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Hi Everybody, new here

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    Hi Everybody, new here

    I am so glad I stumbled on this website. I've never been on a forum or in a chat room before. Roberta Jewell's story so resonated with me, so like my own. I have been struggling for years. I used to always have an evening glass of wine or two with my husband (with three kids, it was a nice romantic ritual and we didn't have to leave home). It was pretty much under control for quite a few years, until the kids left home. During this time my mother also died. So many years of having people to take care of. I guess it was a loss of purpose and of being needed....

    Well, things started to go downhill with the drinking, got really bad, year after year of 12 step meetings, with only short periods of sobriety attained. Finally, after another hellish withdrawal, I got 'Seven Weeks to Sobriety' and incorporated all of her recomendations, amino acids, etc. etc. I started on a 'no white stuff' diet, cutting out all flour,sugar, pasta, potatoes, rice, as well as fruit and most grain.

    I also found a new daily meeting I liked better than most and started attending everyday, just out of desperation. I was never a gung-ho 12 step person. Well, long story short, the diet and supplements not only helped with the cravings and healing, but I dropped 30 pounds in two months. Was able to put together two years of sobriety. An absolute miracle. Then it all fell apart again., and have been struggling ever since.

    Am on day two and am ready to drink the mouthwash. I have taken every supplement recommended, except kudzu, and then some. What used to really help a not-too-horrendous hangover was to have several glasses of water with lots of squeezed lemon in it and a GABA with B6. Some slow, deep breathing. But nothing seems to be working this time. Still shaking and sick......

    I've got to run out and get cigs. I had quit for over twenty years, but in desperation, took it up as a crutch, without which I don't think I would have gotten those two years of sobriety. Be back in five. Great, now I have an alcohol and a nicotine problem!

    Sorry this is so long. I have spent hours on this site, just reading. I so dreaded another return to 12 step meetings. Having to put my hand up again for another 30 days as a newcomer, enduring all the lectures..... (Gee, an alcoholic took a drink....who saw that coming!)

    Everyone here seems so kind and supportive. No judging, no lectures, no dogma. Allowing each person to find their own way, just sharing what works for you. So glad to be able to get strength and encouragement from you all. Isolation is the worst. Many, many thanks!
    AF since 12/2/12

    Hi Everybody, new here

    Hi Almost Free,

    I'm new here too. I've managed 3 weeks today. I hate the withdrawal symptoms. Shaking, vomiting, crying. I tappered off several times and then that was it. I knew I had a real problem. I've read the posts on this site for a long time. It seems to be a positive place. Make it until bedtime! Wishing you good dreams and no night sweats.

    ~ a nurdl of hope
    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


      Hi Everybody, new here

      Thanks nurdl for your kind words and encouragement. I know there is somewhere I can go now, instead of isolating and finally giving up and going out to get something to dull the withdrawals. I'm actually starting to feel a bit better than earlier. Took some more glutamine. Also drank a 'green' drink and took several niacin and some milk thistle. Maybe everything I've been taking all day has been accumulating and is finally making a difference. I'm determined to get through the night without going out to get something. God, it's great to start feeling human again! Thanks again for your kind words.
      AF since 12/2/12


        Hi Everybody, new here

        Welcome almost free (and nurdl)!

        Yes this is a great place to learn about others' stories - there is always so much we find in common, and helpful to know we are not alone in this struggle. Also this site is great for tips on formulating your plan. The (toolbox) is a great place to look for ideas.

        Have you eaten enough tonight? Hunger can be a powerful trigger. Also, picture how you will feel tomorrow when you wake up ready to start Day 3.

        Good luck!
        AF since 6JUN2012


          Hi Everybody, new here

          Hi Pixie,

          I'm just going to go fix myself something to eat. That 'green' drink really seemed to help soothe things down. Finally! It looks horrible and doesn't taste very good, but it's full of all kinds of certified organic greens, digestive enzymes and probiotics. Eveything but the kitchen sink in it. Also, maybe all the glutamine, niacin and water with lemon finally had an effect. It would indeed be wonderful to get through the night without the sweats and shakes and wake up feeling feeling human on day 3. It was really touch and go there for most of the day. I feel better now and I'm pretty sure I will be ablel make it through the evening without going out for 'relief'. Thanks for your kindness and encouragement.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Hi Everybody, new here

            hello almost free,im new too,actually ive been lurking here for a while just reading,its nice to read other peoples experiences how their drinking escelated,what made them wanna quit,how they quit etc. its nice to know were not alone,keep us posted!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Hi Everybody, new here

