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Tapering off vodka for first time

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    Tapering off vodka for first time

    Tapering off vodka. Scary business.

    Tapering off vodka for first time

    Welcome Change, I too am addicted to vodka. Luckily for me I do not get withdrawal symptoms other than sever b!tchyness. I have tried quitting a million times to no avail. I am again back on day 1 but going full speed ahead. This website is really awesome and I know that someone will be able to give you advice on the head pains. I have read on other sites in the past about tapering off but I am not that type of alcoholic. If I have one shot, I have a hundred. Good luck and welcome to MWO. I hope you'll find this site as invaluable as I do. There is more support here then you could ever ask for!
    One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


      Tapering off vodka for first time

      Thanks for the warm welcome imaquitter28. Best of luck to you in quitting as well.


        Tapering off vodka for first time

        As my husband calls me: I am the vodka queen. He is a social drinker & I am a chronic drinker. I love my vodka & it sux.
        As to w/drawal~I found that having a beer here & there to take the edge off. It will take a week to get those feelings to go away (ie. edgy).
        I know what you are going thru...have done this same circle over & over again. Stop the ride I want to get off.
        Just know you are not alone.
        My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves me altogether.

        "When enough is enough, that's when you know your half way there"-Tim Mcllrath


          Tapering off vodka for first time

          change=freedom;1394399 wrote: Thanks for the warm welcome imaquitter28. It's reassuring to hear you've found support on the site. I hear you about quitting and starting up again, I too have done that a million times. That's one of the reasons I'm worried about starting up again once I shake this darn monkey off (I like your signature, '...get this monkey off my back'). I want to make this time different but I'm not sure how yet. I'll figure it out. Getting involved in this community can only help. Best of luck to you in quitting as well.
          Hi change and :welcome: I was a wine-o before I became a vodka-o. Can relate.

          I'm sure you already know how dangerous it is to detox from alcohol, especially when you have the experiences you described. Is there anyone with you who is keeping an eye on you??? Not to sound like a nagging mother type but if I had known that alcohol withdrawal can potentially kill, I would have done it in a hospital I think. Just be careful, OK? :l

          That said...

          You are wise to recognize the need to figure out changes so that alcohol is no longer your "go to" when you want to change how you feel. It took me quite a while to figure it out. The most important thing is to manage to not drink one day at a time so you can heal and discover new ways to relax, etc. Are you thinking about seeing a doc regarding the anxiety?

          Good luck!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Tapering off vodka for first time

            Thanks for your support Eva and Doggygirl, it's super-comforting to find people like you who know how it feels.

            Thanks guys for your support, I really appreciate it.


              Tapering off vodka for first time

              Hi Change, DG is right to suggest seeing a doctor is wise. Keep the water intake up as much as you can, try short walks, not too strenuous, but with the kind of symptoms you are showing, i would seriously check out medical advice on this if you can. They HAVe to keep it confidential. In the moderation part of this website there is a tool box thread, its invaluble. You CAN do it, you CAN get better, and enjoy your life again.

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                Tapering off vodka for first time

                Hi Kaslo, thanks for your advice. Thanks for the encouragement and support too.

                p.s. I found the tool box sticky, thanks very much!


                  Tapering off vodka for first time



                    Tapering off vodka for first time

                    Whoops don't know what happened there. Hope you are over the worst symptoms by now Change, if not do seek medical advice. The toolbox is useful, Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on, we have all been where you now are.


                      Tapering off vodka for first time

                      Thanks Paula, I'm definitely faring better than before I'm still steadfastly tapering although I've slowed it down a bit. Thanks to you and Kaslo for pointing me towards the tool box thread, I've only read through a few of the pages and already my mind is whirring on how I can get going on some of the suggestions. Fantastic resource.


                        Tapering off vodka for first time

                        Hope you are doing better and better. Sounds like you re on your way to recovery and progress! I thank God for directing all of us to this site!
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          Tapering off vodka for first time

                          Hi change=freedom. Hope you are still working at getting free. Never give up. The only way to fail is to stop trying.

                          We are here, and stronger together than we could ever be alone.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Tapering off vodka for first time

                            Hi Change, just wondering how you are doing. Hope your ok.


                              Tapering off vodka for first time

                              Thank you Alcoholic, Doggygirl and paula. I haven't read the Tool Box thread for a couple of days, so will head over there right now. I find it really helpful. Thanks again, I really appreciate you guys thinking of me.

