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    I need help.
    I pass out every night.
    I cannot get out of bed every morning because my back is aching from drinking. I know this stops when I cut down. (Forcibly with visitors etc).
    I drink litre bottles of wine and I throw more than 7 away a week.
    I feel sick - every night I wake up feeling sick at about 3-4am. At least for the past six months.

    Last night I felt the worse.

    I cannot take evening primrose oil (epileptic)
    Cannot use hypnotherapy (brings on a fit)
    I am allergic to all dried substances - herbs, dried herbs, sultanas, tea, meusli etc

    Medication is doubtful given my Dr and the meds I am on.

    Is there anyone who can give me an idea and please don't say "stop".



    I think I have to be brutally honest here. You said you feel you need help, and you want to stop drinking, and you probably cant use any meds to assist you.

    Your only option is to stop. I dont want to sound trite, I was in the same boat as you with the passing out every night Not sure why I chose the no medication route but thats what I did.

    You will need willpower and support to make it through....the willpower is up to you, the support is plentiful on this site and various "real" places. It will not be easy, especially in the start up phase, but I can assure you, that if you battle through it, at some point, it starts to get easier with time.

    You will need to get your AL brain rewired, and change some old habits into new habits..the habit of drinking soda water or something, instead of AL. It will take a little while to reprogram, after all, it took you years to get to where you are now.......right?

    Set some small goals....1 day AF(alcohol free) then shoot for 7 AF then 30, as with anything in life, if you see results, you get motivated. Shortly after being AF for a while, you will notice some very positive mental and physical changes, AND you will be racking up AF days.

    Hope this helps first you may need to break your goals down to mere minutes......just find a way to get to the next minute, hour, day without AL You CAN do this!
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




      Hi, Ldemi3.

      :welcome: You have found a good place. I suggest that you go to the newbies next if you haven't already, as there are many just starting out there.
      I don't know about the meds part--I do think that your doctor is the only one qualified to deal with that--but if you are feeling as bad as you are now, you need some kind of help right away. If you are epileptic, do you take Topamax? That is one drug that is supposed to help people cut back on or stop drinking. And if you can start drinking tons of water, preferabley with fresh lemon, it can help rehydrate you.
      You can also check out the meds thread. It might help you.
      Good luck, and stay here where people can offer their help to you.
      "One day at a time."



        I take 2 types of epileptic pills but not Topomax. I take Epilim.

        Sorry I didn't realise I had come to the wrong place to post.

        Nelz - I came here because I was sure I had really pushed my luck too far last night. Brutal is not what I need today.

        ThreeDognight - thanks for your advice.

        I really thought i had pushed my luck too far last night. Glad to see the morning.

        Sorry for writing in the wrong place.



          Ldemi3 :welcome:

          You didn't post in the wrong place, you started your own thread, and that's great. TDN just suggested you visit Newbies Nest as it's a very active "new to quitting AL" thread with lots of people right where you are at. The "Tool Box" at the top of the forum page is a great place to get ideas to help keep you on track. Lots of "old timers" or "senior members" pop in and out giving support and advice. I wish you well on your journey. PPQ



            Ldemi3;1377036 wrote: I take 2 types of epileptic pills but not Topomax. I take Epilim.

            Sorry I didn't realise I had come to the wrong place to post.

            Nelz - I came here because I was sure I had really pushed my luck too far last night. Brutal is not what I need today.

            ThreeDognight - thanks for your advice.

            I really thought i had pushed my luck too far last night. Glad to see the morning.

            Sorry for writing in the wrong place.

            Oh, I know all about pushing your luck, believe me, waking up in the ICU with the inability to speak is a real eye opener. I wish you luck in your journey, but if its not honesty you are looking for, then I dont think I can be of any help to you.
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




              Thank you everyone, you were insightful, helpful and apart from Nelz - welcoming and friendly. Thank you all very much.

              Nelz - I have nothing bar contempt for the way you have handled my post. I think you are high handed, self righteous and self absorbed. You could have pushed someone less stronger over the edge or to the fridge.
              As a senior member you should curtail the way you speak to people in trouble. Some are highly educated even if we do drink. Giving up drink does not make you GOD.
              All I asked for was help.



                Ldemi3;1377079 wrote: Thank you everyone, you were insightful, helpful and apart from Nelz - welcoming and friendly. Thank you all very much.

