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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone,

    Hope you guys are having a "Amen" of a day : ) I feel great, managed to get up early for a nice 4 mile run and took my doggie to the dog park. Sorry not much to write about today, oh wait duh...IT'S DAY 80 for me : ) Okay, that's all I got..LOL

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and have a great Monday! Will check back in tomorrow.

    AF Day 80
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Hi Janet, Congratulations on day 80!! That will do very nicely!!

      Summer has finally arrived in England, spent yesterday up to my eyes in the garden. Hubby spent the afternoon watching sport on tv...he cracked open the wine early and yes you guessed...fell asleep in the chair!! Starting to bug me now....yet he works blinking hard all week stressed to the nines with work so I'm trying to be understanding!! Not easy though when you cant hear the tv for the snoring!!

      Out with two girlfriends for supper will be fine though, as both drink very little and we'll all probs be on sparking water!!

      Housework today which reminds me that only a few mths back that wld have meant sneaky drinks in between the tidying, dusting & hoovering (didnt half get done quick though!!!).

      Hope everyone has had a good weekend & has managed to keep the AL monster at bay???

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        Hello everyone,
        Janice, it sounds like your getting a lot done these days! I know how you feel when the hubby drinks, I start to get really tense and irritated when my husband starts to drink. I don't want to be the all,or nothing wife but it feels like that's the road I'm on.
        Pj you sound relieved and light now that you made the decision to leave. Good for you, something better will turn up for you.
        I'm doing good, back on track!
        Irie? Where are you, keep posting even if it hurts.
        Have a great day everyone.


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Signing in and trying again....I came back a couple of weeks agon, but my plan really needed MWO to work, and I planned to check in daily - however, I moved and have had huge problems getting internet up and running, well with not checking in and other (poor) reasons, I did not stick to my plans for an AF July. I do want to do this and get back on track, but really struggling getting going. Cleared out the house today, hoping....hoping....hoping that i can make tomorrow day 1 and make it helpful to see familiar names here...
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hello Everyone : )

            Welcome back Scottish Lass : ) Take all the advice you can get and like everyone will advise, TRY to post everyday, it really helped me out ALOT. Today is Day 81 and like I have said a bzillion times but it still amazes me, it's the longest time I have had since becoming a member in 2007 (90 days was my longest before MWO). I had many, many, relapses and I know that this will something that I will ALWAYS have to be in check with. Even though I have 81 days, I try not to go no more than a day of not posting because it's important for my sobriety.

            Hi Sausage, Janice, Ishybit and anybody else who has checked into this thread. Irie, hope you were able to make it through the weekend. I am doing okay, nothing really major to report, other than the usual "looking for a job". I am going to head over to the mall tomorrow and see if I can at least find something for the weekends, being as I have been having ALOT of ALONE time.

            Anywho, sorry don't really have much to write....hope everyone is having a good Monday : )

            AF Day 81
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi everyone, welcome back scottish lass.....Janet's right, posting regularly even if its a quick check-in definitely helps. I think its the "getting going" bit that is the hardest scottish lass, thats when we need to be really honest with ourselves and ask how much we want this??? I know when I've tried to start, if that switch is not down and I'm not committed then there's no way I'll fight those voices at witching hour.

              Enjoyed supper out last night with two friends...they suggested we ordered wine -I told them I didnt drink anymore and that I hadnt had a drink since May.....but that they go ahead. They decided to have soft drinks too! Lovely night catching up.

              Hope everyone is doing okay, Janet good luck at the mall, hope something turns up for you.

              Will check back later to see who pops in!! xx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Good Morning or Afternoon,

                Just thought to do a quick check in before starting my day, yesterday I was bad and didn't really do as much as I should have and that's not not good. It's important that I am up no later than 5:00am and out and about a few hours throughout the day. However, I do need to have access to a computer, so that I can make sure to be the top 10 resumes out of 200 that come in. The saying "first come, first served" definitely applies to my job search and so having said that....I gotta start my day! Yikes!!! Thanks Janice for the "good luck" and glad to hear you had a good time with your friends : )

                Wishing everyone a great day! Hmmmmmm.....Irie, kind wondering how you are doing?

                AF Day 82
                AF Since May 2nd 2012


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hi everyone

                  Good luck with the job search Janet, huge congrats on getting past 80 days.
                  Hi Scottish Lass, good to see you on here, keep us posted on how you are doing.
                  Hi Ishy, I'm less bothered about my husbands drinking than I was a couple of months back.
                  Janice, glad your meal out went well, did you find it awkward telling your friends you no longer drank- how did they react to this news? I recently enjoyed a meal out with friends where we all drank water rather than alcohol / soft drinks and I really really enjoyed / tasted the food a lot more.

                  Well I'm now at 5 months AF and I've updated my story again in the story section, if you are interested.

                  Take care all

                  Sausage x
                  Day 153 AF


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hi all,
                    5 months?!! That's amazing sausage. Congratulations.
                    Pj good luck on the job search. I'm sure You would not have been nearly as motivated had you been boozin it up!
                    Janice, good for you for being honest with your friends and how nice that they respected you.
                    Scottish lass, Irie? Come on, don't hold back. Posting helps.


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Hi everyone..a very quick check in today - the big 5-0 has arrived and I'm having an absolutely fantastic day!!! I havent a clue what day AF I'm on and that says it all. Out with my family tonight at a really nice place and the champagne is on ice for them & the san pellegrino for me!!!

                      Sausage...those two friends are not big drinkers so it was easy really to explain to them.

                      Back tomorrow....

                      The Birthday Girl!xx
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Happy 50th Janice



                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Happy BD Janice - had my 50th a few weeks back, planned to be AF and was not - so happy that you have given yourself the best gift!
                          Hi Ishy, I remeber you from a few tries back - hope you are doing well.
                          Day 3 and I am sneaking on from work to get my brain in gear for the commute home without the stop for a bottle of wine or two!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            just got back from our lovely meal. Happy to say I did not touch a drop and my complimentary glass of champas was passed to my hubby!!! See you tomorrow xx
                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Happy 50th Janice! What a special day!


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hi Scottish lass,
                                Thanks for the reminder and remembering me from a "few tries back."as time passes and abstaining gets physically easier, my mind can easily forget how friggin long I have struggled and how very real this struggle is. I have been avoiding a lot of people and situations.when others make drinking seem easy and fun, I start to think Iit is easy and fun, hey, i can do the same. Gulp,glug,glug. And back to old habits.
                                I still have a hard time thinking that some people don't drink the whole bottle of wine! It still doesn't seem that much to me? What's my problem?
                                Ugh going to bed now.

