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What now?

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    What now?

    iv said and done some horrible things the past couple of days while drunk. Im so ashamed n feel so guilty I'm not sure how I can cope, I dont know how to. I need to drink but I know I might do something stupid if i do. Iv never hated myself more. I used to be a good person now i'm just a pathetic excuse for a human being. I dont know what the point in this post is I just had to get it off my chest.

    What now?

    Hi cuddle-demon,

    Just posted to you on the other post. It's good to get things off your mind!! Rant away!

    Here's a link again to the newbie's nest.

    There are some VERY experienced people who look after new people on this site. Much more experienced and wise than me. They spend a lot of time getting to know individual situations & offering advise. Here you will get great advise xxx


      What now?

      cuddle-demon, you need to take action - now! Teezah has pointed you to the Newbies Nest - you really will get help there! Be kind to yourself and know that it is possible to get alcohol out of your life! There is a happy future ahead and you will find peace......but you must take that step forward.
      We are here for you....
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        What now?

        Hi Cuddle, welcome! We've all done things we regret while drinking. Now that you are here, you can put it all behind you. We are here to help. You no longer have to struggle alone. Once you free yourself from the chains of alcohol, you will re-discover the wonderful, good person you are. Alcohol makes all of us people we wish we weren't.

        Join us over in the Newbie's Nest under "Just Starting Out". There is lots of support, encouragement and friendship over there. Read back and get to know us. Post, and let us get to know you. We all share what is working for us and what is going on with us. Alcohol makes many of us feel isolated, depressed and hopeless. Let us offer our frienship, love and support. So glad you found us. We look forward to getting to know you.
        AF since 12/2/12


          What now?

          Hi, that feeling will pass. The more time you get away from the booze, the better your brain will work. Stop beating yourself up, it's pointless and of no value to anyone. The day you find a time machine, ill be the first in line to fix some of the shit I have done. Until that happens treat yesterday, and all of life's yesterday's as merely lessons to learn from. Attach no emotion, just calmly pick them apart and find the errors in judgement and learn how to make better decisions. This, after all, is the crux of the solution, make better decisions.
          You are allowed to stuff it up as you learn. Most of us are emotionally stunted to some degree, hence the reliance on al. Don't rip into yourself, just learn. It takes time to take on this big bad world with out any chemical help, and that is something that you will also have to make peace with. You can't avoid the inevitable conclusion that, for some of us, al is just not an option and can never be. If this is you as well the the quicker you accept this reality fully and totally the quicker you will adapt to your new life.
          I hope you continue to fight and while everyone's pathway is different, the life on the other side of addiction is worth he fight and the continued vigilance.
          Good luck.
          I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


            What now?

            Good morning, Cuddle

            How are you doing today? :l

            PS- excellent post Dave.
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              What now?

              How are are you Cuddle??
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                What now?

                Hi Cuddle!
                Just wanted to chime in and see how you are doing. I did so much stupid sh*t when I was drinking...but guess what? I got past it and so can you. Like Dave said, the more time spent away from AL, the clearer you will think...and people will SEE that you are different. Please don't give up. You can do this, and we can help.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  What now?

                  Thank you for the encouraging posts:-) I'm doing well i'm into my 5th day without AL bloody long days lol. I've mosting been hidden away in the house doing anything and everything to keep busy, been enjoying reading the posts on the board I can't believe how much it helps:-) Got to go out in the real world tomorrow just feeling apprehensive but it has to be done. Thanks again it's nice to know people care:-) x

