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    I am having a tough time today here on day 4.
    I can't stop thinking about the wine! Gah!
    I was listening to this thing today where it was advised to plan a quit date a month from now. And that is essentially what I want to do now for whatever reason because in a month I have an appointment with a counsellor that I feel will help me and make me accountable.

    I am just not getting enough support.

    The boyfriend is helping but it just isn't enough sometimes. I don't get it.
    Now if the boyfriend says no ill be annoyed!

    Need to stop.


    Bri....I had a terrible time on day 4 too! It was my worst day yet!!!!! I kept making all these excuses in my head as to why I should just go to the liquor store and get a bottle. The beast kept telling me that it would be easier to cave than to get through this rough time. But remember....a craving doesn't last as long as a hangover! I literally rocked back and forth on the couch and paced my living room floor to the point where I think I took the stain off my heardwood floors! I was a friggin wreck. Then I started thinking about having to come on here the next day...back on day 1 yet again. I thought about how hungover I would be in the morning plus I wouldn't be able to polish off a full gallon of vodka so therefore it would be in the house. I would hate myself so much the next day and be so disappointed that I would drink more...and then the viscious cycle would begin. I got through it...and if I can...I know you can! You are a very strong person! Don't sell yourself short. Stay close to us here so we can help you out!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:



      Bri, we are here to support you! Use us, use the tools on this site! You cannot count on your boyfriend to do it for you, honey. He can't and he won't. My boyfriend did not understand my addiction either, and he doesn't drink. I had to get on here daily and talk to these people for my support. I don't have family or friends I can (or want) to turn to either, but it can be done. I'm doing it along with a lot of others who are using this site solely. Maybe you need to go to a meeting (AA)? Maybe you need a little more support than this offers, but don't just give up. Another month will be a huge setback, and you know that is the Addicted Brain telling you to wait. In a month, you will be putting off the counselor and still drinking, if you listen to the Beast. Trust me. Hang in there Bri!!! You can do this!:l

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath



        Mu hubs drinks every day...and with the help of peeps here I came to realize that's his problem, not mine.
        He can have three beers and quit. Not me.
        You can do this babe
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem



          Thank you guys. I was so very close to going out and buying wine for tonight but didn't. The bf even told me to do what I want to do. He's there for me regardless. So I am grateful for that.
          Instead we went out to grab some burgers and will watch a movie. The craving was so intense but eventually passed.

          I do have a question though.
          Today I am feeling particularly dopey. Is this normal? I am tired and feel a little tipsy without having had anything to drink. I know it's probably my body getting used to the no booze thing but lights are particularly bright and I can focus but feel like there is a fog over me. Is this normal?

          To be honest I know it has happened to me in the past but I have OCD and the hypochondriac in me likes to play these things out.

          I am definitely going for an early sleep tonight.

          Thanks to you guys for ur super quick responses.
          You sooo helped me out tonight!
          I know if I drank I would have totally regretted it and had a wicked hangover.
          Onto day 5.




            Way to go Bri! Day 4 sucks...and you were strong enough to beat off the beast! Tomorrow will be a better day. And yes....the dopey thing is normal...or so I've been told. For the last couple of days my ass has been dragging and I can't seem to get out of my own way! It's just our bodies getting used to being AF. I make a pot of coffee when I get up and that seems to help. I had brain fog day 4, 5, 6 but it passed...but don't be surprised if you feel tired after that. I hope this helps! Enjoy your movie...I am soooooooo proud of you!!!!!!!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:



              Good job Bri. You will never regret not drinking but you will regret drinking.

              You will never wake up and think, "Damn, everything would have been better if I drank last night," or, "drank more last night." Never.



                WTG!!! I have yet to hear one person say that they regret not drinking the night before and too many regret drinking the night before. I love the hangover free days a ton more then the hangover ones. I know from experience that it does get better the longer that you stay af so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.




                  I swear I was talking to CSRs today from banks and insurance poeple and I swear they must have thought I was drunk. I am mixing up words. Talking too fast, talking to slow. I feel VERY tispy and weird. :brainfart::brainfart:

                  But I knwo that I am not. I am just responsing to the meds and the supps. It's all part of this process. Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy, fun fun fun fun fun! The wonderful thing about not I'm NOT the only one

                  Congrats on Day 4

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest



                    You guys have been really good to me here. I can't even possibly begin to explain how great it is to come here and get such strength, warmth and support.
                    I am onto day 5 tomorrow...and it is true. You won't wake up and say "gee, I wish I could have gotten plastered last night!".
                    I definitely need to remember that.

                    Thanks so much all of you! Makes me so happy!

                    Lots of luv!




                      Good morning Bri! Welcome to day will be alot easier than yesterday....just remember that the beast is getting weaker! Stay strong today....I will be thinking of you!
                      AB Club Member
                      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:



                        Good for you! Im on day five and though I've had about one or two glasses of wine a day down from a liter of vodka today I've been having glass after glass of watered down wine and ice. I've still probably only had three glasses because they are like 1/4 wine and the rest water but its definitely hard today, whereas I felt pretty ok earlier this week. i feel disappointed because i feel im just hanging on and that my weird obsession is still there. On the plus side, im taking my supplements and also started eating flax and wheat germ today along with my other healthy foods, trying to concentrate on the positives. Keep up the great work! I'll have an AF day one of these days!
                        "Everything goes upwards and outwards.
                        Nothing collapses."

                        -Walt Whitman



                          Bri, congratulations on your decision to give up alcohol, that first 30 day your brain chemistry and body are going through quite a shock to your system. That first 30 days I was scatter brain all over the shop. Again about 90 to 120 days I went through weird stuff. Here at the 5 month point I'm starting to feel in balance and at ease. Keep up the effort.

                          100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                          6 months July 1st




                   your name and avatar! My killer day was day was horrible but I stuck it out and now I am on day 12. Keep taking your supplements....I have found them to be a life saver for me!!!!! At least you are tapering off...from Vodka to wine to watered down wine is a great first step. There is no right way or wrong way to be have to do it the way you feel comfortable doing it. God luck and keep posting on here...the support here is awesome!
                            AB Club Member
                            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:



                              Start thinking about how you are going to replace your drinking habits with healthier ones that provide the same sort of satisfaction. For example, I started hanging out in cafes and coffeehouses rather than bars. I was getting the satisfaction of social interaction with others in a much healthier environment. I started taking my gym membership seriously and even purchased personal training services. For me, there's nothing that quashes the desire to drink more than a strenuous workout. I rediscovered the local public library. Destiniey mentions her horses - I pulled out my kayak, unused for months. I'll bet it won't take long for your new habits to become enough of a routine that you stop thinking about drinking.

