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Delerium Tremens?

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    Delerium Tremens?

    I am concerned on whether I may have this. First there isn't shaking. I stopped drinking 19 Jun 2012. About 10 days later, I was hallucinating and ended up in a psych ward with psychosis. Later my dr amended it to delerium based on low potassium. It went away pretty quickly without meds (other than potassium pills). Well I did not drink and then I did Sunday and Monday pretty heavily. Now I was reading some profiles from a dating website and felt almost all of the profiles were kind of speaking to me. I also considered a man I went out with was trying to get to me by using some other man Ii was talking too. This may seem mild, but it s kind f what I went through with the first time I had issues. Other than that, I did feel fine, but now I am anxious and am having palpitations. Do my mental status sound like the beginning of DT's? Can you get them after drinking two days? I did drink a lot. Apx. 32 to 42 beers. I am very scared now. I don't want to go through that again.

    Delerium Tremens?

    Wino, So sorry you are feeling this bad! I don't know how to answer your question, other than to say, do not drink anymore, and see your doctor ASAP!
    Hope you feel better soon, and keep us posted!
    Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


      Delerium Tremens?

      Not DT's.


        Delerium Tremens?

        Hi XWino, sorry you're going through this.

        Anxiety and Palpatations always followed my drinking, even if it was only 2 days worth. At times I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Deep breathing helped with slowing down the pumping muscle.

        I don't think it's the start of DT's but I'm not a medical professional. PPQ


          Delerium Tremens?

          Sounds more like a psychosis than DT's


            Delerium Tremens?

            i've had medically complex withdrawal after two days of binging. it can happen, and it's more likely if you've been there before and had DT's in the past. the hippocampus portion of the brain accumulates these episodes and they get worse every time we take a fall. the good news is that after a 2 day bender the symptoms should dissipate within a few days with good nutrition, hydration and rest.
            if they don't then I'd consult a reputable 'functional medicine' doctor that can do a comprehensive bloodwork and get under the hood, so to speak on your situation. best of luck to you!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Delerium Tremens?


              I have had DTs and visual and auditory hallucinations from withdrawal.

              As Det says, they get worse each time.

              I've never had them after a few days, though.

              A checkup with the doctor is a good idea.

              Good luck,
              AF April 9, 2016


                Delerium Tremens?

                Thanks, everyone. I did not go into delerium like I did last time where I was totally paranoid and pacing. Just those weird thoughts for a brief hour. I drank low sodium v8 which has tons of potassium and took magnesium. I don't know if it is DT's (it's not psychosis accordingt to doctors), but I hope the fear that it was will help me stop drinking. I drank heavily for two days. I just wanted to know if you can have DT's minus shaking and tremors.


                  Delerium Tremens?

                  AFAIK you can get minor hallucinations from withdrawal so maybe that is what was happening with you, and the amount of alcohol you were withdrawing from was pretty substantial. I think you reallly need to see your doc as others have suggested and get some bloodwork done to see where your body is at, and get your electrolytes checked again (which your doc obviously did when he discovered the potassium), they're pretty important to your nervous system and if you have a history of vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, etc from drinking they can easily go out of wack so I think you need to get them rechecked and just get a good work up done by your doc.

