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Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..:(

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    Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

    Hi wf. It was a tougher than expected Christmas but I am still sober ! Major milestone getting through this period thanks for your support , nearly at a year I am very happy.
    Sober since 13th January 2012


      Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

      199, good to see your post. You and I have milestones coming right up! I'm glad most of the doings are about done, and we can get back to our routines. Next Christmas will be 1000 times least it was for me, compared to last year. Well done! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

        199days;1433173 wrote: Hi wf. It was a tougher than expected Christmas but I am still sober ! Major milestone getting through this period thanks for your support , nearly at a year I am very happy.
        Each time we make it thru a major milestone or life stressor's we get stronger 199!!!...

        I've learned & am still learning that I don't have to act upon them, or act out when I'm in them. When I'm feeling panicky, angry, stressed, lonely, tired, sad, unsure, or even excited, I don't have to allow my thoughts & feelings to control my behaviors like I did in the past. This doesn't mean I haven't had times where I wanted to.

        I'm very happy that your in control now & no longer living in 'Alcohol Hell' friend!!! That you don't have to pick up ethanol ~ poison to get thru any of life's situations, celebrations, or circumstances. This is how real life is suppose to be lived!!! It's just far to dangerous for people who have a serious problem or somebody like myself who's an alkie to ever drink another drop again imo!!!

        Even those who aren't seriously addicted yet, may be later down the road. I've seen people in my past who were just binge drinkers who thought they didn't have a problem end up with some very serious consequences, including death. This opponent we are facing can beat the shite out of people & innocent ones too!!!...

        We are the lucky & grateful ones, as one of my dear friends here periodically reminds me of. :l

        See you on your big day coming up soon!!! :goodtime: :l


          Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

          Wildflowers;1433697 wrote: Each time we make it thru a major milestone or life stressor's we get stronger 199!!!...

          I've learned & am still learning that I don't have to act upon them, or act out when I'm in them. When I'm feeling panicky, angry, stressed, lonely, tired, sad, unsure, or even excited, I don't have to allow my thoughts & feelings to control my behaviors like I did in the past. This doesn't mean I haven't had times where I wanted to.

          I'm very happy that your in control now & no longer living in 'Alcohol Hell' friend!!! That you don't have to pick up ethanol ~ poison to get thru any of life's situations, celebrations, or circumstances. This is how real life is suppose to be lived!!! It's just far to dangerous for people who have a serious problem or somebody like myself who's an alkie to ever drink another drop again imo!!!

          Even those who aren't seriously addicted yet, may be later down the road. I've seen people in my past who were just binge drinkers who thought they didn't have a problem end up with some very serious consequences, including death. This opponent we are facing can beat the shite out of people & innocent ones too!!!...

          We are the lucky & grateful ones, as one of my dear friends here periodically reminds me of. :l

          See you on your big day coming up soon!!! :goodtime: :l
          too true , I have friends who are getting on a bit who are totally controlled and owned by alcoHELL , but it's not for me to say anything to them. Kind of sad though that they have not worked it out yet that all there problems are being caused by drinking.

          Thing about this sober life, it is so true the more you get into it and the longer you go the more you see and feel the benefits.
          Sober since 13th January 2012


            Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

            199days;1433859 wrote: too true , I have friends who are getting on a bit who are totally controlled and owned by alcoHELL , but it's not for me to say anything to them. Kind of sad though that they have not worked it out yet that all there problems are being caused by drinking.

            Thing about this sober life, it is so true the more you get into it and the longer you go the more you see and feel the benefits.
            Even with all the grief I caused to myself & others (justified or not), I hadn't learned acceptance of my alcoholism. I lied the loudest to myself!!!... I wasn't willing to be 100% honest with myself or others!!! Nobody could tell me either!!! I'm stubborn, rebellious!!!.. Believe me I was told repeatedly from different sources off & on thru the years!!

            I had glimpses & right up in your face truths & realities along the way. The layers of denial run deep for many of us. Along with the fact some of us are self medicating other issues. Some I think it's just their egos that won't allow them to let go. Or a combo. I had it all!! I have to work hard for my sobriety ~ recovery, but not near as hard as I was drinking. I was dieing inside & out!... I'm so happy to be free now. Tho I have to be very careful!.. Addiction is a tricky fecker!...

            All you can do is be a living example to them. Just be very careful with your sobriety 199!!!... Some people are just fine hanging out at parties, bars, venues, or having booze in their homes. Others are later, or never are. Nobody knows you better then you!!! You do whatever's best for you & your sobriety ~ recovery!!!... As I said before I advocate for it all!!!...


              Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

              Sober Christmas and NYE . Mission completed .

              My brother came over tonight he drank two bottles of red wine in the course of a few hours. He went from fresh and happy to dull and repeating himself, alcoHELL .

              Still we had a nice night think I am really bloated on fizzy water though.

              sober is the new rebellious , so cool.
              Sober since 13th January 2012


                Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                199 and wildflowers been reading ur conversation and can relate to how u feel so much, I have probs admitting to myself my prob and have been on and off the wagon so many times I am trying to de-glamourise the alcohol I'm not a daily drinker but when I star whoosh off n running till I end up on my ass then hungover for days!! Not a pretty sight I tell you.....
                Anyway I have taken inspiration from you both
                Thank you

                Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                  Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                  199days;1435679 wrote: Sober Christmas and NYE . Mission completed .

                  My brother came over tonight he drank two bottles of red wine in the course of a few hours. He went from fresh and happy to dull and repeating himself, alcoHELL .

                  Still we had a nice night think I am really bloated on fizzy water though.

                  sober is the new rebellious , so cool.
                  Congrats again 199! First Mission completed. Tho, this sobriety ~ recovery is never finished. Its a journey as we both know.

                  Did I tell you I like calling you 199? It feels like a Bond Movie & your a secret agent. I'm one to. :H

                  Hope you have recovered ~ burped, bloating has passed. If your up to the assignment 199, we have a possible mission. Stella may need our help to recover from alcoHell.

                  When you get a chance please take a jog over to the Newbies Nest, Under Just Starting Out. She has posted there. I think you, I & others may be able to help her recover, if she's serious about getting well, getting her life back. I do believe she's experienced alcoHell.

                  The hope, freedom, happiness & contentment sobriety brings is so wonderful!!!... Even when shite hits the fan we can handle it now!.... There is pain & real life stuff to, but we don't have to drink today "No Matter What ~ No Matter Who" ~ "Not One ~ Not Ever"

                  I did wander over & read your story at the other site. Been over there many times myself. It's a great place to.

                  I'm very happy your daughter is better now 199!!! Very happy you are sober today, you have your life back, your family!!! Your keeping this precious gift of sobriety ~ recovery to!!!

                  If & when I get wobbly, I'm counting on you to kick my butt & set me straight.

                  A few yrs ago our oldest girl fell at work on the stairs. Left work & came home. She barely could drive, in so much pain. Needed her Mom to drive to the hospital. I was drinking. Had to call others. She had a separated Clavicle bone. Still wasn't enough to get me to stop for good. :upset:

                  I'm done Now ~ that's what counts! I'm grateful & free!


                    Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                    Hi 199 Days.
                    I'm only on Day 6 of liberation but I've read this thread from the beginning and can't wait to celebrate your first sober year with you. Its' amazing what you've accomplished.
                    Sobriety is its own reward


                      Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                      Hi Stella , Wildflowers and Kairos , thanks for posting, you people are just great.

                      day 359 . I have posted on the newb thread Stella

                      I am there to help you Wildflowers , you ever get shaky post or message ASAP

                      Have a great week all.
                      Sober since 13th January 2012


                        Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                        Boooooom ! One year sober in about 4 hours

                        What was all the fuss about eh ?

                        Fighting cravings thats what it comes down to, physical addiction is blah .

                        The only thing I can honestly say is do not be scared of being bored, ride out these feelings and EMBRACE the cravings head on then go to war with them.

                        Sobriety gets better the further you go.

                        Stay sober peeps...Target Two years is now fully in operation.
                        Sober since 13th January 2012


                          Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..


                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                            199days;1442377 wrote: Boooooom ! One year sober in about 4 hours

                            What was all the fuss about eh ?

                            Fighting cravings thats what it comes down to, physical addiction is blah .

                            The only thing I can honestly say is do not be scared of being bored, ride out these feelings and EMBRACE the cravings head on then go to war with them.

                            Sobriety gets better the further you go.

                            Stay sober peeps...Target Two years is now fully in operation.
                            Congratulations! :goodjob:


                              Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                              199days;1442377 wrote: Boooooom ! One year sober in about 4 hours

                              What was all the fuss about eh ?

                              Fighting cravings thats what it comes down to, physical addiction is blah .

                              The only thing I can honestly say is do not be scared of being bored, ride out these feelings and EMBRACE the cravings head on then go to war with them.

                              Sobriety gets better the further you go.

                              Stay sober peeps...Target Two years is now fully in operation.
                              Oh every once in a while that addictive voice just likes to play games with you 199, me & I imagine many others in recovery, or not. Lucky you, or better put is your wise, smart now.

                              I think you practice AVRT from Rational Recovery. I read his book years ago. I brush up on AVRT from time to time myself. The thoughts & science behind it makes sense.

                              I disagree with you on the physical cravings tho. Or maybe I've misunderstood your "physical addiction is blah". Too much factual science evidence behind addiction today. Its far to complex & personal to shove everybody into a one size shoe box imo. But, I don't have a problem with agreeing to disagree.

                              Glad your now embarking on your two year AF sobriety mission.

                              All this time I read your Liberated 13/01/2012 as 1/13 thinking your one year AF sobriety anniversary was New Years. Thus why I started your congrats thread.

                              No I'm not dumb. OK only part time. :H I have valid excuses. I drank high octane ~ ethanol ~ poison for multiple decades. Did I mention multiple decades of marriage & raising kids to. Of course I'm just a teeny bit off kilter. I've been told with more sobriety time I will get more of my marbles back & my balance will even out. )

                              Take good care & big congrats on your One Year AF Sobriety Again! It's on ward & up word now friend! :l


                                Over 300 days and Brutal cravings today..

                                WF is so confusing for many of us cos a lot of countries put the day BEFORE the month! I always have to double check a date here.......does my head in when I am tired

