K...this is going to get deep. The last time after I was about nine days out of withdrawal. I "hallucinated" that God revealed that He is real to me although for long I had been a doubter. I ended up in the psych ward. Curiously, I thought my addiction had been discovered and I would soon lose my job. I had emails and everything. I begged God to save my job even though, I knew He would have to turn back time, so that the hospital did not report, I was in withdrawal. Time was not turned back though. My job was saved, because I had been DELERIOUSLY and imagined emails, reports from the hospital and conversations. The amazement at that has stayed in me although I never was 100% sure. I have been seeking God prior to my withdrawing. Now, again I feared for the lost of my job due to hauling off an email to my 3rd level supervisor. I prayed for her not to get it, but she did. It ended up not being bad and you couldn't tell I was totally drunk. So, I feel now I know God is real and have been crying and praising him....., but what if this is only the beginning of DT's?
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Withdrawal - Delerium?
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Ok, stopped drinking 92 hours ago and my only withdrawal symptom has been severe night sweats until now. Now my heart is racing at 120 beats per minute and I feel nervous. The last time I stopped drinking, nine days later I had delerium (to include hallucinations). The doctor attributed it to low potassium levels due to the night sweats. I'm afraid delerium will be next. I made an appt with my dr where I am hoping my fast heart rate and nervousness will score me some Ativan or Valium. If not, was thinking about withdrawal with beer. Would this ward off delerium? I think I will be able to maintain the withdrawal. I really don't want to drink ( at least right now.). O. - not going to admit to possible al withdrawal. I don't need that on my record!
K...this is going to get deep. The last time after I was about nine days out of withdrawal. I "hallucinated" that God revealed that He is real to me although for long I had been a doubter. I ended up in the psych ward. Curiously, I thought my addiction had been discovered and I would soon lose my job. I had emails and everything. I begged God to save my job even though, I knew He would have to turn back time, so that the hospital did not report, I was in withdrawal. Time was not turned back though. My job was saved, because I had been DELERIOUSLY and imagined emails, reports from the hospital and conversations. The amazement at that has stayed in me although I never was 100% sure. I have been seeking God prior to my withdrawing. Now, again I feared for the lost of my job due to hauling off an email to my 3rd level supervisor. I prayed for her not to get it, but she did. It ended up not being bad and you couldn't tell I was totally drunk. So, I feel now I know God is real and have been crying and praising him....., but what if this is only the beginning of DT's?Tags: None
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Hi Xwino, it was a relief to me when finally getting everything out in the open. You have a disease,an addiction, and going for proper medical care is really the best option My shame also kept me a secretive drinker - please don't do that to yourself any longer. Get help fast.make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Hi XWino.
If you can't do inpatient you should at least use a doctor for your w/d. If you cannot do that, you at least need to talk to one about meds.
I would suggest librium as your main med but there are lots of options. Valium, etc.
Be careful. I had a seizure when I reduced. I think a benzo would have prevented that.
Alcohol w/d can be deadly. It you have had DT's in the past you better be careful. I am guessing you are a heavy drinker.
Again, at the least talk to a doctor and get some meds. Even order some. Just don't go dry. I don't see using alcohol as you w/d being great. I mean I did it the first time under a doctor's care but I don't like it.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Jessie & Gringo: I understand what you both are saying. I pray, there will be no DT's, but I could not knowingly seek help, knowing that it would cost my job. My husband is not working, I have two five year olds, we would lose health insurance and the chance of me working back in my field would be slim to none untilat least two or three years has gone by and that is only if I go on and acknowledge to my job that I am having an alcohol problem which I am supposed to do. You could say at least my kids will have their mother and that very well may be true, but what if I can get through this privately? Then during my early recovery, I won't have to be struggling with missing alcohol with loss of a job, health insurance and perhaps eventually loss of my house. Yes, that truly would be rock bottom, but perhaps its not necessary. Would it be rock bottom, if I brought it out by telling or would I forever kick myself saying that I could have made it through without ruining things further?
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Is there a way you can procure librium, valium, xanax, ativan, etc?
I understand the privacy. You may beyond privacy though. You definitely want to get counseling. I don't think you should be going this alone. I hope your husband is going to help out.
You need some type of meds at least if you have had DT's before. That tells me you are likely to have issues.
What's worse? Bringing your problems out, facing them, and conquering them or dying from this problem?
I don't mean to give you a hard time but it's serious stuff. People do die from this and that won't help your family one bit.
At least get some meds, listen to your body, and take it very easy. Hydrate, keep calm, and check your BP.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
i didnt know you could have dts that many days sober?I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Withdrawal - Delerium?
paulywogg;1440743 wrote: i didnt know you could have dts that many days sober?
Sorry about that icon but I just never noticed it before and felt obligated to use it.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
After being diagnosed with delerium, I looked it up and it says it can possibly start that late. I am not definite it was DT's, my doctor diagnosed delerium, probably as the result of low potassium. I did have severe night sweats. Regardless, I was sent to a psych ward and don't want that. My dr did not give me Valium or Ativan today. So, no meds. Right now, my heart ha stopped racing. I got some low dodium v8 to help in case my potassium is low.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Gringo, I would have to risk death. My husband is not working. Unemployment wouldn't pay the entire mortgage. Forget about the other bills. No health insurance for me or my kids. I cannot with a clear conscious choose to end my job. I don't want to die and I am not a martyr, but at least if I die, my kids will have some security. A father, home, some money and health insurance.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Well they cannot fire you for it. Well, not right away. Eventually they could get you. I won't pretend it doesn't happen because it does. I get that.
Again, you would have some time. Probably a year or more.
Withdrawal - Delerium?
XWino, I completely understand. The medical assistance would be the best, but do the vitamins including potassium and magnesium (try an epsom salts bath), buy some calm's forte and drink water, gatorade and good food. The holistic healing thread may be helpful too.
I wish you well.Enlightened by MWO
Withdrawal - Delerium?
oh xwino,dont talk like that! i cant believe your doc wouldnt give you anything! usually they love to prescribe everything under the sun,if i were in your shoes if the going gets too rough i would do the beer taper,without some sort of med its probly your safest bet,you seem to be doing o.k.at the moment though,keep us postedI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Withdrawal - Delerium?
All I know is that whatever it takes to stop drinking is worth it!Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
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https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/what-plan-how-do-i-get-one-68554.html How to get a sobriety plan
Withdrawal - Delerium?
Pauly: my dr is usually free flowing with Ativan or Xanax, but by the time I had my appt, my heart rate was only 93.
The best thing I kind of have other than the v8 is seroquel which prevents hallucination. Also, helps me to sleep. Other than that, I have all the supps.