The last couple of weeks I have been having progressively worse bouts of anxiety at about 4-5 in the morning, about 4 hours after I go to sleep. I wake up, suddenly, with a feeling of dread. Originally this was accompanied by rational anxious thoughts, could I afford certain things, what side effects were my tablets going to have? The last couple of nights however its changed to what i can only describe as a waking nightmare. I am conscious, but can't do much, I get a nightmare scenario in my head, mostly this has been that the devil is after me and in my dreams so i cannot sleep, last night it was that i needed a glass of water more than anything but could not get it.
I want to know if anybody else has experience of this, drinking or not, and knows of anything I could do to end these horrible episodes, I'm finding it very hard to sleep now and live in fear of the small hours of the morning.