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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hi topper and amyc! Keep up the good work! You guys are doing great!


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      AmyC;1330627 wrote: Hey Topper. Im managing good right now but Im going to be honest and say what my disfunctional brain is telling me. its telling me that since Im going to be starting Baclofen in about a week or so that why not have one last Alcohol blowout before I start. The weird thing is that its a really comforting thought!!! Why is that so appealing when I know Im only going to feel like Ive been ran over by a truck the next day. Its not like Im going out with friends to an awesome party or something like that. Can anyone else relate to this. Its so stupid!!!!!
      Just one last blowout.... But will it just be one or will you just end going back to old ways. I presume you dont want that!! Your doing so well!! Just try and stay strong. But at the end of the day its your choice and you have to do what you think is best for yourself. You dont have to do anything anyone tells you!

      On a personal note, im off alcohal 18 days now and i dont think ive ever been as happy!!!Theres so much more to life then just getting hammered and being depressed and tired the next day and needing a drink to peek you up a bit. Im learning so much and am getting fitter everyday!!
      But as i said, its tottally your choice what you want to do and what ever you do amy, there will be plenty of support here.
      Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
      Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

      Week Eight - On Day 5

      Starting to enjoy life now


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        Janice;1330907 wrote:

        Well, here at last....Day 30!! Dreary & miserable here in England so its an afternoon of family history research, my passion!! Will be back on later.

        :cheering: Congrats On Your 30 Days Janice!!! Waaahoooooo!!!!!!!!!
        Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
        Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

        Week Eight - On Day 5

        Starting to enjoy life now


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          TOPPER that is so unbelievably awesome!!!

          I remember your first post. I felt so badly. I think I told you to go getbMario !!

          Anyway, 18 days roud: and you should be proud of you too!

          PS- my niece is studying over there I believe in Dublin. My sister is not happy...hard when your baby is so far from home. :h

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Kradle123;1331244 wrote: TOPPER that is so unbelievably awesome!!!

            I remember your first post. I felt so badly. I think I told you to go getbMario !!

            Anyway, 18 days roud: and you should be proud of you too!

            PS- my niece is studying over there I believe in Dublin. My sister is not happy...hard when your baby is so far from home. :h

            Thank you so much! I remember reading your reply. I was so distraut then. And so depressed, and still wanted to drink. Well i pretty much wanted to drink for the first two week AF. But this week im a new man! With thanks to you and people on this site and all the running ive been doing to get fit and lose weight. Im starting to enjoy myself and im in much better mood all the time! Its brilliant! Thanks everyone!
            Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
            Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

            Week Eight - On Day 5

            Starting to enjoy life now


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi everyone...

              Topper, congrats on your 18 days, you sound great!! I'm convinced exercise plays a massive part in getting our brain in gear for living an AF life....I can really tell the difference when I've missed a few days swimming, my brain starts to entertain thgts of "drinking normally" which as we all know is not going to happen!! Swimming keeps me in a "happy place"!!!

              Ishy, just a thgt but maybe stepping up your running cld help when you say your AF honeymoon phase is over??

              I love running or I should say I 'loved' knees didnt love it & I've had lots of problems with them since!! Really got into it in 2010 & at the same time had a good long AF spell. Didnt run as far as you guys but did manage the Asics British 10k around London.

              Well, its wet & very windy here in shopping day here for me!!! Will check back later. xx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                ps Sausage, hope today is a better day for you!!!! xx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hi everyone

                  Topper - glad you are feeling better psychologically after only 18 days, that's fantastic. For me it took quite a bit longer than that but the clarity of mind and lack of anxiety / depression now is priceless.

                  Janice, sorry the running worked out a bit hard on the knees, swimming is great too but running is so much less time consuming, you can get on with it straight away whereas so much time is spent getting to and from the pool, getting hair washed etc after with swimming! So tell us, what juices have you made lately?

                  Yes I am feeling more positive tonight ( day 106), yesterday was awful but I am feeling more determined now. Hope all OK with you Ishy, and Janet - hope you have enjoyed your second week of work - is it Mon- Fri, ie do you always get the weekends off?

                  Keep going everyone!


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hello Everyone,

                    Wow, so great to hear that everyone is doing well!!! Congrats to all of I can't stop smiling.....YOU DID IT!!!! WE DID IT!!! I DID IT!!!

