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I need advice STAT!!

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    I need advice STAT!!

    I'd like to thank everyone for their time and advice! I am going to speak with another doctor about it to get a second opinion. My appointment is on the 15th. Hopefully it will be a little bit more encouraging. I have also already made arrangements to begin seeing a therapist to help me get through whatever it is I need to do. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! I will post an update as soon as I have some more information.


      I need advice STAT!!

      I think you will be just fine as well as your little babe.... I have heard more than one story of people partying... One of my nephew's was born with Cocaine in his urine and his mom/dad both drank and did major drugs...He is just fine and a wonderful person.... Just get that second opinion or even a third. They call it practicing medicine for a reason. Doctors don't know EVERYTHING. All the best to you.


        I need advice STAT!!

        I was in a similar position when I was 22: It was winter break and I drank everything I could get my hands on. I didn't discover I was pregnant until I was almost 9 weeks. I spoke with a college counselor (at an EXTREMELY liberal college) and I told her about my partying. She told me that if I stopped right then there would doubtfully be a problem and that it is quite common for college age girls to get knocked up while partying and their babies turn out fine. She really didn't seem concerned about my heavy binge drinking causing problems for the fetus IF I STOPPED PARTYING IMMEDIATELY. I did end up terminating the pregnancy for other reasons and while it was the HARDEST decision I ever had to make, I know it was the best one at the time. I don't regret the abortion, I regret thinking my bf of almost 4 years was father material and I'm glad I did not subject myself or the fetus to that a**hole for the rest of our lives.

        Best of luck to you and

        PS. Definitely talk to another doctor! Also, if you decide to continue the pregnancy, demand nuchal fold testing which can be done as soon as 11 weeks which screens for many abnormalities - (it's often reserved for women over age 35). Here's a link that will show you what testing can be done at 11-13 weeks: 12 Week NT scan fetal nuchal translucency test dating Downs syndrome nasal bone First Trimester Ultrasound sonogram soft markers pregnancy weeks 10 11 12 13 14


          I need advice STAT!!

          I agree. Do NOT rush into a decision. Having an abortion can have long lasting psychological effects. I got pregnant at 19. I was drinking heavily at the time. I was messed up and just wanted it to go away. I had an abortion and pretended like it never happened. I don't know if the choice was right. I am in a different place now and would not make the same decision, but I have feelings of guilt I have been working through for over 20 years. Make sure you think through your decision very carefully. You may even want to talk to a therapist.


            I need advice STAT!!

            Hi hunni, I work in a delivery unit and I work with users who use thought pregnancy. Many use a hell of a lot more then you. Please don't worry at all. These babies are hardy little things. Please do stop using tho and stop drinking.
            Don't worry. Just relax and wait for your dating scan at 13 weeks.
            I'm here if you'd like to talk or ask any questions! Pm me.


              I need advice STAT!!

              Hey everyone!! Wow, it's been a looong time since I've posted, but I thought while I was logged on that I should jump to this thread and give everyone that responded an update.

              I decided to keep the baby, and it was the best decision I've ever made. Of course I was a nervous wreck for more than half of my pregnancy. But I got my act together, took my vitamins religiously, and prayed every hour of every day.

              Last month I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy, happy baby girl that I named Celina Marie. She was born January 17th, at 7lbs 4 oz, and 20 inches long. She is absolutely perfect!! Thank you to everyone that took the time to respond and give me advice. I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out, and I thank God for all the support that was offered to me when I needed it most!


                I need advice STAT!!

                Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy every minute with your new little girl. :h:h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  I need advice STAT!!

                  What a lovely post Yiggie, delighted for you, many congratulations.
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    I need advice STAT!!

                    That is so wonderful! Let this be a guide to others who are worried! Brought me to tears! As did anothers post updating us about her 20 month old son! I love happy endings!!


                      I need advice STAT!!

                      Even if the second opinion is like the first, I personally think the chances are slim that your child would suffer such severe problems. When you see babies born with FAS their mothers were drinkers basically throughout their pregnancies. In Europe there is not such a hard stance about drinking while pregnant and it wasn't like this years ago. My mother drank and smoked throughout her pregnancies and me and my sister were born fine. Yes, I developed a drinking problem in my late 30's after going 35 years rarely touching alcohol, but my sister is just fine.

                      Sorry, didn't see this was an old post! Glad to know I was giving good advice!


                        I need advice STAT!!

                        When I started reading this I didn't realize how old the thread was until I came to the end where you shared your decision to have the baby and then the news of your lovely daughter's birth! What an amazing gift (and relief I'm sure)! Thanks for sharing this and all the best to you and yours!

                        "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:

