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Last night I've decided enough is enough

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    Last night I've decided enough is enough

    After last night I've admitted to myself that I am drinking too much alcohol finally, basically to cut a long story short, I quit my job that I loved to follow my hubby to a foreign country i have no job and too much time on my hands, I was already a bottle of wine after work girl p, but now things have spiralled out of control, I even will drink in the mornings and by the evening I black out completely and have no memory of the night before, I've now started to worry liver as I'm only 26, I need help urgently to cut down or quit before my hubby leaves me, I hide how much I drink from him on clever ways, but he even thinks the amount he actually sees me drinking is out of control, help!!!!!!!!

    Last night I've decided enough is enough

    You are here and clear about the problem so half the battle is won.

    So :welcome: to MWO, pop onto the newbies nest thread and say hi. This is where a lot of people in the early days of quitting post.

    There is also the toolbox for tips and ideas.

    It is good to have some alcohol free time so you can sort your head out and start to feel well again and it is much easier with the support of others.

    Good luck and hopefully see you there


      Last night I've decided enough is enough

      Hi Anastasia and :welcome:

      I can relate to what you say about drinking too much while working, but REALLY spiraling out of control (including morning drinking) when not working. I went through that too. I thought my boss was making me crazy (and drinking too much) but after I quit my job - holy cow. Before long I too was drinking in the AM and "napping" (passing out) mid day and then starting again when I woke up. Rinse, repeat. Ugh. That is no way to live and you are right - there are health consequences.

      I am so happy to be free of the ball and chain of alcohol. It sounds like you are at a similar place to where I was when I decided I had to stop. I DID stop and you can too. I started by downloading the My Way Out book and starting to implement most of those ideas.

      Good luck to you!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Last night I've decided enough is enough

        It's really awful isn't it, I'm currently living in a foreign country too, so I can't go to the doctor also I'd be to embarrassed to go but this morning after 3 bottles of wine I had a health scare, I've stocked up on alcohol free beer, keeping fingers crossed it works, did you quit cold turkey? I'm worried il never cut down, maybe this site will help ;-/


          Last night I've decided enough is enough

          Hi Anastasia, you have plenty of good advice, once you stop drinking you will feel so much better. Alcohol is a depressant, once out of your system your health will improve. I managed to stop drinking without medical help, it's different for some people, you may be ok, but please read about withdrawal and if you need help do seek it. You are young so hopefully you will not have damaged your liver, which is very good at repairing itself. This site will certainly help you, lots of support and advice.


            Last night I've decided enough is enough

            Ana--I'm in the same boat..moved to another country with my husband and two kids but years ago. I never went back to work and loneliness was definitely a factor for me. I joined a gym and that helped..but still struggling with the alcohol...your much younger than me though..I wish I had smartened up when I was your age..


              Last night I've decided enough is enough

              Thank you, I'm amazed I've even found this website it's amazing, and your right the advice is amazing, 4my kids I feel for you too, it's so not easy I would like to try a month and see what happens, I either want to see if I can be a light drinker ie stay within the healthy units or if that is not possible I plan to stop altogether, I feel like I m out of control t the moment, I worry or my health, I am amazed how much I can hide my problem although I've had a few problems ( broken bones ) via drink I have lost expensive phones fallen asleep on trains ect and I never want o be in that dark place again

              I never want my husband or family to know how much I really drink I'd be so ashamed of myself :-(


                Last night I've decided enough is enough

                I also thought I hid my problem quite well, only when I managed to stop did I realise I fooled noone but myself. My husband and kids knew what I was doing but hoped I would stop, which I did eventually. See if you can do 30 days and then decide whats best. I personally could neverdrink moderately, maybe I could for a while, but it always leads to loss of control. Do take care of your health before its too late.


                  Last night I've decided enough is enough

                  Hi Anastasia and Welcome!

                  You've found a great place for support and advice. Like you, I thought I was doing a darn good job of hiding my drinking, but it turns out I wasn't. My 12 year old (at the time) finally called me out on it, through a tear soaked letter. It broke my heart, but not enough to stop right then. But it planted a seed that eventually grew. I quit for her, but I stay sober for me, which helps us both. If the thought of 30 days seems overwhelming, try 3 days or 7 days, then take it from there. Once the alcoholic fog lifts, you'll be able to come up with a plan. Stick close and let us know how you are!

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Last night I've decided enough is enough

                    Hi there

                    Yes you are right it's day 3 still sober, and my partner said to me yesterday ' are you sure you didn't drink in the day? ' obviously he suspects something, the last couple of nights haven't been quite as bad as I expected only the night sweats are horrendous and I'm waking up 5-7 times a night I'm hoping this will stop, but m not waking up gasping for water like I used to

                    I'm a bit upset that the scales show a 4lb weight gain but as I said in the newbys forum this maybe because I was so dehydrated befor and now I'm drinking water (lots) and I'm going to the gym

                    Im hoping to make it to weekend without a drink I've never done this for 6 years, let's see

                    Ps I've been to the toilet finally I know this is gross and you prob not want to know but everything seems back to normal apart from belly still a bit swollen feels like water :-/


                    Ana x


                      Last night I've decided enough is enough

                      Hi Anastasia and :welcome:

                      You've found a good place here, where you'll get lots of support.

                      You have a double problem; the alcohol and being in a foreign country, where you are lonely and probably bored. I highly recommend reading the My Way Out book and checking out the Newbies' Nest and the tool box. It is great you are going to the gym. Do you have an expat community where you are, any friends?

                      I also wanted to mention that there is another book you can read, called A Portable Identity by Debra Bryson, and it is about how to adapt as an expat wife in a foreign country. You can check it out on the Barnes and Noble or Amazon website. I believe that living abroad and not working presents special problems for women.

                      I know that shame is a huge result of overdrinking. As others have mentioned, your husband clearly knows that something is up. Overdrinking becomes an addiction, and it is not a matter of will or failed morality that makes us keep doing it. So try to love yourself, even if you have this problem.

                      Well done on the three days so far! Keep up the good work, and stay close to this site.

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Last night I've decided enough is enough


                        Yes you are so right about the living abroad place, and I find languages hard to learn :-( so sometimes I just shut myself away from the outside world! I've always drunk alcohol but before hand I felt that although it was a bit too much, I was always in control, I could have days off when I needed to work nights or felt like going to the gym, plus I had a car so I never drank if I needed that

                        Now things have changed, i have got a car, but they drive on the other side of the road and my confidence isn't good enough so my partner always drives it, I have got a few friends ( none of my nationality ) but I do go to the body combat and walking with people albeit not the same as my old friends but they are good people,

                        Right now I'm feeling pretty good and don't think il need a drink today/tonight but come Friday il be craving my wine

