I was relieved to know that it is possible to drink heavily in early pregnancy, stop drinking, and go on to have a healthy child. Your son is a miracle, and I really want a miracle of my own.
I wish I could let this go. You are right, the Internet is NOT my friend here. I keep thinking I'm looking for reassurance and peace, but I keep taking in bad news with the good.
I think I am in denial too, feeling like I can somehow "fix" this. If I keep the baby or if I terminate the pregnancy, I do not know if I can live with myself.
I need to be honest here--I was not being careful, which is what led to this. We were being foolish and reckless. I did not think I was pregnant, but that doesn't mean that I should have done what I did, when there was even a .00001% chance that I could have been pregnant.
Just need to find a way to stop hating myself.
I PM'ed you my story after you asked for advice earlier. You PM'ed back saying you felt relieved, presumably because 1. I was drinking more than you and for longer and 2. I was 42 years old which in itself brings so many more possible difficulties for the baby and myself.
I told you that my boy is now 7 years old, has no health problems, is gorgeous looking and a really cool kid.
What I didn't tell you is that once I had decided to keep the baby ( at 6weeks pregnant) I STOPPED reading the internet. I just stopped because it was SO counterproductive.
I also started chilling out, relaxing.. and I swear that was the best thing I could have done for my baby. Like Yiggie says.. the baby feels everything you feel and stress in the womb = stress outside the womb. That's a fact.
Stop reading horror stories and worst case scenario's
Start relaxing, laughing and enjoying. Your baby will be relaxing, laughing and enjoying right along with you!!
Take care
Patrice x