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Tapering off vodka for first time
Tapering off vodka for first time
change=freedom;1398184 wrote: Thank you Alcoholic, Doggygirl and paula. I'm not doing too bad, physicallyToday is DAY 1 alcohol-free...! Psychologically and emotionally I feel pretty beaten up. The taper was difficult on all levels but I did it. I feel rather tormented about where I'm headed though. I haven't read the Tool Box thread for a couple of days, so will head over there right now. I find it really helpful. Thanks again, I really appreciate you guys thinking of me.
Tapering off vodka for first time
kuya;1398200 wrote: At the beginning you mentioned anxiety as your reason for drinking. I found GABA wesome for anxiety, as is inisotol , rather than antiDs which you don't want to take.
Tapering off vodka for first time
hi ChangeFreedom....One of the great ways to release anxiety is physical exercise, as gruesome as it may sound at this point. Even a short walk is good. Also litle treats, like a hot chocolat, or an icecream cone, it may sound kind of improbably and contradictory but the combination of pleasant disractions, and working off steam is really good at relieving anxiety. First the exercise, THEN the treat, natch.
You are doing REALLY WELL.... The longer you keep it up, the easier it gets.
Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
Status: Happy:h
Tapering off vodka for first time
Kaslo;1398330 wrote: hi ChangeFreedom....One of the great ways to release anxiety is physical exercise, as gruesome as it may sound at this point. Even a short walk is good. Also litle treats, like a hot chocolat, or an icecream cone, it may sound kind of improbably and contradictory but the combination of pleasant disractions, and working off steam is really good at relieving anxiety. First the exercise, THEN the treat, natch.
You are doing REALLY WELL.... The longer you keep it up, the easier it gets.
Tapering off vodka for first time
Well done! Make sure you read the Tool Box, and start thinking about repairing your system as soon as you can. Right now you are surviving. Healing. Getting past the big hole in the ground you can fall back into. Hey. If I can do it, you can!! :goodjob:Kaslo
Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
Status: Happy:h
Tapering off vodka for first time
change=freedom;1398306 wrote: Thanks kuya, I hadn't heard of inositol before. I think I'll get some. I've taken 600mg of GABA today. Don't know if it's doing much, then again, if I hadn't had it I might feel even more anxious than I do now. I'll keep taking it until I finish the bottle and then decide how I feel about it.
That feeling is soooo tiring and I medicated it away with alcohol ( I mean I did when I was drinking, this time I bought some more GABA)
I have only just started the inisotol so we can swap notes on that one buddy