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    I'm going to spend today in the house looking around this site n reading posts it'll keep my out of trouble for awhile:-)



      That's a great idea. You will probably see advice to treat yourself as if you have the flu or are recovering from an illness. Guess what - you are recovering! Treat yourself well. Eat lots of good food and drink lots of water (with lemon if possible). I survived my first few days by eating whatever I wanted - pizza, snacks, salads, etc. Now is not the time to deprive yourself of anything but drugs and alcohol. Give in to food cravings as they occur. You will feel less deprived.

      Is all the alcohol out of your house? If not, dump it down the sink - you don't need it anymore!
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



        all alcohol is gone although i hid a water bottle filled with vodka and i cant remember where the buggar is:-s i probably drank it at some point. Looking forward to thinking clearlu again x



          You poor thing :l
          Do as advised & read here for the day if necessary.
          And I reiiterate EAT - till you are 'stuffed' - the craving for alcohol magically disappears when we are full whatever you fancy pizza, chocolate cake, etc.
          You will feel less deprived.



            Cuddle I feel for you. Listen to people here.

            Unfortunately, the only way to get your life back is to stop drinking. Lucky for us....that is all we have to do. It does not happen overnight....but, it does happen.



              Cuddle, glad you made 9 days! Sometimes it has taken many of us to make 2 or 3 days. You have received great advice. The only thing you have to do today is not drink. Please keep on reading rather than drinking. You have already had the wagons circled around you with much support, caring and love.
              Enlightened by MWO



                You're not a strange one at all Cuddle
                Been there, done that... even after 9 months of sobriety.

                Much wonderful advice here already.. I really have nothing to add... except my support :l
                Be kind to yourself, read, post, sleep, eat, pray, love.. no wait.. that's something else
                You're on your way out... few of us can get it right on the first attempt. Get up and dust yourself off. You can do this... we all can.
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013



                  Cuddle Demon,

                  How are you going?
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!



                    hey cuddle demon.....

                    i am not far behind you.........sitting in a lonely hotel husband pissed.....again.......went to work drunk......going to pay for that one as well........friend cried all the way home............children wont respond to my texts..........i am at the bottom of the pile right now................but i want to climb out of this mess............we can do it together.................lets keep the chat open........
                    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......

