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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Hey Ishy, I was referring to my few (or not so few) tries back!!! Not at all referring or trying to remind you!
    you speak my mind - and as much time as I have researched to see how to stop successfully, I have spent trying to justify that my drinking was not in excess, nor was it dangerous to my health - of course, as with all research I have often found support that my drinking was just fine, but in my heart I know it is not so.....but I wish it was ok :upset:
    Even though I have worked out that I need to stop, and I love not drinking - in the morning - I really miss it in the evening.....
    So, with a heavy heart, I am off to bed too worn out with arguing with my head - and know I will wake happy in the morning.
    I saw a quote today that was something about waking up in the morning knowing that you won't be feeling better during the day - so many times I have woken and thought that at least things will get better as the day/AL wears off.....
    Night all....
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      Hello everyone,
      Happy AF Friday! SL, I kind of laughed when you said you were referring to yourself with the comment " a couple of tries ago" I guess I can be so self absorbed with me,me,me, that I just assumed you were talking about me. Ha! my apologies . Try not to think of AF as losing something,rather look at it as gaining,sleep,memory,time not wasted on watching a show over because you can't remember, time wasted on being hungover and hating yourself, eating like crap, etc... On and on. I know it can be so hard to change our way of viewing al but we have to try until it sticks damn it! I hope today is going well for you and everyone else!
      Check in on you all later.


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        HA! I was worried that I has offended you Ishy - my brain switch is starting to work - driving home today, was thinking about stopping for a drink, but I was really thinking about how good I would feel tomorrow if I didn't and it worked!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          HAPPY 50th Janice :bday3::bday2:

          I am so happy that you had such a wonderful time and wow you are on fire with your sparkling water :goodjob: Is the Olympics being held anywhere near your neck of the woods? Is there any celebration events going on? I was watching Opening Ceremony and got teary eyed to see all the athletes from different parts of the country with smiles on their faces.

          Hi Sausage, Ishybit, Scottish Lass, congrats to you guys on your AF days! I had a job interview to today but I don't think they will call me but that's okay, just have to keep moving forward....something is bound to come up. I am starting to feel alittle "anxiety" not working. I like that routine of waking up, having my morning coffee(s) and going to work....BUT I am staying POSITIVE!!! It will happen....

          Anywho, it's late and I am heading to bed.....hope everyone has a great Saturday....

          AF Day 85
          AF Since May 2nd 2012


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Hi everyone..a quick pop in!!! Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes!! Still on cloud nine, it was such great day....lovely that this year I can remember it all!! Yes, Janet I'm not that far from London...abt 30miles. We've got tickets for swimming on the 3rd and athletics on the 7th.....looking forward to it. Last night's opening ceremony was amazing...stayed awake and saw it all, more than what could be said for my hubby. See...another benefit to being AF, saw history being made!!!

            Have a grt day all, sorry its a quick one again but hopefully will check back tonight for a read. xx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Janet you are doing amazing....chin up, and keep at it - something will come along, I just know. xx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Hi everyone

                Don't worry Janet, Im sure an appropriate job will come up, stay positive, keep AF and keep running!

                No, being in Scotland,I'm nowhere near the Olympics sadly, although I used to live in the south of England not too far from London and I have one or two friends who have tickets and are going. I am going to folow the TV coverage though and last night I enjoyed watching the opening ceremony although I felt they started it a bit late and it went on til 00.45 Sat am. Like you Janice, I wouldn't have stuck it out to the end had I been drinking!! My favourite bit was when the Queen jumped out of the helicopter with James Bond!! I also liked it at the end when the torch was lit - v spectacular. Paul McCartney's singing was dreadful though - makes me wonder if he is ill ?

                Glad you had a great birthday Janice. Do you find if you have sparkling water with a meal, that you notice and enjoy the taste of the food more than if you were drinking alcohol or soft drinks?

                Yesterday I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism by my Dr - I'd requested blood tests as I was tired and breathless and wondered if I was anaemic? I'm not, but my thyroid stimulating hormone TSH is high (>8.5) , normal is up to 3 or 5 depending in whether old or new values are used. I have been put on replacement thyroxine and have to go back for more blood tests in 6/52 to see how I'm responding. It certainly explains a few nagging issues like why I always felt cold, and why I didn't lose weight on this quit like I did 4 years ago.

                Back later, have a great AF day / weekend

                Sausage x
                Day 156 AF


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Hope everyone is doing well on a Saturday. I had a okay day, been watching the Olympics and bummer about Michael Phelps. However, I feel that he's is just done with swimming, he even has expressed in an interview that he is ready for the next chapter in his life.

                  Anywho, just wanted to do a quick check in...wishing you guys a nice Sunday.

                  AF Day 86
                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Hi everyone....Sausage sorry to hear abt your hypothyroidism but at least now you know and can start the thyroxine which will hopefully make a big difference to you. Like you say....its answered a few questions!!

                    Well I must try & get out of my chair today, been glued to the Olympics over the weekend - great to see at last we're off the blocks and have two medals!!!! We have tickets for the Friday evening at the Aquatic Centre which will be very exciting as highly likely to see Rebecca Adlington's race.

                    Sausage I cant say I've noticed much difference in the taste of food if I drink sparkling water but I do it enjoy it and look forward to it. I also like diet coke and sanpellegrino limonata.

                    Janet, you must be coming up to 90 days this week-another week to go for me!!

                    Off for a swim. Have a grt day everyone. xx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Happy Monday to you all...

                      Well, I had just written this lovely post but some how managed to have lost it and now it's too late, need to start my day...grrrrrgggh. Sausage, sorry about your medical situation and I am glad that at least the doctors were able to detect it.

                      Janice, we are almost getting close to our TRIPLE DIGIT mark...yipppee and yikes at the same time, wow it's insane but true to say that "if you really want it" then it will happen. That's awesome that you are going to be able to watch the Olympics.

                      How are you Ishybit? Hope you are dealing with heat where you are, not quite sure "where" in San Diego you are. The weather here in the San Fernando Valley is going to hit the triple digits!!!!

                      Congrats to you all on your AF days and counting : ) Looking forward to reading progress posts from SL, Irie and to any new comers to this thread.

                      AF Day 88
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Well I am on day 2 a good long way to go yet but hopefully all works out..


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                          Welcome accessaw, good to have you onboard. Well done on day 2!! You say "hopefully it will work out". I hope you dont mind me saying but you sound defeated already. Be positive & determined that you can do this because you can. Hope you stay with us...xx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Thanks Janice still coming around from my last binge so not really feeling to confident at the moment.


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                              Hey fellow Californians - not too bad here today 96 so far, 100 tomorrow - fairly pleasant today, but warming up. I am in the San Joaquin Valley which does get hot, but I don't have to go far to find the cool. In comparison to my family in the middle of England, I have NO complaints - their summer stinks!! We have been talking about cool drinks on another thread and that works!!
                              Day 7 trogging along peacefully - thank goodness after the weekend - that was wearing!
                              Accessaw - hang in - last Monday i felt like you, today I feel for you and I am enjoying not feeling that way - imagine yourself next monday without those monday morning blues - you can do it!!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hi everyone, a quick checkin....

                                Accessaw you can turn things Scottish lass says it doesnt take long to start feeling the benefit of being AF and that will give you motivation to keep going.

                                I am waking up with blinding headaches lately...I'm sleeping sooo heavy. Think I'm going to have to tackle the coffee addiction next!

                                Have a good day xx
                                AF since 9 May 2012
                                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

