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Help for myself my daughter :(

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    Help for myself my daughter :(

    My 30ish daughter is alcoholic, she has physical symptoms when she stops. She went to rehab & had 4 months sobriety. She started drinking again when she tried dating. She told me today, she wants to do a weekend detox. I have done some googling on my city for a place but most say 3-5 days. Is this something she could do on a weekend or what kind of DR would help her do it at home? I have looked up addiction psychiatry, but I am sure it would be weeks to get an appt. What kind of supplements would help also? She just got a new position at work & can't take off work. Plz help!

    I am also alcoholic, all females in my family are. We all look good on the outside but are a hot mess on the inside. I also carry alot of guilt, shame, self-loathing because of all this. I also retired/buy out in Feb & now realize that gave me too much time to think & drink. I am now in a depression. I can stop drinking w/o detox, but just a thought comes & I am at the liquor store again. I have tried all sorts of meetings, etc. I do know that I have to stop this hell & find a way out! For me & my family. I hope I will not be judged, but I just can't get a grip on this. Plz help!

    Help for myself my daughter

    Hi Colomissy,
    I am just running out, but wanted to welcome you. You've come to the right place. Nobody judges here. I'm pretty new myself, but I spent hours reading the various threads, before I had the courage to sign in or post. Everyone is very welcoming here.

    There are many strategies and lots of info on meds, vitamins, supplements, etc. Everyone just sharing encouragement and support and what worked for them. No judgement, no lectures, no dogma.

    Spend some time checking out the various threads. I'm sure you will feel at home in no time. There is so much good advice here. Things that have been tried successfully by many people here. Hope you and your daughter will join us and find friends and a family here.
    AF since 12/2/12


      Help for myself my daughter

      P.S. there are also many tips on getting through the withdrawals. If you can get a doctor to prescribe some ativan or valium, that would help tremendously with the shakes, etc. Nothing long term, just to get over the worst of it. I have never been through an official detox, but tons of water, with lots of lemon squeezed in it, some l-glutamine and GABA (with B6 added) (both on an empty stomach) helps a lot. Also niacin is supposed to help with cravings, all of these are immediately available at any health food store. Another thing I found very helpful, if you can stomach it, is an organic green drink. I take Green Vibrance. It really calms my system down after a binge. There is a website, doctor that has a lot of info, too. Click on alcoholism. Plenty of good advice here on MWO as well. There are even some people who have needed to taper off, with beer, for example, if that is the only way to come off safely, for those who can't get medical help in detoxing and are afraid of going cold turkey. One more thing that was very helpful, a book: Seven Weeks to Sobriety, by a woman named Joan Matthews Larson. I'm sure it would be available at the library. Good luck!
      AF since 12/2/12


        Help for myself my daughter

        almost free;1392118 wrote: P.S. there are also many tips on getting through the withdrawals. If you can get a doctor to prescribe some ativan or valium, that would help tremendously with the shakes, etc. Nothing long term, just to get over the worst of it. I have never been through an official detox, but tons of water, with lots of lemon squeezed in it, some l-glutamine and GABA (with B6 added) (both on an empty stomach) helps a lot. Also niacin is supposed to help with cravings, all of these are immediately available at any health food store. Another thing I found very helpful, if you can stomach it, is an organic green drink. I take Green Vibrance. It really calms my system down after a binge. There is a website, doctor that has a lot of info, too. Click on alcoholism. Plenty of good advice here on MWO as well. There are even some people who have needed to taper off, with beer, for example, if that is the only way to come off safely, for those who can't get medical help in detoxing and are afraid of going cold turkey. One more thing that was very helpful, a book: Seven Weeks to Sobriety, by a woman named Joan Matthews Larson. I'm sure it would be available at the library. Good luck!
        Ditto, AF, particularly Joan Larsen and RJ's books and supplements. Saved my life!


