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Need advice - don't know what to do?

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    Need advice - don't know what to do?

    Hi everyone :new:
    I have been a daily wine drinker for the past 5 years (apart from when pregnant x3). My consumption has gotten dangerously progressive and I am feeling so unwell physically. After drinking 2 and a bit bottles of white wine yesterday I am feeling like I want to pass out, very dizzy when standing. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can eat/drink to try and help. I was going to go cold turkey tonight but I am terrified I could get the DTs or seizures as I already have major withdrawal as in sweats, seeing spiders when I wake up, can someone please advise me? Please don't tell me to see a doctor as for my own personal reasons I cannot. Thanks all in advance.
    Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
    ..Winston Churchill..

    Need advice - don't know what to do?

    mollyka;1352473 wrote: Hi Mum3 and welcome!! I'm afraid I'm not gonna be much use to you as w/d's and the dangers of them vary from person to person. You say you cannot get medical advice? Well, as I say - it would be irresponsible of me - or anyone without medical training to advise you one way or the other. I know I went to a doctor first off, and am extremely glad I did - not that I suffered terribly with withdrawals, but it was lovely to have him in my court when problems arose.
    I would certainly recommend you drink lots of water - but -- I'm afraid I would recommend the medical route - withdrawals are not to be played with.
    Hi Molly, thank you for your reply. I have been to rehab privately before to get over withdrawal and I completely understand your advice. I will definately be thinking this over, my GP is a family friend, I don't know any other doctors to see. I might go down the private route again. Once again thank you for your quick reply.
    Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
    ..Winston Churchill..


      Need advice - don't know what to do?

      Hi Mum3,

      So glad you found us!

      I certainly don't have all the answers, but I can share with you what worked for me, and you can see if there's anything there that you can do to help you.

      1. Drink lots and lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. It's so important as many of the symptoms of withdrawal are due to the dehydration that alcohol causes. If you can, purchase fresh lemons and add them to the water. Lemons have a lot of healing properties for the liver and kidneys and stimulates them to get rid of the toxins. Alcohol is very acidic in the body. Lemons are very alkaline in the body and will combat the acidity that alcohol causes. It will also help to reduce the cravings. I drank a ton of the stuff in the first few months.

      2. I purschased the 6-week starter pack from the Health Store here, and actually still use the All One powder today. Alcohol robs our body of necessary nutrients and causes so much stress, as does withdrawal, so I wanted to give my body everything it needed to win this battle and heal the damage that was caused. I was afraid of withdrawal too, and truly believe the supplement program helped me through it. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

      Six Week Starter:Extreme Pack For Alcohol Recovery

      3. Alcohol aslo causes a lot of hypoglycemic symptoms, sugar highs and lows that wreak havoc on us. To combat that, and keep blood sugar levels stable, which will also help with the cravings, it's best to eat several small healthy meals a day. I tried to stick to protein sources, fruits and veggies and stayed away from processed foods and sugar. Some people can handle it, but processed foods and sugar makes me crave and feel worse.

      4. As Mr. G always says, "Don't forget your toolbox." It's a treasure trove of information and useful tools. Here's the link in case you haven't found it yet.

      5. Stay close to this site and reach out for support. There's always someone here willing to help, so you don't have to do this alone.

      :welcome: and :goodjob:

      You're life is about to change for the better!

      AF since 3/16/09
      NF since 3/20/07


        Need advice - don't know what to do?

        Hi Mum3--it's me again! Here are 2 threads that you might find helpful for tapering off/home detoxing, if you don't want to go the doc route.

        Best of luck!

        AF since 3/16/09
        NF since 3/20/07


          Need advice - don't know what to do?

          thinking of you Mum............
          I drink an "Ensure" drink helps with the vitamin absorption, as well
          please keep us posted
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Need advice - don't know what to do?

            Hi Mum,

            You should drink some Gatorade or other sports drink that has electrolytes in it, they'll help with the dehydration you're experiencing (dizziness). Also, if you could eat some toast (maybe with peanut butter?), that will fill up your stomach and help you feel a little more balanced.

            I remember one time at work, I sat there with a hangover from hell...all of a sudden I started sweating profusely, and I was so dizzy, and my vision starting getting dark like I was going to pass out...I was so scared. Somehow I survived the day, but I think about that feeling a lot!

            Please take it easy tonight and let us know how you're doing!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Need advice - don't know what to do?

              Thank you all for your support and comments. Its very early yet 5.35 pm but I would have already started with a glass of wine whilst cooking dinner, so so far so good. I have felt so ill today, my body's way of saying "enough". My goal is complete abstinence but I am going to try the tapering off first, as I see it has worked for some. If that doesn't work I will go to see my doctor (who is a family friend) :blush:. I only (only being probably not the right word) have a bottle (750 ml) of white wine which is halfing what I normally drink, so will drink that slowly later on, I also have some soda water to mix it with and plan to sip and not gulp. I look forward to posting more and making some new friends.
              Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
              ..Winston Churchill..


                Need advice - don't know what to do?

                mum3 :welcome: to MWO

                Delaying the time you allow yourself to start drinking is one way to make cutting down easier. If you have less time for drinking, then perhaps you?ll drink less quantity (that?s the theory). A drinking diary can also help you keep track of how much you?ve actually had over the week.

                How much you drink also tends to be a product of how much alcohol you purchase. So one obvious step is to not buy quite so much. Make sure you don?t keep any drink in the house ? just buy it as you need it. That way the choice to drink has to be a conscious decision. Don?t forget, for this to really work you?ll need your partner to agree on the plan, so they don?t buy any either, unless you both decide to.

                There?s a third option too ? a combination of cutting down and giving up ? just staying sober for a day or two at a time every week. It?s better than nothing, and you?re getting used to dealing with life without drinking. Try and plan which days you?re going to do it in advance, and plan to do something else incompatible with drinking perhaps. But be careful of the trap of rewarding yourself for your two days of sobriety with, you guessed it, a binge! :goodjob:

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Need advice - don't know what to do?

                  I go for weeks and months without drinking .... have no clue how to stop
                  Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                    Need advice - don't know what to do?

                    Hi there, I have replied to your pm, just wanted to say I am finding tapering off very difficult but also I feel much more positive that I can be AF now than ever before, I want sobriety so much I am trying to speed up my 10% reduction, the AA meetings are definitely helping as is posting and reading on here, it is keeping me focused on the task in hand where in previous attempts I have strayed away and gone back to my old habits!! How did your evening go?
                    Taking it ODAT


                      Need advice - don't know what to do?

                      Sober Visitor;1352489 wrote: Hi Mum3--it's me again! Here are 2 threads that you might find helpful for tapering off/home detoxing, if you don't want to go the doc route.



                      Best of luck!

                      Hi .... I haven't logged in for quite awhile. I am amazed to see my "thread" in a post! Wow, sure hope it helps somehow. For what it's worth, I remained sober for two full years after the liver failure / jaundice incident ... relapsed a little recently, sobered a little ... and am struggling at the moment, but fully aware of what I MUST do...... I think most of us know what we MUST do ... we just need to begin a plan of action ... (and try and try again, if we don't complete said plan). Thanks for quoting my thread - it's nice to know that it's helpful!
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Need advice - don't know what to do?

                        Hi Cat,

                        I remember a lot of your posts. They were always very informative and powerful, especially this one:


                        I hope you don't mind me posting it again. I have no intention of going back to drinking and this is one of the reasons why.

                        I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling. Have you thought about posting here again for support, or are you just lurking?

                        I know you know what you MUST do! :l And, you're right, we all do!

                        AF since 3/16/09
                        NF since 3/20/07