                    I am doing okay but had a set back... but NOT the kind that involved me buying a bottle of wine, so I am very grateful for that. The set back was feeling insecure in my job and well the environment is not exactly what I am used to. It's four other woman and well their personalities are a little bit challenging. On Thursday it got so bad, I felt like quitting, but didn't, instead I told them there was a family emergency, left early and took today off too. I felt awful doing it but I had to really ask myself, could I work at this place. It took me a final kick in the ass today to realize that the PRO's of the this job, clearly out weighs the CON's. I decided that if I could take the challenge of staying AF for 30 days and achieved it. By all means, I can take the challenge in working this job well and so I decided to return on Monday.

                    Anywho, it's late for me....will write more happy for everyone staying strong on being AF.

                    AF Day 36
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Hi Janet...well done you!! The 'drinking' Janet wld probs have given in, & returned home to her bottle...well, the 'drinking' Janet wouldnt be there in the first place wld she??? There's something abt a load of women working together, I hate it..I worked in a private school up until recently, all women teachers & was awful, got to the stage where I just didnt go in the staffroom. Good for are strong, you can go back Monday and face & handle whatever they throw at you...Go Girl!!!

                      Hope everyone has a good weekend...hoping to get some gardening done although weather is still a bit iffy here. Havent done much juicing the last few days Sausage...I need to get back into it!!!

                      will check back later xx
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hi everyone,

                        I hope you don't mind me joining your thread so late on but I am looking to make 30 days AF as the start of a totally AF life.

                        Had some mixed sucess with sobriety since I first came joined MWO but love to hear how everyone is getting on.

                        Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend.
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                        AF 8 June 2012


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Loppy!!!! Welcome old friend!!! (There are a few of us 'oldies' on here !!) I remember we used to post on the same thread ...the AF daily!! So pleased you decided to join us in kicking AL's butt!!! Checking in here each day really helps. xx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Hi Loppy

                            Great to see you on here. This thread and The AF daily , which I see you have also posted on are great places to help stay accountable. How was your exam by the way?

                            Sorry to hear about your work situation Janet, but do glad you didn't drink. Glad you were able to work out the pros v the cons of the job. That is an example of clear rational thinking that comes as you increase your stretch of sobriety. Incidentally my mother has worked finding jobs for people all her working life, a job centre, careers service etc and she always says - you cannot tell if you are going to like a job or what a job is really like in less than 3 months, and I have always found this to be very true advice.

                            Janice, have you used your juicer today. Hope your weekend is going well.

                            Hi to everyone else - keep going!

                            Sausage x
                            Day 107


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Welcome back Loppy Lugs! Thanks for the support and yes I agree Sausage with what your mother said, however I forgot to mention that they have gone through quite a few people, some never even bothered to return from lunch...LOL. But like I mentioned, the PRO's outweigh and this job can really help me in achieving a personal, life and career goal. So, I am so READY to take on this challenge starting Monday and not let my insecurities or sensitivity get in the way of learning. And now that I am no longer drinking, I am really going to do well in my career. But it's going to take alot of work......but I am on fire...This morning, I ran 9 miles and felt great!! I was going to run another this evening but decided to just do an hour on my elliptical and do the same run tomorrow. Tonight, I will go online and look for a half marathon to run in, I am so ready for my next run and this time I will be training myself another "challenge" to achieve. It's like this job has given me a "fire" in my belly......

                              I am so glad that everyone has been doing great. Janice, you really need to try that green drink, it's really amazing. Since I don't have room for a juicer, I went and bought carrot juice and the green machine (which is like the green drink). What's next for juicing?

                              Anywho, well I am going to take a nap with my doggie and will check in later for a nite nite post. So, glad that we are all staying on this the time has been going by so quickly. I am so happy to be passed the 30 days and look forward to it adding another 30 days and another and another.....

                              Wishing you guys a great day, evening and tomorrow morning!!! Loppy, I agree with the advice of checking in everyday, it will help you, it DEFINITELY helped me this time around. Even if it's just a quick post saying hi and goodbye.

                              AF Day 37
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hello....just a quick check in....wishing everyone a nice Sunday....I am off to bed...too pooped from that 9 mile run....

                                Nite nite....

                                AF Day 37
                                AF Since May 2nd 2012

