Thank you mama bear any paulywogg. I will admit I am feeling sorry for myself tonight a bit. Went to my appointment but my worker had heard nothing from the hospital. She blames the holidays. She is gong back to London in a few weeks (where she normally works) which is a shame as she is strong and tells me whats what. I have drunk today, since I got back, secretly away from my partner, but will keep it to less than a bottle. She has asked me to see my doc and talk to him about Narcan or Antabuse to prevent further relapses. Also discussed CBT therapy, which I have agreed to. Sorry to let you and myself down with the drinking. Just frustrated. I just want to know how bad I am and will I live if I manage to stay of the booze. Surely you can't just tell someone your condition could be life threatening and then that's it??? At the end of the day it's in my own hand's. I do appreciate that. But it is a scary lonley place at the mo :/
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Thank you mama bear any paulywogg. I will admit I am feeling sorry for myself tonight a bit. Went to my appointment but my worker had heard nothing from the hospital. She blames the holidays. She is gong back to London in a few weeks (where she normally works) which is a shame as she is strong and tells me whats what. I have drunk today, since I got back, secretly away from my partner, but will keep it to less than a bottle. She has asked me to see my doc and talk to him about Narcan or Antabuse to prevent further relapses. Also discussed CBT therapy, which I have agreed to. Sorry to let you and myself down with the drinking. Just frustrated. I just want to know how bad I am and will I live if I manage to stay of the booze. Surely you can't just tell someone your condition could be life threatening and then that's it??? At the end of the day it's in my own hand's. I do appreciate that. But it is a scary lonley place at the mo :/
Very sorry to hear about your liver Stella, I think I can imagine how you may be feeling at the moment, not knowing how it will go
Reading this has smacked me in the face this morning
I too have been having pains in my liver, under right ribs for about three years on and off, not bad pain, mild, more like a mild soreness, plus fatigue, lots of indigestion, still have appetite though
All my liver enzyme results come back normal. I have regular blood tests. I have also had two ultrasound scans which say the liver is normal
I'm amazed at those results as I drink up to a bottle of wine a day and have periods where I will supplement that with a couple of large spirits and have been doing this daily for over ten years from late aftnernoon, longer really. Only have short periods alcohol free
I'm also overweight, which when I think back, piled on when the daily drinking became the norm
I am convinced it is my liver, ? fatty liver from the booze and fat, and after reading what has happened to you, I know I must put a stop to the madness of keeping drinking
Some Drs have told me liver enzymes can be normal until things get really bad and people can even have no symptons until they are suddenly taken very ill
I just don't get how the scans don't show anything up ???
I really hope things turn more optimistic for you soon
Oh yes New One, I see how that works, I have had some episodes on mornings after drinking, which is like every morning, where I feel panicky, I think it is blood pressure but it could be anxiety. It's scarey and I keep saying well it was white wine, so drink red, don't drive until afternoon, get someone else to drive, you get the picture. If it is blood pressure I'm doing some damage, well guess I'm doing damage. It is time to get off this roller coaster. I'm formulating a plan and want to be a non drinker!
Hi Stella, hang in there-the liver is the most amazing organ. Help it with the excellent advice from Almost about the lemon water and milk thistle. Thanks for sharing your story, we all need to realize we're on the slippery slope. I need to help my liver too. And kidney and bladder. I take d-mannose for my urinary tract and it is amazing. Stops a UTI in its tracks.
Kradle, I went to one of those "optimal health " docs. A lot of money to tell me I'm low in certain minerals and have malabsorption for which he prescribed vitamins and minerals and digestive enzymes. What you say about western medicine is true. As long as you're within Or near the "normal"range, they do. Nothing. Then its either a firedrill or its still 'no problem' because you appear to be alive, I guess that's the main symptom they look for : heart stoppage or lack of breathing are the only attention getting symptoms.
Here's my USA based healthcare experience :
I have had depression, fatigue, hairloss all over my body and they told me I was normal. Five GPs and several dermatologists told me I was fine. Everything I read said they were wrong including a book that explained to me the issue we have as patients in this era. When blood labs became the holy grail for diagnosing it took symptoms off the table. Everyone relies on lab tests and they DON'T show the whole picture. Since the 50's doctors stopped listening and looking at us-they just read the few lab tests insurance will pay for. Last lab slip I checked a few extra boxes and my thyroid showed up as low. And voila! Two weeks of thyroid medal later, my depression is gone with the fatigue. I'd only been saying its my thyroid for ten years...
Stella, its no wonder your doctor is shocked. He probably is in over his head when the tests aren't normal. Mine have gone up and down so take the milk thistle and help your liver recover. That person who gave you that worrying bit of info seems like she wanted you to worry -leaving you hanging like that!
Thank you all Bruunhilde and all. I am still aboutDone a fair few days alcohol free, but had a slip up last nine days. However I have reduced everyday for the last 4 so last night was down to half a bottle of wine. I want to start a period of abstinence tomorrow. Period meaning hopefully forever! Can any of you point me to a similar thread I could join? Hope you are well. And....Bruunhilde I so feel your frustration. Sometimes the medical profession leave me breathless. Nowday's it seems that no credence is given to the very strange thought that us human's do sometimes know our own bodies better than a random graduate! If you repeatedly try to tell what you think is wrong they diagnose you as a hypercondriac, only much time and resources wasted later to agree with you!
Hi Stella!
Why don't you join us over in the Newbies Nest:
It's a great place to check in every'll see there are lots of Newbies and Not-So-Newbies over there! I look forward to seeing you around!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.