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Need to stop NOW!

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    Need to stop NOW!

    I am drinking about 8-10 oz of whiskey a day. I start around 1 pm however I am also a triple joint replacement that is on 40 mg of oxycontin a day and 40 mg of percocet a day. I have a prescription for 10 mg valium that I do not take however I read here that that may be my way out dodging the DT's. Can someone recommend the dosage and time frame to get this effin monkey off my back. Once I get rid of this monkey then I will start weening my self off of the meds. My pain mgmt Dr. said I may have to be on them for life...well I want to prove him wrong. I can't stand the ball and chain that I have gotten myself into but think I can do this. I quit the alcohol for 2 years and started reducing the meds by half, had one of my employees steal 20k from me and that was my excuse to come back. I have the time to be at home during the WD's but well I am a wimp! Please help with the valium amount for the alcohol. Once I get past that I can work through the meds. ( I know that sounds crazy but it is true) Thanks for the advice. God Bless............ ACMan:thanks:

    Need to stop NOW!

    Hi acman and :welcome: to My Way Out.

    I sympathize as a close friend who is also in recovery from alcohol just recently detoxed off of opiate based pain meds. Alcohol and the opiates are two different animals for sure.

    I would strongly urge you to work with your doctor on a medication schedule if you are going to try using a benzo such as valium to help you off alcohol. Is this something you could either talk to your doctor about or go to the hospital and do?

    My friend was prescribed Suboxone to help come off the opiate pain meds. That would also be something you could talk to your doctor about.

    There is nothing wrong with asking for help. There are also non-narcotic pain management altneratives out there - maybe a different pain doc is in order if your current one doesn't understand your concerns about opiate dependence?

    Good luck..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Need to stop NOW!

      Hey Acman,

      Welcome to My Way Out! This is a wonderful place to help you in your struggle with alcohol. I, too, had two years of sobriety, then fell off the wagon as well. As far as the valiums, there is a link in my signature line, which gives some recommendations, although I don't know how this would all work with the other pain meds you are on.

      Can you consult with your doctor, or call the pharmacist? I usually detoxed cold turkey, but the couple of times I had Valium, it made it significantly easier. There is an interesting paragraph, further down in this article, about something known as 'kindling'. I had never even heard of it before. Interesting!

      Why don't you join us over in the Newbie's Nest, under "Just Starting Out". Lots of people over there, offering their support, encouragement and friendship. There are lots of people starting out and starting over. Read back a bit and get to know us. Post, so we can get to know you, too. Good luck with the Valium. Hope the link helps. So glad you are here!

      Hello to you, Doggygirl.
      AF since 12/2/12