          Help for myself my daughter

          A few years ago I went into the ER to detox...drank too much. They did not have any room so they sent me home. Told me to take potasium, magnesium & b complex. I was also told (at the time by someone here who went thru w/drawal) to take Benedryl. It'll make you sleepy so that you can sleep it off.
          Always have someone around when you detox at may puke, need more water, need help going to bathroom etc. Since you can't keep food down (b/c of the nausea) you'll become weak.
          I found watching funny sitcoms helps keep your mind off of detoxing.

          Hope this helps.

          p.s. When I detoxed off of vodka, I tapered off by having a beer here & there so that my body did not go into shock.

          I'm not a dr. but these were my experiences & I have done several home detoxes in the last 15 yrs.
          My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves me altogether.

          "When enough is enough, that's when you know your half way there"-Tim Mcllrath


            Help for myself my daughter

            Thanks everyone, my daughter is suppose to call her regular DR today & see if she can't get some medication for detox. She lives with her older sister & we will make sure she is not alone. We are hoping for this weekend, so a little nervous. I am a worry wort big time. She doesn't get severe withdrawal symptoms, but some. I am on Day 2 & will start antabuse tomorrow. I have a busy week, so that helps staying busy.


              Help for myself my daughter

              Good luck with everything.
              My dr. would not put me on antabuse b/c of so many reactions to other things (ie. hairspray, perfumes, mouthwash, certain vinegars, food etc) . He gave me a huge list. It may not be for everyone but for me I checked off much of the list so basically I would a hermit eating nothing but organic grass root (just kidding).
              So instead I learned to stay busy & keep busy. When that time to think of a drink (or go to the store to buy some) I'd do something else to keep me away from those thoughts. The alcoholic brain will make you do so many things that the sober brain does not.
              I'm at my second "oops" this year & it sux. You would think it would sink in. I look foward to the future for a sober life. Some people go thru their mid-life crisis~I look forward to my mid-life sobriety.

              Wishing you the best.
              My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves me altogether.

              "When enough is enough, that's when you know your half way there"-Tim Mcllrath


                Help for myself my daughter

                I hope you can see a doc and get some help for're in a tough situation and it sounds like you both need lots of support. Reach out as much as you can-the help you need is out there!!! :-)
                "Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment -Eckhart Tolle"


                  Help for myself my daughter

                  Hi colomissy and :welcome: Don't have much to add but wanted to wish you well in your own recovery and also send good wishes to your daughter. When I came off of about 30 years of daily drinking, I detoxed at home without meds. (not necessarily recommending this, LOL!) there are some links in a sticky post at the top of this "Need Help ASAP" section that describe things to watch that are dangerous as someone detoxes. My husband kept a close eye on me and kept that list in hand so he would know if he should take me to the hospital.

                  I'm sure you already know how dangerous detoxing from alcohol can be. (deadly) Be careful.

                  Best wishes..

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Help for myself my daughter

                    colomissy - I could really relate to a couple other things you said.

                    Looking OK on the outside and a hot mess on the inside. Me too. For years and years. I finally quit my corporate job in my late 40's before getting fired for drinking - it was really catching up with me by then. I thought without my A-hole boss, the drinking situation would improve. Well, with more time on my hands, it didn't. By the end I was pouring drinks instead of coffee to get the day started, and it was downhill from there. Too much time on my hands made things worse, not better.

                    With the help of this site and the recommendations in the My Way Out book (diet, exercise, supplements, hypnosis CDs - I took a pass on the Topamax) I got my start. Things were rocky with relapses during the first year. About 8 months of that time was just a big relapse with occassional days of sobriety mixed in. But I finally got it. I also go to AA now and the combo of all these supports has gotten me to 4.5 years of sobriety.

                    I truly believe you and your daughter can do it too. I hope you will spend some time trolling around this site and getting to know people - seeing how people have gotten free. It's not easy, but so worth it.

                    Good luck again..

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Help for myself my daughter

                      Best of luck to you and your daughter. It is very hard, but well worth it.
                      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

