finally was able to tackle reorganizing my closet and making ALOT more room. Sausage, I have been rewarding myself by "pigging out" (not too bad) but tomorrow for sure I will be ALOT of running til Monday and doing the elliptical. Monday is a holiday here (Memorial Day), so I am happy that I will be able to get one more day of getting things ready to get back to work on Tuesday. The tough part of the job is that I start at 7:00am and I don't drive, so the bus ride is about an hour, which means up at 4:00 and out the door at 5:00am. It will be tough getting used to but eventually I will get into a routine. It will also be difficult to leave my dog alone in her kennel all day but she will be okay but still it will be tough. The good thing is that her kennel is really nice, so I will feel good knowing she will be okay, however I will have to come up with a plan when it starts getting HOT. Janice, glad to hear that you are juicing away, it's a fun thing to have and wow does it feel good having those veggies and fruits in your system. Carrot juice was one of my favorites and the green drink (spinach, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger & apples). I would juice these drinks into a pitcher and have it for the week. Sausage, wow it doesn't get dark til 10:00pm, wow I would love to see that. Where in Scotland do you live? My ex-boyfriend was from Glasgow. I can't wait to travel to you and Janice's country......

              Bent, I hope that your boating get together turned out okay for you. I know it must be hard when you are around other people drinking especially when you are working hard not to drink. Good luck and remember you have lots of support her at MWO.

              Okay, it's late...thanks again for all your support. Congrats to you all on your AF day!

              Nite nite...

              AF Day 25 (5 days til 30)
              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Hi everyone

                Day 94 complete, just finishing my cup of tea then off to bed .

                Another fabulous hot sunny day again here, this weather can't last! Kids been out in paddling pool again.

                Janice, you scared me when you said you'd been on the red also - just til I realised you were talking about cranberry juice !!! How was your husband this am after his whole bottle of red? How did the boot sale go? I've been drinking pomegranate juice sometimes ( I still drink out of wine glasses) as an alternative. I also do ginger ale / ginger beer and most often tonic water. What are everyone elses alternative drinks to alcohol?

                Hope you got some running in today Janet. What kind of dog do you have?

                Hi to Bent, Ishy and anyone else following the thread.

                Back tomorrow x


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  I like your name.
                  Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hi Everyone,

                    A quick post, today was a really hot day and I went for a 4 mile run...phew I am exhausted. Sausage (congrats on day 94), my dog SweetPea is a cream colored terrier mix, not quite sure exactly what she is mix with because I got her at a shelter. I just love sparkling water, cranberry juice and freshly squeezed lemon. Janice, how is the juicing going?

                    I am going to head to bed but will check in tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Congrats to you all on your AF Day. Bent, hope everything turned out okay....

                    AF Day 26 (4 days til 30)
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      planetjanet;1324041 wrote:

                      I just love sparkling water, cranberry juice and freshly squeezed lemon

                      Is that 3 separate drinks, or all mixed together?!!!


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hi everyone!! Busy couple of days...yesterday set the alarm for 5am for the Boot Fair and we were on our pitch at 6am!!! Just would not have been possible a few weeks back I can tell you!!!

                        Over the last week I've been up & down into the loft bringing "stuff" down - one of those jobs that should have been done a long time ago but you know how it is, I just couldnt be bothered when I was drinking.
                        It was a boiling hot day and really busy...we took ?95!! And, planning to go back in two weeks time!!

                        I was absolutely shattered when we got back so hubby did a bbq which was lovely. It was really interesting to see from the other side how drink affects us...he started with a few beers (only time he drinks beer when we have a bbq) then a bottle of red. By late evening he was well & truly sozzled...I had to go & have a bath cause he was getting on my nerves so much with all his silly giggling & stupid comments!!! This morning he looked the worse for wear & he was wondering why his skin was all blotchy.

                        I have been drinking all sorts Sausage but do tend to favour sparking water...with ice & lemon. Also J2O's Apple & Mango, as well as Diet Coke. I'm not getting too hung up abt the sugar content just yet. One hot drink I have really got into (as I badly need to reduce my coffee intake) is Twinings-A Moment of Calm Camomile & Spearmint!!

                        Been in the garden all afternoon chopping back trees & shrubs - yes, another job that shld have been done a while back!!!

                        Janet gd look with the job tomorrow....early night for you!! Sausage those days are marching on...and another milestone of 100 days not far away!!
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Good luck for tomorrow Janet, let us know how it goes.

                          Yes I too am getting more done around the house since I've been AF Janice, although I haven't tackled the garden yet.

                          Off to bed shortly, very tired
                          Day 95 complete
                          See you all tomorrow


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Hello Everyone,

                            Congrats Janice & Sausage on your AF day! I have about ten minutes to write a quick post. I too, have been tackling a project that I kept putting off because of my drinking. Today, I was finishing up organizing my closet, when what did I see tucked in between my suitcase and a box was a plastic bag that had TWO EMPTY BOTTLES OF WINE along with two miniature bottles (empty). Wow, I thought that cleared them all, it was pretty scary to look at because it took me back to that awful binge...oh man it was so bad.

                            Anywho, gotta get to bed...yes I start my new job and I am soooooooooo NERVOUS. I am hoping that everything turns out good, which it will. I am so happy to finally be going back to work....Hope you guys had a great weekend.

                            AF Day 27 (3 days til 30)
                            AF Since May 2nd 2012


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hello everyone,
                              PJ good luck on your first day! Be sure to update us. Janice your a machine, just getting it done! Its so great not to have a hangover and feel like you can accomplish anything. sausage you continue to inspire me. I had a very fulfilling weekend, very social. It was a little difficult at times but overall I felt pretty good. I allowed myself to really enjoy all the yummy food rather than not eat and drink a bunch of empty calories.
                              Have a great AF day everyone.


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hi everyone
                                At 96 days today I did briefly think about drinking when I had a tough day at work,but I sorted myself out and I didn't you will be pleased to know. However tough my day was, it wouldn't have helped and would have only made things worse, and I was able to tell myself that and by the time I got home they had passed.

                                Glad you enjoyed your weekend and didn't drink Ishy
                                Janice, saw your other thread, did you really use parsnips in your juice today? What was it like?
                                Janet, how was your first day, hope all went well.

                                Back tomorrow

                                Sausage x
                                Day 96

