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Withdrawal - Delerium?

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    Withdrawal - Delerium?

    Hi ex wino

    I rarely would recommend these type of sites but you are in a no win situation.
    Do a search for Ativan without rx and try to find one with a return policy a site that your credit card will work with you on. Best, raven


      Withdrawal - Delerium?

      Raven: thanks, that would have been smart to obtain the meds first, but my decision to quit was based on my almost ruining my job. I see how many second chances I got. So far, so good. I am staying hydrated and keeping potassium up.


        Withdrawal - Delerium?

        im glad youre doing o.k xwino!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Withdrawal - Delerium?

          Xwino... I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom, but I wanted you to know that I'm wishing you the best. Hang in there!!


            Withdrawal - Delerium?

            Xwino, hang in there! take full-spectrum B vitamins a couple times per day, especially thiamine. that is critical for protecting the brain during detox.
            for your nerves, magnesium helps a lot. and Vit C to help with the huge oxidative stresses you're going through. those are my 'go to' 3 as well as a prescription benzo such as valium or librium if things get too bad.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Withdrawal - Delerium?

              Take some mineral supplements in high doses to see if that helps


                Withdrawal - Delerium?

                Thanks, all! I am using the b vitamins now. I will have to pick up some magnesium. I went to the dr again today, because heart rate was 128 resting. I got atenolol which is a beta blocker and used like clonidine for alcohol withdrawal. It won't stop seizures or DT's. That's the best I can do without being honest. Tomorrow will be day six. I don't I am in the clear yet. The delerium and hallucinations I had occurred after a week. One day, I will give my testimony. Right now, I don't feel like reaching for the bottle, but my eyes are open to what a nasty, mean, thieving, sneaky, adulteress, family-ruining, sexually permissive person I was. I was a bad mother that took her children on trips for alcohol while I was so disoriented at one point, I had to run back home and get my money, when I went back to the car where I had left the kids, I realized I had gotten into the wrong car. It's a miracle they were not taken from me. Then I would need more alcohol to forget that stuff. I was a slave to the bottle, it was my god. I pray and feel faith that God has lifted me from all of that before I lost everything.


                  Withdrawal - Delerium?

                  That's good. That is a med used for that purpose. Still surprised the doc would not give you librium or something. You would have had DT's by now normally as previously mentioned. At least normally.

                  Wrong cars and kids, yup sounds messy. You are doing the right thing. Good going!


                    Withdrawal - Delerium?

                    XWino;1442019 wrote: Thanks, all! I am using the b vitamins now. I will have to pick up some magnesium. I went to the dr again today, because heart rate was 128 resting. I got atenolol which is a beta blocker and used like clonidine for alcohol withdrawal. It won't stop seizures or DT's. That's the best I can do without being honest. Tomorrow will be day six. I don't I am in the clear yet. The delerium and hallucinations I had occurred after a week. One day, I will give my testimony. Right now, I don't feel like reaching for the bottle, but my eyes are open to what a nasty, mean, thieving, sneaky, adulteress, family-ruining, sexually permissive person I was. I was a bad mother that took her children on trips for alcohol while I was so disoriented at one point, I had to run back home and get my money, when I went back to the car where I had left the kids, I realized I had gotten into the wrong car. It's a miracle they were not taken from me. Then I would need more alcohol to forget that stuff. I was a slave to the bottle, it was my god. I pray and feel faith that God has lifted me from all of that before I lost everything.
                    Yep.... You were acting like an addict. When you quit you will no longer act like that.

                    Keep on trucking and soon that person you hate will be a person you barely remember and a person you can forgive.

                    NOBODY volunteered to be an addict. But we are. Thankfully there is a way out and you have sought and found it.

                    I wish you courage.


                      Withdrawal - Delerium?

                      Well it was seven days and I am back to drinking. The last seven have been so boring, I was holding on by my fingernails. Then an argument with my spouse, he decided he did not need to watch the children and I am in the car with them seeking wine. I do know that is a big trigger for me. So, I just pray to be able to leave it alne tomorrow. I am so hooked.


                        Withdrawal - Delerium?

                        So... You need to take a step. I realize you worry about your job. I did and so did not do rehab.

                        What about meds? Something, anything? You are at the level that if you can find an excuse to drink you will. I am not judging, all alchys are as such.
                        Drink if you are celebrating, upset, happy, bad event. It just does not matter.

                        Please try to keep your kids out of it. Easy for me to say, I don't have any. Just don't, that's all.

                        At the very least start going to AA. Please. Do it for yourself. K?


                          Withdrawal - Delerium?

                          I don't understand why you can't tell your doctor what's going on. Medical records are Private! Your employer is not allowed to access them. Why do you think they would find out and fire you?


                            Withdrawal - Delerium?

                            I hope you will get help. I don't mean to be harsh, but you are getting nowhere by delaying medical help or rehab. I've told you how I got to the place I was at when I finally knew I HAD to get to rehab.
                            "One day at a time."


                              Withdrawal - Delerium?

                              oh xwino i was just thinking about you yesterday,man you made it 7 days! why go back to another day 1, but then why do any of us do it no matter how many days? it sux,i know not drinking is boring sometimes i feel you there,but a hangover and missed time is more boring,i wrote down all of the things i hate about a hangover,i keep it in my purse as a daily reminder,or id be slipping all over the place again,all i can say is get back up girl its time to get ourseves healthy for our kids
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Withdrawal - Delerium?

                                Hi XWino,
                                I've had hallucinations and fits by stopping drinking without meds and apparently there is a 35% risk of death if you do this. I know of people going into detox and drinking a few weeks later, Ozzy Osbourne went into rehab 12 times to no avail. He's stopped now thanks to him coming to his senses.

                                Tapering finally did it for me over a few months, I was lucky as I'm self employed and have savings, I've still not finished but am no longer physically addicted which is the main thing, no matter what.
                                Lash the drummer
                                It's not what you drink, it's how much!

