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I need help and advice...

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    I need help and advice...

    Hi everybody,

    I have posted on this forum before, a few weeks ago when I was attempting to be sober. Well, guess what, it didn't work. I think I managed 4 days before I was straight back on it again. I have just come back from a holiday where I was binge drinking every night. I bought a big bottle of vodka from duty free and I have almost finished it in 2 nights.

    My family and friends have started noticing my addiction and commenting on it, and I feel so embarassed. My boyfriend knows and he is a great support, but I can't stop alone. Last night I broke down and told him that I had been drinking every night and hiding bottles, and he didn't realise the extent of my drinking.

    So, what now? I have been to my doctor, who was less than helpful, didn't prescribe anything and just advised that I should 'try and cut down'. Well, that's great in theory! I have Kudzu and l-glutamine tablets, which I will start up again, and I want to post here as much as possible. This is a great forum with some really terrific support and advice

    Do you think I should go back to my doctor and ask to be prescribed something? And, what?

    I need help and advice...

    Welcome back Bellas.

    You managed a few days before, they are the worst days and if you can go a week then you may be able to quit without drugs.
    I was drinking 500ml vodka daily for years so it can be done.

    Your doctor doesn't sound very useful and may prescribe benzodiazepam for withdrawal but honestly they are worse to get off than alcohol.

    There is a meds section here with peeps using baclofen and naltroxene and being successful but maybe try quitting without meds first. It isn't as hard as you fear.


      I need help and advice...

      Might I also suggest you start on a Friday so you get a full week sober before the next weekend.......I see from your posts that the first weekend tripped you up the last time you tried.


        I need help and advice...

        Yes, it's the Friday nights that are the hardest. Even before I was drinking daily, Friday was always my 'wine' night that I looked forward to all week. I am going to try and start today and my first task is to go home and pour the rest of that vodka down the sink. Then I will have no alcohol in the house.

        I think I will take your advice and try without meds at first and see how that goes.

        Thank you for your reply


          I need help and advice...

          bellas7;1472927 wrote: Yes, it's the Friday nights that are the hardest. Even before I was drinking daily, Friday was always my 'wine' night that I looked forward to all week. I am going to try and start today and my first task is to go home and pour the rest of that vodka down the sink. Then I will have no alcohol in the house.

          I think I will take your advice and try without meds at first and see how that goes.

          Thank you for your reply
          Now your boyfriend knows you will have some accountability at home.

          You CAN do this Bella, and it is sooooo worth it, I promise


            I need help and advice...

            Hi, Bellas7,
            So it's Friday night and I've just found your thread. I'm at home not drinking and I'm wondering how you're doing. I'm glad you have your boyfriend's support. You can do this. There's a lot of support here. Post and choose what helps you to stay sober.
            I'm mostly on the meds thread and I've received good information and support.
            Anyway, I hope tonight goes well for you,


              I need help and advice...

              Hope everyone is doing well. Boards are kind of quiet tonight...hope everyone is doing well and keeping strong. Kronk, you are kicking butt! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                I need help and advice...

                Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
                I have to admit, I have not done well. I drank again on Thursday ( a friend came round and brought me a super nice bottle of white wine that i could not resist ) I have then been drinking every night since then.

                So I'm back in my usual spot on Mondays, regretting the weekend and swearing I will change. But I am finding it so hard


                  I need help and advice...

                  bellas7;1476009 wrote: Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
                  I have to admit, I have not done well. I drank again on Thursday ( a friend came round and brought me a super nice bottle of white wine that i could not resist ) I have then been drinking every night since then.

                  So I'm back in my usual spot on Mondays, regretting the weekend and swearing I will change. But I am finding it so hard
                  Bella, it reall IS hard! I am not going to lie! The first few days suck! I went 11 months without a drink and fell off the Wagon a few months back. Haven't had a drink since 2/27 and it feels really good. But holy hell, it has been hard. It gets harder every time you start back up and try to quit. Seriously. You just need to make a decision and ask for help. Do anything and everything to get some days under your belt. Get rid of he alcohol in your house, fill your time up with other things....just go to bed early if you find the "witching hour" too tempting. I feigned a headache/backache, whatever for a few days (which was actually true) but I was in my room at 7:00 pm and would wake up feeling great! It took a few days, but it worked. Just try for a few days so your body and brain can start to recover. You will feel better, clearer and have less guilt. You have admitted it to someone you love and that is a HUGE step! YOU CAN DO THIS. We are here for you. Best of luck to you!
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    I need help and advice...

                    Hi Bella,

                    It looks like we are in the same boat. Today, I begin my first day, it is so hard but I am giving it my best. You can too. let's do this together.

                    Only those who dare, truly live.--Ruth P. Friedman


                      I need help and advice...

                      bellas7;1476009 wrote: Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
                      I have to admit, I have not done well. I drank again on Thursday ( a friend came round and brought me a super nice bottle of white wine that i could not resist ) I have then been drinking every night since then.

                      So I'm back in my usual spot on Mondays, regretting the weekend and swearing I will change. But I am finding it so hard
             ready to start again?

