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Is anyone around here today?

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    Is anyone around here today?

    Almost...I feel for you completly and I think I can understand some of your concerns and issues. AL drives us to do things we would never normally do and also it affects our moods and reactions. It has been said before, but loneliness, boredom etc. can be real triggers. Especially if you are somewhere new and feeling isolated. I can understand that. Being away from family and friends and having to deal with new environments do not help our addiction. But I sense from your messages that you have a real sense of hope and drive. Please hold onto that hope and optimism. I lost everything I had to AL - my wife, daughter, job, home...all gone because of my addiction, but I haven't given up hope that I can try to recover...and you shouldn't give up either.

    Everyone else has given wonderful advice...much better than I could give...I am still trying to get through day 2 AL free...but there is a fantastic support community here and you are not alone in this struggle - the only thing I can offer is that please don't give up, don't lose the hope, take it a day at a time and when things get difficult...just post something here. I ramble a lot on here, but it does help...and everyone is here to help.

    Deep inside, you know that you are stronger than the bottle...reach for that strength and reach out to everyone here.


      Is anyone around here today?

      I have to tell you, the first few weeks sober were literally exhausting!!!

      But keep it up, the more time u gain AF, my goodness... I can't describe.. The energy I have, the positivity!!!
      If u can give it time, rack up time.. My goodness u will be a happy being, like u have never knowen!!
      Today I chose to start living!


        Is anyone around here today?

        kuya;1420365 wrote:
        Like me, if you continue this pattern of drinking you will die young and you will have a miserable life between now and then............ Every time you lift a glass or bottle to your mouth accept that it contains embalming fluid, your embalming fluid.
        OMG Kuya That is SUCH a powerful Image!!

        Will put this picture in my tool box as I can hear the JUST ONE voices starting to speak up in my head this holiday.


        ALMOST one thing that helped me was watching those Rain In My Heart Docs...when I wanted to go back and I slowed down enough to think what I was doing as best I could I got on MWO And watched them. Big, sobering images for me. Stay close :l
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Is anyone around here today?

          Hi Kradle,

          That image about the embalming fluid had a very powerful impact on me, too.

          What are the Rain in My Heart docs and where do I find them?

          Today is day 8 and I'm still suffering from a lot of shakiness and weakness. Really struggling today. Can't go back. I just couldn't endure another withdrawal like this last one, but don't know what to do to combat the depression and hopelessness. Woke up in such a panic.

          Trying to stay close, but feel bad to go on newbie's nest, with so many (very well deserved) congrats to Kuya and Allan for their 100 days. Hate to ruin the happy mood talking about my struggles today.
          AF since 12/2/12


            Is anyone around here today?

            Almost free, No one will condemn you I am in your situation also I downloaded Heart of Addiction and it has comforted me. I went to treatment and have struggled since. I'm so glad this forum is here. Keep posting.


              Is anyone around here today?

              Hi ILGirl,

              Thanks for your post. I have the book 'Heart of Addiction' waiting for me at the library on hold, but have been too shaky to drive over there. I'm on day 8 and still don't feel well. This has been the longest withdrawal I've ever had. This has been a pretty low day, got up feeling panicky and still shaky and sick. Just very hopeless and depressed today. I responded to someone struggling over at the newbie's nest, but no one has seemed to post over there for most of the day.

              What kind of treatment did you have? I've never been in any detox or rehab center. Just years of trying to do it at AA. Until I found this site. I did get two years together at one point, but blew that and have struggled ever since, about three years.

              How are you doing today?
              AF since 12/2/12


                Is anyone around here today?

                Almost Free

                Here the link to the Rain In My Heart documentaries:

                I hope you start feeling better soon, drink lots of water - could some of the shakiness be due to dehydration?
                AF since 6JUN2012


                  Is anyone around here today?

                  Hang in there, You can do this!
                  Sending you lots of positive energy and prayers.
                  I hope today is easier for you.
                  Today I chose to start living!


                    Is anyone around here today?

                    Thank you so much pixie and so over it. I appreciate the link. Pretty late, so I'm going to call it a day. Everyone have a good night's sleep and hope tomorrow's better. p.s. I've had about 25 cups of green tea today, trying to detox, maybe it will all kick in tomorrow and I'll feel like a million dollars. One can only hope. Thanks and good night!
                    AF since 12/2/12


                      Is anyone around here today?

                      Oh, I just realized it's already tomorrow, where some of you are. Oh, well.....start of day 9 for me already, technically.
                      AF since 12/2/12

