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I could use a little info.

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    I could use a little info.

    Hello all! I am a newbie to MWO. I'm a combat veteran who has been self-medicating with alcohol for eight years in order to help with PTSD. I know (and have known) that this is not the answer. It became a huge issue when it became fun. Now it's a major addiction. I drink nearly one liter of vodka per night. The danger is increased by the addition of Celexa to combat anxiety and depression, which are made worse by consuming alcohol. Vicious circle... Anyway, I wish to quit drinking. I want my old life back. To have the desire to go places and do things would be a blessing.

    My concern is in how I should go about it. Cold turkey, or taper? Meds (I don't like meds) or no? I understand Celexa is sometimes given to curb withdraw symptoms anyway. Potential bonus! I haven't had a drink in the last 51 hours and have only slept for about three of those. I had a headache this morning, which Tylenol has cured. I'm having some minor muscle spasms, a few weak hot flashes, one or two auditory hallucinations (sounds like bees buzzing). Heart rate has been fine, nausea has diminished, no brain zaps and so far, no chest pain.

    Should I just continue cold turkey and hope nothing gets worse? I know I'll sleep eventually and the other lesser debilitating symptoms will diminish. I just don't want things to get any worse. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks all!

    I could use a little info.

    Only my personal opinion but going from one bottle to zero and with your symptoms seems a little unsafe. I drank half a bottle of vodka daily and started due to PTSD, but have you got someone with you?


      I could use a little info.

      Hi Vet
      I know nothing about withdrawal, but there are many here who do.
      I have quit drinking, finanlly, with no meds. I tried them all, but could not stand the side effects.
      Much love and support friend, and thank you for your service to our country!

      Can't the local VA help you??
      Also, Techie is a beloved member of our community and he suffered from PTSD. You may want to PM him,,,,,
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        I could use a little info.

        Hi again Vet, I can see you are still logged in and hope you are OK and just reading posts.

        Gotta go to bed now, but this place livens up about soon when the stateside people come on line.
        If your symptoms worsen go to the ER, but I am sure there will be loads more advice here soon.

        Good luck, be safe. KY


          I could use a little info.

          kuya;1398524 wrote: Hi again Vet, I can see you are still logged in and hope you are OK and just reading posts.

          Gotta go to bed now, but this place livens up about soon when the stateside people come on line.
          If your symptoms worsen go to the ER, but I am sure there will be loads more advice here soon.

          Good luck, be safe. KY
          Sorry about that, KY. I was indeed going through the threads. I do have my wife and children around most of the time. Plus, living on a military installation keeps help pretty close. Thank you for your concern!


            I could use a little info.

            mama bear;1398513 wrote: Hi Vet
            I know nothing about withdrawal, but there are many here who do.
            I have quit drinking, finanlly, with no meds. I tried them all, but could not stand the side effects.
            Much love and support friend, and thank you for your service to our country!

            Can't the local VA help you??
            Also, Techie is a beloved member of our community and he suffered from PTSD. You may want to PM him,,,,,
            The VA does provide benefits, however it takes quite awhile at times to be seen (weeks). Not to mention I am usually handed off to a social worker who is less educated on the fundamentals of my conditions than I am. If they didn't Google an answer to every question I had, I would be much more comfortable with their help.
            Thank you so much for your concern and support. Your ability to quit with no meds is an inspiration!


              I could use a little info.

              I went through a detox unit myself, however, I've been told by fellow recovering alcoholics that honey and orange juice helped them while detoxing.

              Good luck to you!


                I could use a little info.

                Just wondering how you are today Vet? Are the symptoms getting less?
                Keep reading and posting matey, there really is a way out of this mess, honest!


                  I could use a little info.

                  hi vet x

                  hi vet ,, hope you are well today,,, i ditto all the above advice,, i wouldnt recomend you going cold turkey,, it can be dangerous and wont be pleasant,,,, keep us all posted on here , we are all here for you hun xxx
                  i suffer from ptsd also,,, been not dealing with it for 20 years now!!! first i turned to drugs,, wasnt a drinker at all,, got addicted to heroin,,, then get clean , then started with the booze!!!
                  in my opinion,,, al is harder to kick,,, theres so much more help for addicts on class a than booze,,, its so so wrong,, when , my opinion again,,, al is worse,,,
                  so,,, try to get something to help you,, can you try your gp?? in uk,, they give you chloradiapoxide,, to help with craving,, and sleepers to give you the chance to rest whilst detoxing,,, its usually only a 2 week course,, then you get a lower doseage each visit,,, it was the only way i could do it,,, the hardest ,, is staying off it,,, this is when you need extra help ,, from yr loved ones,,, like going for walks,, bike rides,, anything to keep you motivated and exercise is such an important factor, it makes you feel good and helps you slepp easier at night cos youve burnt off some excess energy,,, i love reading , and would recomend that too.
                  i dont want to sound condasending in anyway,, but please dont go cold turkey,, it might hurt you,, and your worth more than that to us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  keep coming here for a chat,, and hope you try to relax xxxx
                  im thinking of you hun xxxxx
                  sweetlips xxxxxxxx:l:h


                    I could use a little info.

                    also vet,,, try drinking red tea,, it has detoxing properties and is a sedative,, its totally herbal,,, pop a l;il bit of honey to taste,xxxx also if you want herbal sleepers,, try valerian,, it helped me,,, hope you ok xxxxx


                      I could use a little info.

                      I also wanted to say THANK YOU for serving our country!


                        I could use a little info.

                        The army thread is not for vets, it's a name they gave themselveds to arm up against beating alcocohl.We have had many vets on here with PTSD and Techie is brilliant person

                        Good Luck My Friend.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          I could use a little info.

                          Hi, Vet,

                          I don't know anything about serious withdrawal symptoms, and can't help you, but I want you to know I wish you well.

                          This may not be an option, but can you go to an off-base doctor or ER so you can get some help quickly, rather than waiting for VA to help? We all know the VA isn't well-funded, and the help isn't necessarily the best.

                          As far as I'm concerned, vets should be able to walk into any doctor's office or hospital and get immediate, free treatment.

                          Many thanks,:l

                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            I could use a little info.

                            Doing Well

                            Thanks for all of the input and support. I still haven't had a drink since I decided to stop. I have no symptoms to speak of and feel much better. I don't go through the day feeling nauseated until I start drinking again. The first day was the only day that had any effects, and I believe that was mainly due to lack of sleep more than anything else.

                            I believe the mind is a very powerful thing. When I decide that I want to be in charge of my life rather than alcohol, it should be so. I know I'm nowhere near the light just yet. That would be naive. However, I do feel that I finally have both hands on the reigns. There have only been two cravings to speak of, but now that I see alcohol as an enemy, I take pleasure in resisting it's calling. I haven't had an enemy beat me yet.

                            Thanks again ya'll!! Take care of yourselves.


                              I could use a little info.

                              Thanks from me also, Vets...I'm so glad you are feeling better! I would like to invite you over to the Newbie's Nest where we have folks in ALL stages of their quit! We have a couple on Day 2 just like you! This site is a bit hard to navigate in my opinion, but if you'll take your cursor over my name, Byrdlady above with the dot beside it, and left click on that you'll see a drop down ...find All posts by Byrdlady and follow it to the newbie's nest. Also, please notice below in my signature line a link to the Tool Box, there are literally 100's of tips and skills to help you thru these rough first days. We have LOTS of success there!!! We are so glad you found will never be alone here!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest

