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    sorry for posting in the urgent section but i could do with some quick advice about nal. after a long time thinking about it i have finally got some. i had intended to post a bit about it first and get some advice from nal users but hey hey..... as things go i am starting sooner than i intended. i have eaten , taken 50mg pill, waited an hour and drinking. i have just had a can of lager and am chomping at the bit for another one. i had planned on drinking slowly which is out of the question for me normally. The TSM advice is to drink as you normally would. not sure what i should do

    my question is should drink as i normally would.... which is quickly.. even though i am always trying to drink slowly or should i let mr spuds remove me from al for an hour. im my mind if i did that it would be just the same as i would be without nal.
    I really want this to work long term
    any advice greatly appreciated
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    We're on here to quit drinking. If you have questions about medications, there is a med thread. I've got no advice on whether to drink slowly or fast. I would advise not drinking at all.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath



      eek. sorry library girl... me too. i posted here instead of the meds as i was after a quick answer. sorry, i thought i explained that in my question. anyway, hope you are ok, i haven't been reading around much
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows



        sorry it sounded like to me you wanted to drink, and couldn't wait to open another lager. maybe i read it wrong. i don't know what nalproxene does, but i quit without it. i hope you have luck with it.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath



          Glad to see you.

          Some people need to look at tenure and what some of us have been through. I'll catch you on your other post. Needless to say, the response to you on this one pissed me off.

          Glad you are back my friend!

          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*




            I agree that it was nice people responded....but someone was looking for help ASAP. Not "I quit without it" deflating. Good for you. Who really cares? We want people to quit and supporting them is the best way. My doc would not give it to me....I asked and begged....but, she was not a believer of the med....denied me....and I am still drinking....thank you very much.



              Spuds - :l
              I am taking Nal while I'm still on Antabuse. But I have noticed a reduction in my cravings. I'm not taking it like the Sinclair method. I'm taking half a pill every night. I have stopped taking it because I have some medical tests coming up and my cravings have come back.
              I do think that the first day, you are going to find out that you don't want to drink as much and you will probably have more of a hangover tomorrow.
              Sorry that I wasn't around earlier to help.:h
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15



                Hi Spuds,

                How are you doing?:l I took Nal for a bit and it did help with the cravings. I hope it's the answer you are looking for Spuds, you are a sweet little duck. I admire you so for never giving up.

                Library Girl, are you drinking? Just wondered if you were struggling as your initial answer to Spuds was extremely abrupt. I've seen some of your other posts and I read your story with interest and empathy when you posted under "Tell Us Your Story" just wanted to make sure you were ok, too. You don't seem like the kind of person who would be so rude unless you were in despair.



                  naltrexone question

                  Hi Spuddle.

                  I also think the response to your question was really uncalled for. Oh well, I guess some people think they are in a position to judge. I can see that the med board is fixated on baclofen but really there is not much about naltrexone on other parts of this website.

                  It seems to me in one way that you are saying that it's not working. You took the pill and yet you still have this craving so you are trying to figure out what to do. Sounds like it's early days to me. I would say do your best not to have that beer just like you would normally try not to have it. Or maybe you just think you want it out of mental habit.

                  I thought the way naltrexone Sinclar Method was supposed to work is that you do what you normally do but you just won't get pleasure from that beer. So the habit gets extinguished over time. The tricky part is that you are supposed to always have the pill first and this is voluntary, so over time, you may give yourself permission to drink without it to allow yourself a drunk, and defeat the whole purpose of the medication. It would be good for you to read the book about the Sinclair Method by the guy in Finland who pioneered it and to go to the website where there are more people trying it.

                  Good luck Sorry I can't give you first-hand experience.

                  And so by the way, did you have it? And was it pleasurable?



                    Morning Spuds

                    I know we've been over this a few times already privately. TSM is about going with the flow. I found not forcing myself to drink, but drinking what I fancied whilst being aware of my body and mind as much as possible brought me the best results.

                    If you really want another beer after taking nal, go ahead and have one. If you think well I'd actually rather not, well don't.

                    It's that simple.

                    I found after a while I'd get to a point where I'd think "Hmm, I actually feel a bit tired and woozy, I think I'm ready for bed now!" So I'd stop drinking and go to bed. Sometimes I'd be a bit 50:50 bed/not drinking vs another drink and I'd usually decide bed was the best option.

                    Just keep taking the med whenever you drink, and drink as you feel.

                    Hope that helps.
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13



                      Hi Spud, sorry I havent got to your post earlier, at least Library girls reply has got you lots of responses!!:H Come over to the meds threads, I dont take nal myself but there are a few peeps on there who do and also the rest of us will be understanding about the fact that you are trying to stop drinking using a med. From what I know yes you take the nal wait an hour then drink as you normally would so In my mind that would mean not trying to restrict it, then over time you will loose the desire to stop drinking. As I say I havent tried it myself just read the book.

                      On the meds thread there are people who take baclofen, topamax, antabuse, and naltrexone, I may have missed some out there in fact I believe in trying all available tools to beat this, not just meds but support on here, diet, exercise, meditation changing lifestyle anything that can help, it is an individual thing, with coming on here for support and friendship we can all find our own way.

                      Good luck Spud, and dont worry about LG, you get rude ignorant people everywhere they just dont know any better or maybe she was having a bad day herself and instead of reaching out for help lashed out at you.

                      Stick with it, you will never know until you try

                      :l x



                        By the way Spuds, don't rush it either it'll come and yes any intervention to remove you from the AL is good - I found with Nal that often the urge to drink would wear off if you went and did something else for a bit. Other times I'd charge through it but that got less and less and I never picked up the following morning with it - something that would happen perhaps 50-75% of the time pre TSM.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13




                          Sorry you got such a nasty response here, totally uncalled for.
                          Good on you for looking for help which is what this whole thread is all about. There is more than one way to quit as this site can attest to. Good luck and I am sure someone who has taken Nal can steer you in the right direction.
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010



                            one2many;1311364 wrote: Spud,

                            Sorry you got such a nasty response here, totally uncalled for.
                            Good on you for looking for help which is what this whole thread is all about. There is more than one way to quit as this site can attest to. Good luck and I am sure someone who has taken Nal can steer you in the right direction.
                            I've just posted a heap of stuff and hopefully she'll come back and read at some point.

                            It's about chilling out.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13



                              Thats it Blonde, The thread is called NEED HELP ASAP..not.... NEED HELP ONLY IF YOU ARE SOBER ASAP.

                              Good to see you back here woman xxx
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

