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    I'm so lost at the moment i'm sober atm and the reality of the horrible situation i'm in has kicked in. The guilt and shame I feel is overwhelming. I've broke my parents hearts none of my friends are talking to me. I lost my job yesterday after only 3 days there by getting drunk in the toilets n blacking out. I wandered home off my face in full view of the neighbours. I never been this low in a long time n i worry i cant get past this. I feel alcohol is all iv got left even tho im well aware that its got me in this situation. God am a mess


    :welcome: cuddle-demon.

    Glad you started to post again. Believe you me, hun, every single one of us was in a bit of a mess when we found MWO.

    So lots of reading for you today.

    The tool box is a good place to start. Packed with ideas. Just click on the link below.

    Go and find a twig in the Newbies Nest and settle in there with the most wonderful people oldies and newbies who will give you masses of advice or a hug which ever is needed.

    I noticed you were in Sunderland. Give NECA a ring first thing Monday. A wonderful place to get face to face help offering different services like acupuncture and the best thing of all it's free.

    NECA | Connected Recovery ? John Street, Sunderland

    Good to see you here. Getting out of the mire of alcohol can be done.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009



      You say you're so lost at the moment so why not use My Way Out as a sanctuary in the storm? We're all here for you. We can help at least by listening and reaching out to you. Nothing is beyond repair though you feel so low right now. Keep talking and we'll keep listening. Many of us have been in what seemed like impossbie situations and got out of them. Whatever you might think Al is not the answer to any of your problems so don't even let that thought anywhere near you. Stay sober until it's time to take the next first step in your new life.
      Keep talking.
      Sobriety is its own reward



        Your parents' hearts may be broken but they will always love you. Your friends at MWO will always talk to you. Don't give up - you can re-build your life, this time without alcohol.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



          What a great honest post. Can I suggest getting to a doc asap and talking to them about your addiction?
          If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.



   your sign off.

            Cuddle....there is no easy way out of this,



              My parents were pissed at me for sooo many things over the years. They are your parents and they will get over it. If not, it does not have to end your world.

              Jobs, meh they can come and go. You must be young at least that's what I get if you are worried about your folks. Mine were so proud when I told them I was an alchy.

              Friends come and go, too. People can be as flaky as dandruff.

              Go to a doc, counselor, what have you and tomorrow can be the start of the rest of your life. Won't be that easy but things will get better.

              Did you kill someone in a DD accident, lose your family, end up homeless? Not trying to be mean but there are folks out there that really hit rock bottom and of course that's necessary to get clean for some folks.

              Hang in there champ and you will conquer it. The fact you are here means you know you have a problem and you are ready to face it.



                Cuddle :welcome: to your new home and here's a cuddle :l

                I too have lost so many people and and a job or two and I lost my parents several years ago. You are NOT ALONE by any stretch. I know you are in a lot of pain but I also know you can get through it ...especially since you found us here.

                Please stay close and read read read. I don't mean to sound presumptuous but i think You will discover so much of yourself here.

                Another cuddle:l

                Sleep well :h
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest



                  JackieClaire;1459621 wrote: :welcome: cuddle-demon.

                  Glad you started to post again. Believe you me, hun, every single one of us was in a bit of a mess when we found MWO.

                  So lots of reading for you today.

                  The tool box is a good place to start. Packed with ideas. Just click on the link below.


                  Go and find a twig in the Newbies Nest and settle in there with the most wonderful people oldies and newbies who will give you masses of advice or a hug which ever is needed.


                  I noticed you were in Sunderland. Give NECA a ring first thing Monday. A wonderful place to get face to face help offering different services like acupuncture and the best thing of all it's free.

                  NECA | Connected Recovery – John Street, Sunderland

                  Good to see you here. Getting out of the mire of alcohol can be done.

                  J x
                  Hi Cuddle D,

                  I hope you'll follow JC's advice & give them a ring in the morning hun. As others have said you can get your life back if you choose to reach out, take action & say enough.... Fight back for your life, you are worth it & you deserve it!!!

                  We will love you ~ until you feel like you can love your self again hun!!!... You will, once you get a little sober time. Alcohol is the great deceiver. It lies. Makes us somebody were not! It depresses us, even more then we are to begin with. I'm not saying you were before hand either.

                  Please just call in the morning! This is why the NECA is there sweetie to help people like us! We are beautiful, good, smart, kind & funny people. You'll see when you get sober hun!... :l :h




                    How is everything going?
                    If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.



                      I went 9 days without al but the past couple of days iv been secretly drinking. I went into town yesterday completely drunk n passed out in the shopping centre. I woke up in hospital n got agressive with the nurses. I'm so ashamed of myself. My family cant even look at me this morning. I hate myself:-(



                        JackieClaire;1459621 wrote: :welcome: cuddle-demon.

                        Glad you started to post again. Believe you me, hun, every single one of us was in a bit of a mess when we found MWO.

                        So lots of reading for you today.

                        The tool box is a good place to start. Packed with ideas. Just click on the link below.


                        Go and find a twig in the Newbies Nest and settle in there with the most wonderful people oldies and newbies who will give you masses of advice or a hug which ever is needed.


                        I noticed you were in Sunderland. Give NECA a ring first thing Monday. A wonderful place to get face to face help offering different services like acupuncture and the best thing of all it's free.

                        NECA | Connected Recovery – John Street, Sunderland

                        Good to see you here. Getting out of the mire of alcohol can be done.

                        J x
                        Morning cuddle demon :welcome:

                        Well done on your 9 days alcohol free - what an achievement! Did you do it on your own, or get some support?

                        Can I gently remind you that here you are among friends. You have taken the first steps towards being free from alcohol and you can do it. I've reposted jackieclaire's advise which includes local help too, just incase you haven't reached out to anyone else yet. I personally would recommend the newbie nest - just jump in and introduce yourself. Everyone is in the same boat. Keep in touch Hun xxx



                          I had some help with neca. I've been going there on and off for a few years. I have no idea what made me drink the other day when I was doing so well. Maybe i conviced myself I was cured and got to cocky I'm a strange one



                            Ha! Not so strange...! My mind plays that trick on me too. You hit the nail on the head when you said you convinced yourself you were cured. Run that one past folk around here & they'll nod and say...yup, been there!!



                              Morning, Cuddle! Alcoholism is a disease. Would you hate yourself if you had diabetes and forgot an injection? Would you hate yourself if you had kidney disease and needed dialysis? No, probably not.

                              Hating yourself leads to depression which, in my case anyway, leads to more drinking. Shake it off, pick yourself up, and start again. You had 9 days AF - that is beyond terrific. You can do it again.

                              You say that you're odd for thinking you were cured after 9 days so thought you could drink again. That is not odd at all, and we talk about it so often here on the forum. It leads me to think that maybe you have not been reading here as much as you could be. Do yourself an favor and start reading as much as you can here. I'm sure you will find lots of folks whose experiences will hit home.

                              Also, when you feel the need to secretly drink (do you really think you're keeping that secret?) come to the Nest and tell us about it. Post there before drinking and we can help with strategies for doing ANYTHING but drinking.
                              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