                Nelz - I have nothing bar contempt for the way you have handled my post. I think you are high handed, self righteous and self absorbed. You could have pushed someone less stronger over the edge or to the fridge.
                As a senior member you should curtail the way you speak to people in trouble. Some are highly educated even if we do drink. Giving up drink does not make you GOD.
                All I asked for was help.
                I am terribly sorry if thats the way I came across, it was not the intent I had at all, and its not who I am. I would never talk down or berate anyone in real life, much less on here.

                I gave you what I thought was some good suggestions and it came across as an attack on you, I get that, sometimes things dont translate on the internet.

                Again, I wish you luck in your journey, and I truly hope you find the help you are lookiing for
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




                  Ldemi3;1377004 wrote: I need help.
                  I pass out every night.
                  I cannot get out of bed every morning because my back is aching from drinking. I know this stops when I cut down. (Forcibly with visitors etc).
                  I drink litre bottles of wine and I throw more than 7 away a week.
                  I feel sick - every night I wake up feeling sick at about 3-4am. At least for the past six months.

                  Last night I felt the worse.

                  I cannot take evening primrose oil (epileptic)
                  Cannot use hypnotherapy (brings on a fit)
                  I am allergic to all dried substances - herbs, dried herbs, sultanas, tea, meusli etc

                  Medication is doubtful given my Dr and the meds I am on.

                  Is there anyone who can give me an idea and please don't say "stop".

                  Is stopping NOT an option? Hmmm, I don't have any suggests for how you can keep going as you are, but not feel bad. I think if I had the answer to that, millions of alcoholics would pay me for it.

                  Nelz meant no harm, he is a truly caring person. I'm sorry if any posts came across wrong and offended you (including this one!)

                  When I was drinking heavily, I was easily upset too.

                  HOW can we help you? Meds don't seem to be an option. You don't want to stop. I can't think of any suggestions.
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.




                    I too am epileptic and I drink. So I do know where you are coming from. Have you had seizures lately? Does your doctor know that you drink and the amount?

                    My epilepsy is controlled as long as I am medically compliant. The times I have had seizure is when my medication quit working after many years and/or I missed many doses of medications. When drinking heavy it is easy to forget our meds, yes?

                    Everyone is different. I know when I have a grand mal it scares the hell out of my is your family effected?

                    I have very much controlled my drinking over the years. It is not ideal, and I know I am playing with fire, as you are. I also live with an alcoholic too, which makes it equally challenging.

                    You and I can ask for help and there are among the people here the most understanding, compassionate people here. But ultimately only YOU can decide what you will do.

                    My two cents. Start tapering down. A bottle or more a day of wine and your body is going to start giving out. I'm not lecturing, I'm stating a fact. So, my advice, start tapering down at least, scary it might be, but it's a start.



                      Hi Ldemi3

                      I have nothing further to add in terms of advice you've already been given. This place is supportive and filled with people just like you. But in the end, the choice is your's alone. If you want a better life, you need to take charge and be responsible for how you go about fixing the things that are making you sick.

                      Sometimes the truth hurts huh? Nelz is an absolute inspiration to so many. He speaks from experience and was afforded support, love and concern when he arrived - not so long ago in the scheme of things. His journey was no easier or harder than any other. He just did what was necessary because he wanted a better way of being. If you need help to change, it's here, if you need advice, it's here, if you need a tender hand, it's here! You will get all you need, BUT you also get advice every now and then that may be hard to swallow.

                      It is awfully hard to realise you are in deep trouble and have to fix things, and the pain of it is, it is a hard slog.

                      I wish you all the very best in your journey.
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa



                        Ldemi3;1377004 wrote: I need help.
                        I pass out every night.
                        I cannot get out of bed every morning because my back is aching from drinking. I know this stops when I cut down. (Forcibly with visitors etc).
                        I drink litre bottles of wine and I throw more than 7 away a week.
                        I feel sick - every night I wake up feeling sick at about 3-4am. At least for the past six months.

                        Last night I felt the worse.

                        I cannot take evening primrose oil (epileptic)
                        Cannot use hypnotherapy (brings on a fit)
                        I am allergic to all dried substances - herbs, dried herbs, sultanas, tea, meusli etc

                        Medication is doubtful given my Dr and the meds I am on.

