I hope you're feeling better after your surprisingly tough weekend. I'm not nearly as long AF as you are but I felt like I was kind of sailing along and then was brought up short by a drink I wasn't expecting to see last weekend. Anyway, temptation passed and I'm fine but it was a reminder about staying alert and having plans in place.
I try not to "preach" to people in the real world (some people on MWO might think I'm a bit dogmatic but I hope my true meaning and concern come across and at least people here obstensibly want to quit drinking). Anyway, like you I feel like I'm observing some people heading for their doom and it is a challenge to keep quiet. I also am concerned about how many people eat and fear that they are setting themselves up for all sorts of metabolic problems.
But, no one one wants to be told what to eat or drink, right? And I don't like feeling negative and judgmental about others. It brings me down and really, most people are doing the best they can, given what they believe, and some of them will be fine, no matter what they eat or drink.
I disagree with Vale and Carr that everyone who drinks is trapped. It also is possible that at low doses, alcohol has some health benefits (although most data come from observational studies and should not be considered a reason to drink, in my opinion, despite the fact that I used that excuse to justify my behavior for a long time...).
I agree with you that being a non-drinker feels kind of cool. Placing an AF beverage order proudly and clearly feels good. But we live in an ethanol-soaked world and need to be able to get along in it. On the upside, I have noticed that people I am with frequently drink less than before (and definitely eat less sugar :H). For me the best way to go is lead the best life I can given the limits I've set for myself or have had set upon me. Maybe others are observing me like I'm observing them and will make some changes if they like how I'm living. I hope so.
I'll never catch you 199 but one of these days I'll be relatively close!
Take care, NS
Preaching to others, my downfall and I am pulling the reigns in and not doing it anymore, no point talking to drinkers with helpful tips advice because ALL drinkers are in denial.
I have friends who talk obsess about alcoHELL all the time , it's so obvious they have problems , but from now on they gotta do what they gotta do , I am concentrating on my own sobriety and living a better life than when I was poisoning myself with a drug.
Sober is cool, been to many social functions where all around me people's faces are changing and voices are slurring . When you stand back and look at it and see it for what is Being a non conformist is amazingly cool.