Ive been seeing a girl now whom im very much in love with for about 6 months and recently we have moved in together! We both are professionals and i have my own business.
When we first met we were dating alot and we both like a drink (in fact we met in a club) so we were going out alot. It was clear to me that she likes to drink, and when she became drunk she became a bit feisty but funny at the same time. When my friends met her and when she was drunk they all asked me how i handle her when she was drunk, to which i just laughed it off!
However the last 2 months or so have been absolutley horrendous! When she is drunk she has a new personality compeltley and becomes very aggresive (no physical just verbal) and abusive towards me for no apparent reason at all. the things she come out with are so hurtful and personal it actually shocks me. It becoming to a point where i cant take it anymore, the following day she is completley apologetic but cant remmeber anything, and she says shes sorry, she doesnt mean it etc etc.
She had about 9 months ago came out of an abusive alcoholic relationship with her previous bf and she was beaten up by him several times for which she rcieved therapy for (not sure if it was enough) I just dont know what to do??? Its got to the point now where im nervous when i know where going out in the evening because im afraid of what will happen!
The issue i have is that when i tell her what shes been like the following morning shes so distraught with herself for what she has done and said and she relalises its the alcohol but she still continues to drink and get smashed!
Ive basically given her an ultimatum, if it happens one more time then im gone!
Were going out tonight and im so nervous its unbelieveable........any advice?