                        Is there anyone who can give me an idea and please don't say "stop".

                        Hi LDemi, and a big :welcome: to you,

                        Can i ask you to do a little bit of work? When you are feeling the most settled or unsettled, can you look deeply and honestly within yourself, where your truth is, and ask yourself......

                        what should my next move be?

                        What is the best thing i can do next?

                        What would work for me right now that i can handle?

                        Is booking into some sort of 6 day De-tox via your doctor or local hospital something you would want to do?

                        Is slowly tapering down your booze consumption something you would do?

                        Is a 28 day re-hab something that would work?

                        Back ache is what i used to get too. I suspect that was my kidneys.

                        At least drink plenty of water with lemon if you can while you work out a plan of action.

                        The fact you have joined this site and are posting is a very positive step forward, so well done! You have some work ahead of you to do, and it will seem scary, but just go for it and begin to take your life back one small step at a time, and one day at a time. Do what you can handle, but keep moving forward friend.

                        Have a read here for some very useful info/inspiration and strategies you can handle.


                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                          Back ache is kidneys trying desperately to filter the toxins in your body and not being able to do it well. This is a place of support and help but we will be brutally honest in our assessments. All of us have had to hold to the mirror up to our selves and judge our own actions and for most of us the image looking back is horrible. That's why we stop doing what we were doing.

                          I'm so sorry to have to say it to you again, but this will not stop until you stop drinking or al least make a concerted effort to slow your consumption down. It sounds hard and it is hard but this is the only answer.

                          I don't thinks Nels was trying to offend however this issue requires blunt honesty because at the end of the day we have spent so much time lying to our selves and those around us that honesty, for all its brutality, is what's required.

                          Good luck to you and keep posting, this place saves lives.
                          I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.



                            more details?

                            I think there was a misunderstanding between you and Nels. He is a very helpful person.

                            So my questions for you are, are you employed? Wondering if lack of employment is a factor behind your ability to drink so much every day. And do you have a partner/support system? What do they think about it?

                            If you can't take meds and won't stop, you can consider harm reduction. There's always something you can do to help your situation and reduce harm. Read the book How To Change Your Drinking.



                              Message from South America

                              I haven't been posting much for a while, having fallen off the wagon heavily since last Christmas (!) after 3 years free of this damned monkey. Oh! Yes, just one little glass of wine led me straight back to a bottle of vodka a day & a withdrawal seizure on the job 2 months ago because I went cold turkey because of the kind of work I do.

                              No epilepsy but the doctors have me on Epamin (Soda Fenitoin) 3 x 100mg a day against seizures - the name sounds similar to your med. Plus heavy doses of Thiamin and vitamin B complex. Everybody in here recommends drinking lots of water and they are right. It's the only way to clean your body and organs of the toxic effects of substituting the main element in the human body which is water, with alcohol.

                              Let's face it, as a heavy drinker,nearly 40 years off and on, I've done a pretty good job of screwing up my life, body and soul and the minds of my nearest and dearest because of this crap. It's time to stop and it sounds like you do too.

                              There is no cure for our mutual disease it just gets worse and then your liver shuts down and unlike Larry Haggman (Dalas), if you don't have the money, you die. Just like that.

                              Last Saturday after a week of cutting back, I returned to work. Let me tell you, the shakes were terrible. Couldn't write my own name, etc, etc. Most of us in here have experienced similar symptoms along the way. But I'm now going into Saturday again and feeling wonderful. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! It takes some effort of course don't kid yourself.

                              A.A. might help to kill a couple of hours in your day. Go for long walk, leaving the 7 empty bottles in the trash where they belong. Eat somewhere that doesn't sell wine, beer or liquor with the meal. Drink lots of lemonade. Walk home. There's 6 hours gone and before you know it, PooF! 1 day AF ready to take on the next.

                              After 3 or 4 days you'll start feeling a lot better and after a week, you'll be wondering why we have all tortured ourselves for so many years, listening to that little bastard lurking in some dark cell in our brain; screaming through the bars to let him out.

                              Never fear, you've definitely come to the right place! Lots of good people in MWO willing to help, we've all been somewhere close to touching bottom and some of us already have.

                              Have a go and get your life back. We will be with you all the way. Be strong even if you feel like being weak.

                              All the best


