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Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

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    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

    Just having to bite my tongue!!! 5.35pm hubby working from home upstairs...just took him a cuppa and I got "do you think I could have the last of that wine from last night" (knowing full well he will be opening another bottle later). So, I just said " can pour it yourself when you come down!". I dont mind him drinking but I do mind him rubbing my nose in it & expecting me to pour & serve!!!

    Sorry about that...rant over!!

    Hi Ishy, you sound good too! I'm off up to see my mam ...she's in a nursing home but I will be staying with my brother who is disabled, he's 60yrs, never married & still lives in mam & dad's house. He has big mental health problems. Its always very stressful because its as if mam & dad have just nipped to the many memories, not all of them good ones. My brother relies on me so much & its really hard living so far away. So...not sure what I'll find when I get there, usually loads of things have gone wrong in the house...blocked drains, leaks, broken fridge etc and before these 90+ AF days, I would be opening a bottle of wine within 2hrs of entering the was always a huge trigger for me. No wonder my mam used to drink bless her. I'm not worried though..I stayed for a few days in June & I was lots of diet coke in!!! The second week my hubby is coming through & we're booked into a hotel for a few days. I will miss the internet though especially on an evening.

    Will see you tomorrow. xx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

      I drank last night...I have posted on a couple other threads, on here to be true to myself. I was doing so well, and feeling so good - an opportunity arose and I did not even hesitate and there it is over! This morning I could just kick myself, it was a struggle to get so far and then to give it up so quickly - it is crazy!
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

        Hello Everyone,

        Scottish Lass, sorry to hear that you drank. Okay, so you drank, just brush yourself off and get back on that AF wagon. You can do it!! Just curious....What happened?

        Janice, hope everything goes well with your Mom and the family. You are so cute LOL, "Got lots of diet coke"....good for you. Just remember no matter what, it will all work out ESPECIALLY during the crazy times. I DEFINITELY believe in you and know that you will do fine : )

        Sausage, how are you doing? I have been keeping POSITIVE thoughts for you and that these feelings will soon subside. Do you know why you are having them? I mean, was there an event that maybe "triggered" you to consider it.

        Ishybit, sounds like you are doing good. San Diego is fun place to visit, however the job market is not so good. I lived there for about 2 years. The beaches are amazing, especially La Jolla..I am sure you have heard of Blacks Beach

        Accessaw, hope you are doing good. Any special plans for the weekend?

        Okay, think I covered everyone...hello to all you newcomers to this thread. Wow, this Sunday will be 100 days....oh man that just nuts..good nuts : ) : ) No news about the job, staying POSITIVE but going nuts, want to go back to work sooooooo bad. It will be 100 tomorrow YIKES!!!

        Have a great Saturday and I will try to check back in tomorrow.

        AF Day 98
        AF Since May 2nd 2012


          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

          Just needed to clarify my last sentence...."it will be 100 degrees today and will be 100 AF on Sunday. I figured you all knew that but just in case..

          Have a great Saturday!

          AF Since May 2nd 2012


            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

            Quick post - day 170 complete.
            Will write more tomorrow xx


              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

              Hi guys to a quick post I messed up and drank last Monday and Thursday and I don't even know why. Back to been alcohol free once again but the scary thing is I could do it today again and after the last few days it should be the last thing I want to do.

              I hope all is going well with everyone on here and my best wishes go out to each and everyone....


                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                Hi everyone...

                Getting ready to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics. So sad thats its all over now!!! What will we all do without it?!?

                Accessaw & Scottish Lass, hope you are both okay & that you have picked yourselves up & that the "switch" is now definitely down & you're feeling positive & ready to start the rest of your new life....its there if you want it bad enough, it really is. Its not easy but it IS achievable. Read, read, read posts on the boards...there are some very inspiring ones that will make you think "I want a piece of that"!! Thinking of you.

                Great stuff on the days Sausage & Janet..I just wrote the next 30 into my diary....going away on Tuesday & wont get back online again till my return on Sun 26th - my 110th day!!! will be stressed like hell over the first week but I'm so protective about my way will I drink!!! Will pop in briefly tomorrow to say ta-ra!!

                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                  Hi everyone

                  Just wanted to drop by and wish Janice well for her trip. Scary - 2 weeks without Internet - I assume you don't have a phone or laptop you could check in on from time to time? You sound strong though so I'm sure you'll be fine - and remember to take Jason with you!!!

                  Well I stayed up late to watch the Olympic closing ceremony. Am gutted now it is all over, will really miss it. It's frustrating that the Paralympics doesn't start for 2 weeks. It was really sad when the Olympic flame died down, however I loved the Phoenix. It was a shame the Queen didn't parachute in this time!!

