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    This is my 3rd day with NO drinking... I have a migrane with seeing squiggly lites etc.. is this normal?


    HI RR,,, I SUFFERD from horrendous migraines for 15 years,, they started when i was 12,,, i know when im gonna have one, as my left eye would go all squiggly,, like u said you have,,, then i would go totally blind in that eye,, then i would have a wave of paralisis going all through my body ,, down the left side and flowing up to the right , until i was completely blind in both eyes ,, pain was horrendous in head, felt sick and then i lose my power of specch,, due to the paralisis,,, which is a nightmare when peeps around you dont know whats happening, i gor rushed into er in spain, i was on holiday and my friends thought i was having a stroke!!!!! due to not being able to talk,,, it was very scary!!!! they just knocked me out for the nite!!!

    no meds helped,, i just knew i had 20 mins from the onset to get to a darkened room and ride it out!!!
    they would last sometimes 2 days,,, so,,, what i did was see if it was my diet,,, the usual,, like choccie , coffee and cheese,, but it was none,,, over the years i knew it was stress related,,, and not eating regulary,,,, one good thing tho,,, i grew out of them and havent had one for ,, toucg wood,,, 14 years now,,,,,
    if you need any more help,, please pm me,,, im a bit of a dab hand at these buggas,,, but dont be scared,, its prob your body just under stress and wanting to shut down for a wee while,,, take it easy and try ginger biccies,,, they help with any nausia ,,,, hope you get better soon,,,, sweets xxxxxxxxxxx




      Thanks, so much! Working thru the headaches/migranes! I know it is from withdrawl but so aggravating but it does keep reminding me that I am NOT drinking !!



        rr,,, have u got any lavender oil? i used to dab a lil on each temple and behind both ears,,, the, eyes, ears and throat are all linked ( im an ex nurse),,, it just used to help relax me,, and soothing too,, plus its a sleepy thing too,,, good luck,, it will pass hun,, but i wouldnt recomend driving or using machinery,, xxx sweets xxxx



          I found I got a lot of migraines when going AF but this was also partly due to some other medication I was taking too. If they continue go see your Dr about it.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13



            I "dont think" its normal to get migraine headaches as part of withdraw symptoms, however what you describe is perfectly normal while having a migraine.

            From time to time I get very mild ones, and the onset of the migraine is......I get sort of tunnel vision. Its like if you were to close your eyes and rub them as if you were itching them, and then open them. Everything is very hard to see, much like the wavy lines you describe. My doctor told me it was called the aura (What Is a Migraine with Aura?)

            That goes away, and then the headache even hurts to blink.......LOL

            Im no expert on withdraw symptoms, everyone seems to be very different on how their body copes, but I do know a little about the migraines.
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




              Hi roadrunner,

              I get migraines, but I did not see an increase when I went AF. But everyone is different, and the triggers for migraines can be varied, so it's not surprising to me that some may have this as a side effect, since your body is going through a lot of changes.

              Evening primrose oil has helped with the severity and frequency of my migraines....just throwing that out there in case you want to try it. It comes in capsules similar to fish oil.
              AF since 6JUN2012

