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Please help...

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    Please help...

    I've been a drinker for 5 years now.. I'm actually not sure how long, but around that time frame. I used to just drink about 6-10 a night.. but for the last year or two, I've started drinking during the day some and my night usage has gotten higher. I'd say now that I drink around 20 or so a day. I drink before work in the morning, drink when I come home in the afternoon, and drink my most at night when I'm home. If I have a day off, I drink continually. It's been this way for at least a year or so. I quit drinking last year some time, for about 2 months. Withdrawls were minimal, though I did shake and have severe anxiety and sleeplessness. That was when my girlfriend (now wife) left me. I promised her to quit, and I did and we got back together.... It lasted for 2 months. She found of later on that I had continued drinking.. Though she didn't know of the extent. I told her (yesterday) that I would stop today... Please help. I need any and all suggestions. I know that my (our) God will help me to do the right thing.. but I'm still scared of DT's. Once again, any and all suggestions (unless rude or negatory) will be needed. Thank you and God bless.


    Please help...

    I'm a half way functioning alcoholic, I work 5 days a week as a server at a local fast paced Mexican food place.. although I don't feel I can handle the stress much longer....We just recently had a baby and I haven't had much sleep and am (extra) stressed at the moment. I already have a 10 year old.. I'm 28 by the way


      Please help...

      :welcome: David,

      Can't add much to what Molls has already said, but glad you found us.

      And here's the link to the tool box.

      Keep reading and keep posting, you've found a wonderful place.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Please help...

        If nothing possible alone I also suggest a professional's help.I understand that it is quite life threatening.
        I was like you used to drink whenever I get a chance,I caught off many timesat work place by my colleagues.
        Once losing one after another,I was involved in domestic violence and started living alone...lost Family contact.Tried everything and finally got a wayout being with MWO friends.
        Now can cope with stress cause I am AF,otherwise I wouldn't be here...
        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

        2013 : So many ups and down !!

        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


          Please help...

          You found a great place for support. I'm the same way as you, and it sucks. I did the Librium thing and it was a god send... hopefully you can find a doctor who will help you with that if You are ready to quit. It helped me at that time, but I relapsed a year later. I'm still working on getting alcohol free but I know where you're at and strongly suggest seeking at the very least, out-patient detox.

          Good luck to us all, we can get stronger every day If we choose to.

          feel free to message me. No one should be without understanding.
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, Please ask me to wait.


            Please help...

            Christforme, Welcome. I'm with everyone else, please seek help. The level at which you are drinking can cause major DT's or worse Seizure, you can even go to the emergency room and say you are having major withdrawals ( at least in the US) and they will hook you up with something to take for a few days. I sought help and I'm glad I did, Dr. put me on kolanopin (sp?) I'm on day 8 of AF. Like everyone else has already stated read, read and read so you know what you are dealing with.
            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
            STUMPY IS A LADY!

