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    Hi, how are you doing today? You've received a lot of support and great advice. Don't be hard on Nelz he is a very positive and supportive contributor to this site.

    Just check in and let us know how you're doing okay? We all care and know the fear and sickness this disease is.
    Enlightened by MWO



      Just wanted to say welcome demi! I have to add in my input also, I was a heavy drinker for years, my first post on here was in 2007, I'do well for awhile, meaning really I tapered back to 3 or 4 an evening, then bam back up to oh say anywhere from 6 to 12. I don't know how many times I wrote HELP on these boards and I also was told, "Your not going to do it till your ready to" and I didn't. I was freaking scared, shaking like a leaf, but I did it, I am only on day 11, but I don't shake anymore, and really don't have a desire to drink. I drank a ton of water, and still do, now my cocktail of choice is gingerale with a spash of cranberry juice! I feel awesome! But I to had to see my doc, he put me on librium. Hey it worked thats all I care about! Talk to your doctor when you are ready, and I am sure there is something out there that can help you! Best of luck to you on your journey, and mine and all the rest of us on this site, its not easy, but it can be done!
      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some



        ldemi. cmon love. you can kick this. if i can you can.

        'fucked if i'm bowling in these conditions'. (bill lawry)



          Ldemi3;1377004 wrote: I need help.
          I pass out every night.
          I cannot get out of bed every morning because my back is aching from drinking. I know this stops when I cut down. (Forcibly with visitors etc).
          I drink litre bottles of wine and I throw more than 7 away a week.
          I feel sick - every night I wake up feeling sick at about 3-4am. At least for the past six months.

          Last night I felt the worse.

          I cannot take evening primrose oil (epileptic)
          Cannot use hypnotherapy (brings on a fit)
          I am allergic to all dried substances - herbs, dried herbs, sultanas, tea, meusli etc

          Medication is doubtful given my Dr and the meds I am on.

          Is there anyone who can give me an idea and please don't say "stop".

          Some of those things you list don't always work anyway. Plenty of people sort their lives out without them. I never found any herbs or hypnotherapy any good. What I did find was that life became a whole lot more physically bearable when I cut back the drink, or cut it out altogether(removing it from the equation so to speak). Then you have to work at life after that(which is the hardest part in my opinion).

          Tapering works for some however it also backfires for many, it's very difficult for an alcoholic to do.

          The other thing is that you are obviously at a very low point, sometimes that low point can be a turning point. I remember how horrendous my life really was when I was drinking problematically. My body felt horrible and my mind was even worse. I used to fill my recycling box with bottles then have to find other places to get rid of the rest. Sometimes I couldn't carry the box to the kerb where it would be collected by the bin men(and I was a physically strong, fit person although less so when I was drinking constantly but still no weakling).

          Only you can get well but there is plenty of support here.

          There also is no magic cure or answer. I spent years searching for one, avoiding the issue and the only thing that ever made a real difference was the desire to stop - and there were times when I just had to abstain. AA/Abstenance wasn't the way I sorted my life out but it did a better job than most pills, potions and remedies and I often use traditional techniques to help me in my new life on a daily basis.

          One of the keys is being honest with yourself, and this is very difficult especially when still drinking problematically.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13




            Just wondered how your doing? Please post and let us know your ok, there is so much support and help to be found here.

            Sending you :l
            I can not alter the direction of the wind,

            But I can change the direction of my sail.

            AF since 01/05/2014

            100 days 07/08/2014

