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Withdrawing and it's ugly.

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    Withdrawing and it's ugly.

    Hi, all

    At the moment I am "tapping off" with beer. Meaning that I try to drink a bit less than yesterday. It's been more that a week of heavy drinking. Two bottles of wine a night. Beer? Seven bottles like nothing.

    I am in a country where I don't have medical insurance or any reliable friends.

    • scattered thoughts;
    • flushed face;
    • some trembling;
    • back pain;heartrate at about 85;insomnia (of course unless I drink to oblivion .drying eyes.

    When I take a gulp of beer my unease lessens a bit, but not to a degree of being healthy. Right now I have two bottles of beer but I know I most definitely will go out at night to buy some more. Any advices? I know that tapping off gradually is safer than stopping abruptly, but how should I manage this better? I really want my out.

    I drink water and take B's. I have 3 pills of xanax, but yesterday a quarter of it under the tongue only made everything worse. My system felt very depressed. Then I went for a walk and felt dizzy all the time.

    Withdrawing and it's ugly.


    It is much safer to go to a doctor and have some meds prescribed to withdraw. Also, with no friends to rely on, you have no one to call in the event you need medical attention asap.

    That said, there was a member here who tapered off alcohol.

    Here is her thread about it:

    Please try to go to a doctor if at all possible. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly due to seizures, strokes or heart attacks. Ativan, Librium and other benzos can make withdrawal much safer.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Withdrawing and it's ugly.

      A Doctor is the safest way, for sure. I did it with tapering down but I had a friend stay with me thru it all. Please take care...YOU ARE WORTH A HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE. That is great info and people on this site that can help you make that happen!
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        Withdrawing and it's ugly.

        hi alarmed,those symptoms are the reason i havent drank since new years,i keep a list in my purse of all the feelings like those and take a peek when im tempted to drink,remember how you are feeling now as a reminder why you want to quit
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Withdrawing and it's ugly.

          paulywogg;1447958 wrote: hi alarmed,those symptoms are the reason i havent drank since new years,i keep a list in my purse of all the feelings like those and take a peek when im tempted to drink,remember how you are feeling now as a reminder why you want to quit
          Pauly, I like that idea of writing it down to read when you're tempted. My friend who stayed with me while I went thru with-drawls filmed me at my worse so if I'm ever tempted to drink again I can see what it was like!
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            Withdrawing and it's ugly.

            Hi Alarmed,
            Only thing you need is vit B and Thiamine to reduce the shakes as you taper.
            I've found the slower you taper the better and as you come down the less you need
            to relax and sleep. Faster I tapered the more I would relapse.
            Keep a record of your units, you're on 44 units same as I was, and taper down as you see fit, I came down 2 units a week.
            Remember Rome wasn't built in a day and if I can do it so can you.
            It's not what you drink, it's how much!


              Withdrawing and it's ugly.

              Hi Alarmed & :welcome: To MWO,

              I've been hospitalized for overdosing on booze & meds. Almost died... I've done in home detox using meds Rxd by my family Dr. 2-3 times. I've also used beer to taper several times, with & without supervision. Last time I had the flu with close to 103 temp. Thought I was going to die. Nearly called 911 here in the USA. I've never had seizures, but had similar symptoms your describing hun. My heart rate & BP very high. I had Atenolol for my thyroid ~ graves disease. It helped a little. It's a beta blocker.... I was alone until hubs came home. He was at the point didn't have much sympathy for me. I was very sick & he was sick of me ( understandable). I know I should have gone to the hospital, but was very scared. But, please just go..... Living is better then dieing..... Sobriety is awesome!!!

              This drinking shite will get worse!!! It's a progressive disease ~ alcoholism ~ addiction.... I also had times in my life were I binged, modded some tho not much, harm reduction ( took a lot of work, planning), some abstinence, but it just gets worse....... Promise yourself when you make it out, never do this to yourself ever ~ ever again!!!.... "No Matter What ~ No Matter Who" ~ "Not One ~ Not Ever" It's Ethanol ~ Poison!!!!.....

              I agree it's best, but not always possible to have professional help. Yet, your risks doing this alone are much greater. I'm sure your aware of this to. Your age, years of consumption, ratio volume of alcohol, your medical history, weight & even gender can all play a part. Even how many times you've tapered, or become sober in the past. Do you have a neighbor, family member, co-worker who can check in on you???

              I suggest no exercise. Drink water with lemon, bed rest , soup, protein like yogurt, banana's the potassium will help, mindless TV..... I didn't feel better for five days. Where previous times it was 3 days.... If you can't eat drink fluids, preferably something with electrolites. Like drinks for the elderly or babies when they get sick.... Or under weight people as they will have vitamins & minerals.

              Follow the link I provided on how to taper with beer.... I did it several times. I'm a serious alkie ~ female who was 49 last year. I'm almost 8 months sober & 50. I have my life back. I'm not out of the woods, as I screwed myself up from drinking for decades. But, I'm healthier & happier then I've been in years. Wished you were closer, I'd help.....

              If you can't taper & your symptoms become worse, go to the closest hospital, they know how dangerous it is!!!!.... Alkies in withdrawal will get admitted!!!! Nothing is more important then getting back your life!!! You can & will beat this addiction!!! There are many of us who have hun!!!!

              You are important, you deserve it, your worth it!!!!.....

              Please check in with us, somebody will hear you & help you!!!!! :l :h

              How To Taper Off Alcohol

