I just went to a psychic medium today and he was very accurate with everything- it was scary! I asked about my health and without coming out and saying I had a drinking problem, he did say that I have health issues (internal) and they are unfortunately due to something that I have done. He said that I will likely feel the effects a year or two from now. Of course I am freaking out. I have been having liver and stomach pain for a while now ( on and off). I know I need to go to the doctor soon - just afraid to. I will most likely go to someone annonymous and not my internist. Last year's physical didn't show elevated LFTs but we all know that does not mean damage. I am on my 4 th day AF and still feel like such crap! This is my bottom- i am just hoping that it's not too late. He said that I will recover from this but that there will be consequences from it. I only recently have been drinking around a bottle 3 or 4 times a week. But, I have been drinking since highschool. I am really depressed . Just would like some support.
Thanks! :upset: