I have been on this board several times in the last 5 years. Some problems keep rearing their ugly heads.. In a nutshell.. DH - age 64 - is an alcoholic and has been for many years. Until he developed a severe case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5-ish years ago he was totally functional. Then the pain from the IBS caused him to drink even more. 3 years ago, anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds were prescribed for the first time in his life since the IBS was both food/drink intake related plus anxiety. 3 yrs ago lexapro gave him such severe pain and nausea, which he medicated with more alcohol, which landed him in a 5 day detox in the hospital. The good news is he was given some new anti-depressant meds that helped the IBS greatly.. but not so much the depression.
A couple of weeks ago the psychiatrist prescribed a new anti-depressant which is once again giving him severe nausea and pain. More alcohol.. no food in 4 days.. Hasn't left the house in 2 weeks... etc. He is stopping the new med and hopefully will return to his prior depressed life but with less pain. No life, but it's better than being in pain.
He is refusing counseling, AA or inpatient detox for any time period. He won't even read a book or get online for support. Denial anyone??
So, here's where the advice is needed. Of course I know I shouldn't buy him another bottle for him to wean off the excessive drinking while he's been in so much pain. Hopefully the nausea will subside in a few days. But I am afraid with the quantity that he has been drinking he will have convulsions. I know it's not safe to quit cold turkey.
I am much calmer about the situation this time around.. I have already made a decision not to leave him so I will stick it through. He is slowly killing himself, and although he knows this and knows if he doesn't straighten out he'll always be in pain and hate the person he's become, it's not enough for him to change. I don't know how to stand by and watch.
Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!