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Addicted to Baclofen

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    Addicted to Baclofen

    I have completely abstained from alcohol since July 2012. I was pretty severe before that. Now I am addicted to Baclofen. I seem to keep building tolerance, I used to get "high" on 200mg and when I try to taper now I get bad anxiety. That is my everyday dose. When I have an important business meeting I up it to 300mg, and feel like I have a talk show host personality. I forgot it once on a trip overseas and had brutal insomnia. Does anyone have a similar experience and or advice?

    Addicted to Baclofen

    drb120;1464473 wrote: I have completely abstained from alcohol since July 2012. I was pretty severe before that. Now I am addicted to Baclofen. I seem to keep building tolerance, I used to get "high" on 200mg and when I try to taper now I get bad anxiety. That is my everyday dose. When I have an important business meeting I up it to 300mg, and feel like I have a talk show host personality. I forgot it once on a trip overseas and had brutal insomnia. Does anyone have a similar experience and or advice?
    The highest dose I take is 50mgs. That's as much as it takes so I no longer HAVE TO drink. It gave me the power to say no. I wouldn't have a clue about any feelings of getting high from it. The only side effect for me has been an indifference to alcohol!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Addicted to Baclofen

      Thanks. I was actually hoping for help. I am glad that dose is working for you. Wish I could say the same. I hit the "switch" at 300mg. I do feel "high" on that much. Addicted to Baclofen is way better than booze. I am 100% free of any cravings. I'm just nervous where this is heading.


        Addicted to Baclofen

        Hey, drd120 - the place to post in order to get answers from people with a lot of experience with bac is over in the Meds Section. In the meantime, I'll throw in my $.02. I've been taking bac since Oct. '09, but I don't exactly understand the "high," to be honest. My maintenance dose is 120 mg. I felt "high" for a long time when bac stopped my all-day drinking dead in its tracks. Now I just feel "normal."

        Anxiety IS one of the side effects of high-dose-bac. How long were you taking it when you quit drinking? How have you tried to taper? Are you pretty comfortable at 200 mg/day? Or can you GET comfortable there. Most folks find that going down very slowly is the best strategy. Next time you're ready to give it a go, I would suggest starting out with just a 5mg decrease for 4-5 days. Then see where you are, and where you want to get. Just like titrating up often needs to be quite slow and methodical, titrating down seems to require even more attention along those lines.

        In the meantime, please go over to Meds. It's worth it, to find out what other people have to contribute. Congratulations on getting some serious AF time with bac. It would be great if you would post that story over there, as well. Every bit of information is a huge contribution to people just starting the bac-path, as well as those of us who slayed the beast, but still hang out, hoping to offer resources and information for folks at the beginning.

        Again, congratulations! I'm sure others will have more to offer. Especially if you post where they regularly look! All the best.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Addicted to Baclofen

          IMO if you can't go days without it you're still in bondage. Just my opinion.
          I decided to go cold turkey so when I break free I'll be free indeed. It is harder
          and takes great amount of will power and sacrifice but I know
          in the end it will all be worth it. Bac is a powerful muscle relaxer and yes
          it does cause dependence.
          Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


            Addicted to Baclofen

            OK, I am late on chiming in here.
            drb120 - sorry but I am calling bs on this one

            You were at 200mg and forgot it and had brutal insomnia?

            No way. Tell us more how you got there and how you stopped at 200mg for a weekend.


              Addicted to Baclofen

              No BS. I am hurting bad. Worse than when I posted that. I got a sense of well being. Almost a state of hypomania from high doses. 200 daily and up to 350mg not uncommon for the feeling of energy and complete lack of shyness. Now recently I cant feel normal with less than 250mg. I get sick on it. Cant lower the dose or anxiety is horrible. I still don't drink. I am seeking help in private from some elder board members and am on the cusp of seeking mainstream care.


                Addicted to Baclofen

                Well I would say anyone that's been taking bac for a long time will tell you that swing doses are a huge no no. You should not change doses like that. You can get very sick doing that.

                Find a dosage that works, stick to it, and distribute it out evenly 3-4 x's per day. You don't want to mess with this med.

                It's not meant for what you are using it for. Yes it can help anxiety but the end game of the med at least on this forum is to stop drinking.

                Hang in there.


                  Addicted to Baclofen

                  I got Amiesen's book. It sounded dubious but I thought I'll try anything. I went to a high dose fast (300mg). My wife accused me of being "high". Only SE was vivid nightmares. This after years of nightly drinking. I went to Jamaica and forgot my pills. Insomnia was brutal. I had to call a doctor. They gave me 80mg/day and I survived. Now any reduction is met with insomnia and anxiety. I'm barely hanging on


                    Addicted to Baclofen

                    Otter. Thanks for your reply. I contacted Phillip Thomas. I also have his book Baclofen B4a. He wanted $6500 wired immediately. He heard my profession first and it is a lucrative one. He made reference to how much I make when I balked at that price. He also states there is no tolerance, and high dose baclofen is not addictive. Not the case for me.


                      Addicted to Baclofen

                      Thank you. Everything was fine until I started going up last week a lot. Now the anxiety hits hard every 3-4 hours. so sleeping tough. Im going to try to spread dose and very slowly ween down.

