I am a grad student at a presitgious international school pursuing my masters in Conflict Resolution and Arabic. I speak several dialects fluently and I am mistaken for an Arab whenever I go abroad; Ive spoken the language for over 15 years.
My passion lies with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; since before I learned Arabic (it is so prevalent in my life I often dream in Arabic) I knew my destiny was here. To solidify this was the death of my first love deported from America and killed not a week later by Israeli forces.
I have always known I was destined for greath things and my destiny inhabits the international arena; I also speak French, Turkish and Italian. But alcoholism resides in both my parents and I have an addictive personality; not only do I get shit faced every night buy I smoke several hookah sessions.
I am exhuasted, both by guilt the phsyical and the mental detriments (my memory is shit which in my field I cannot afford.)
This has escalated in the past year; three or four times I fucked up my beautiful 2010 camaro driving and driniking; last time I had her in for repairs I got an aweseome convertible rental;;;;guess what....I fucked that up drinking and driving into two parked cars in a neighborhood.
When I got back to start the semester in Sepbtember I was sober for two weeks and loved it; especially my work ethic but now....I am back at it and each hearing for my court date makes me want to drink more. I think most asbout my mom who has been a saint through all of this...even when picking me up from the drunk bin.
HELP I know I can do AMAZING things sober but how do I get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