              Welcome. I too find encouragement & strength when I come here. Good luck.
              Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
              Author Unknown :h

              AF - Sept 4, 2012
              10 days - Sept 13, 2012
              2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
              Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
              AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
              Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                Hi Everybody, new here

                Thanks all! And paulywogg and bouchard01, glad I'm not the only one having to start over again. I give us all credit that we do keep trying to move forward, no matter how many times we have fallen. We've all known the intense suffering of withdrawal, the sweats, shakes, dry heaving, the despair. The difficult road is made easier with the understanding and support of so many of the people at MWO. And it's wonderful to get feedback on what's working (or not) from so many different people. Finally, time to call it a night. Glad day two is almost over and still AF. Goodnight all!
                AF since 12/2/12


                  Hi Everybody, new here

                  Just wanted to say welcome Almost Free. I dont think there is a person here who hasnt fallen at sometime along the path. You have proven before that you can do this and you can do it again.

                  Keep safe
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Hi Everybody, new here

                    Hi Almost Free and welcome

                    This site is a great supportive place.

                    I'm on my second serious quit now and have just got to 7 AF months. My evening wine drinking pattern sounds very similar to yours. You can read my full story in the My Story section.

                    Look forward to seeing you around.


                      Hi Everybody, new here

                      Hi All,

                      And thank you KTAB and Sausage for your words of welcome.

                      I'm starting day 3. Got about 5 hours sleep. No sweats, thank God, but got up with major anxiety and internal shakiness. Just took some l-glutamine and a GABA plus B6 with several glasses of water with fresh lemon squeezed in it. (amino acids should be taken on an empty stomach). Lemon helps not only to detox the liver, but it helps to alkalinize the system. And the water hydrates. I find it very soothing to my system and usually start feeling better within an hour. Slow, deep breathing helps a lot, too.

                      I heard that the reason for the hangover headache is the shrinkage of the brain tissue due to dehydration. The shrinkage causes the brain to pull away from the skull and it is the stretching of the connecting tissues that causes the pain. I never used to get a headaches, probably because the wine would make me so thirsty in the night I would keep a 2 litre bottle of water next to the bed. It would be gone by morning. (The water and maybe the headache I might have had.

                      Another strange tip which seems to run counter to the hydration theory above, is that a few sips of coffee would take away a hangover headache. It's funny, only once do I remember a major hangover headache, not long after reading about the coffee. I am not a regular coffee drinker, but managed to find some instant coffee in the cupboard. After just a few sips of coffee, the headache was gone. Strange. Don't know if this would work for anyone else. I really don't have a lot of experience with hangover headaches, probably due to the major hydrating the wine drives me to.

                      Good luck to all and thanks for all the support on MWO, especially for those of us in the first difficult days of withdrawal.

                      Like many others, I fell for the idea that, well, I got sober for two years, I can get sober again. Just a small 'break' from sobriety and I'll start back again. Not as easy as I thought. It has taken years for me to 'get back'. And I'm still struggling. I made the mistake of 'romancing the drink', though God knows why. The bad times certainly outweighed the good ones by ten to one. I guess it was the addiction talking.
                      AF since 12/2/12


                        Hi Everybody, new here

                        :welcome: to both of you.

                        You seem to have a plan in place and I wish you the best. It's a difficult beast to slay for sure. Stay with us and post and read whenever you feel vulnerable.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Hi Everybody, new here

                          Hi Almost Free,

                          Just wondered how your doing today? I take Kalms and Valarian for the shakes and anxieties when I was sobering up. Valarian tea is also good, if you can stomach the taste of green juice you'll have no probs with Valarian lol!

                          I hope your doing well, please post and let us know your ok, thinking of you & sending :l
                          I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                          But I can change the direction of my sail.

                          AF since 01/05/2014

                          100 days 07/08/2014


                            Hi Everybody, new here

                            gidday. you wont have to worry about hangovers or any other bulldust when ya get of the sauce and stay off. good luck.

                            'fucked if i'm bowling in these conditions'. (bill lawry)


                              Hi Everybody, new here

                              Hi Autumn,

                              Thanks for your kind follow up. I will look into the kalms and valerian tea. Thanks. I lasted until day 10, then ended up going out due to having a very low day, with all the raw nerves and emotions out of control. Overreacting to everything and getting myself in such a state I was actually going to cry. Enough, I said and headed out for the wine. Then proceeded to go on a four day bender. Feel like hell, but am starting over again at day one. Haven't had a drink today. Try, try again. The only way forward. Thanks you for your kind thoughts. Wish I could report better news, but this is where I am today. Bless you.
                              AF since 12/2/12