                  Hope all is well with everyone.

                  Today is day 172.


                    Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                    Thanks Sausage!! Taking my laptop but there's no internet connection at my mam's house where I'm staying....but if I'm desperate I can always go into a Starbucks! There's a slight chance I mght get on the 2nd week...thats if the hotel we're staying in has wi-fi - fingers crossed!!! Jason is well coming with me....he's got his socks & undies packed even!!

                    Hope everyone else is well - looking forward to catching up with you all asap!!!

                    take care xx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                      Janice - hang on, protect your success with every fiber of your being! I have not managed to get back in order - it is like clear eyes said on another thread "Now it is almost like once I slipped I thought will I better drink more now before I try again." and I am back on do over Monday! I had last week off, and somehow that gave the bad brain permission to goof off - hols are obviously a trigger for me and I need to take stronger steps to avoid getting off track. Back to work today, sadly hungover and disappointed with myself, but will not give up....sorry for doing the yoyo thing, I know it annoys some people, but I do want to get this sorted out, so will stay around MWO....:upset:
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                        Hello Everyone,

                        Just got home from hanging out in the Marina, wow what an experience. In the 6 years that I have visited my friend on his boat, this was the first time that I did not drink and didn't even have the "thinking drinking" come up. I was around alcohol but again had no temptation whatsoever, I even went to the store get myself a diet coke and had picked up a beer for someone. My friend also was an "eye opener' for me to see him so drunk he couldn't even talk. Sad to say, that he will definitely die from having health issues from drinking (also a chain smoker), EVERY night it's 6 or 7 beers and then a few large mugs of chardonnay before staggering himself to bed, sleeping in his clothes. Waking up the next day smelling of alcohol and having the shakes, its' amazing that he can get up early and somewhat function on doing his job, which is good thing that he works for himself. I don't think he will ever stop, unless the doctor said that he would die, however I wonder if he would. A question that I will ask next time I see him........

                        Scottlish lass, sorry again to hear about what happen. PLEASE stay around and stop apologizing for something that we all have experienced ourselves, this is not easy. If people are annoyed with the "yo yo", well that's their problem...this is not about's about YOU!!!

                        Janice, have a great visit with your Mom and remember "no matter what, it will all work out" and enjoy those diet cokes : )

                        Sausage, congrats on Day 172, wow that's great. How is your medical situation doing? Have you noticed any difference since you've been taking the medication?

                        Ishybit & Accessaw, how are you? What day are you at now? Whatever day you are at CONGRATS!

                        Welcome to anyone reading this thread, hope you join, it's a great support group but if you don't, hope you find a MWO thread that suits your needs to help you start your AF countdown....

                        Well, it's Day 101 for me and boy oh boy did I have so many "uh oh I drank again" moments under my belt before I got to this day and it could still happen. It's up to me to make sure to do whatever it takes so it doesn't happen. Going to the Marina, was a real good test and there were be plenty other situations that it might not be so easy but til then it's like we say "one day at a time". I am a true believer that we all can do this and to sign on MWO when we are "thinking of drinking" and sign on ESPECIALLY when we "cave in" so that we can get the MWO support to brush ourselves off and "try, try, try again".

                        Wishing everyone a nice Tuesday and will back in tomorrow.

                        AF Day 101
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Anyone Up For 30 Day AF


                          I changed my avatar picture and replaced it with a great picture (one of many) I took of my doggie SweetPea this weekend. Isn't she cute : ) : )

                          We had such a blast.....
                          AF Since May 2nd 2012


                            Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                            Hi planetjanet - good to see you again, and yes Sweetpea is very cute!! Congratulations on passing a big test and passing it with such a strong conviction!
                            You are not getting rid of me, as said on a different thread, I can start to celebrate the successes that I HAVE had and stop worring about the other side! I am winning, in comparison to before I joined MWO and started this journey, it is a HUGE difference!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Anyone Up For 30 Day AF


                              A quick check in....

                              Nothing to really report, have a job interview on Thursday morning. The weather is just so HOT and they say it won't cool down for awhile.....Yikes!

                              Hope everyone is doing okay and I will check back in tomorrow.

                              AF Day 102
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                                Anyone Up For 30 Day AF

                                Hello everyone,
                                Just a quick check in...doing good. This may be tmi but oh well, I find that I am more susceptible to cravings or thoughts of al around my period. Anyone else and if so what do you do? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
                                One thing that keeps popping into my head that keeps me straight is when I have some reflections or memories of events, I find myself saying, "oh yeah, i was drunk or really hungover when that happened. " yuck.
                                Going to the beach today. Have a great day.

