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Test for Cirhosis

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    Test for Cirhosis

    Hi Every one, I hope someone out there may be able to help.
    My husband had blood tests done by his employer for liver disease. He has been provided with the results of the normal ALT,bilirubin, etc tests but he is positive that there was another page which he was showed but not given, which had a result which they said proved he has cirrhosis. He said he thinks it was an ET test or scan but he cannot remember exactly. Would anyone out there have an idea what this might be please? He has asked them to povide him with this document but they just ignore any request, even when made by a solicitor.

    Many thanks and hope to hear from someone soon!


    Test for Cirhosis

    Hey Jean

    I assume you are in the UK. Here we have every right to all test results etc. The bloodwork you mentioned ALT,bilirubin , sound like those were normal. Correct? What is an ET test?

    What kind of scan did he have ? CT or what? Very interesting


      Test for Cirhosis

      Test for cirhosis

      Hi Angela, thanks for for your response.
      Yes, I'm in the Uk but because it was his employer who paid for the tests they feel they can withold certain things despite the fact that they should have given him all the results at the time. They sent the first page to his GP but not the second.
      No, his blood tests for ALT etc were high despite 3 months in rehab. I asked him whether they did perform a scan and he said no, just blood tests but he is certain there was a second page to the results which they didn't actually show him just told him that this particular test showed he had cirhosis and he thinks they said it was 'ET' but his memory isn't very good, he can't even remember the name of the clinic where the tests were taken!
      I've looked on the internet but can't find anything that sounds like 'ET' relating to liver function tests - I just wondered whether anyone here had had a similar sounding test.


        Test for Cirhosis

        Hi Jean,
        Firstly I did a quick google to see about living with cirrhosis and it can be done very well. Far too many articles to paste here but there's plenty to read if you have time.

        Secondly you must be very puzzled about how they came about the reports. Can I make a suggestion that you make an appointment with your GP which you both attend and ask her/her to repeat the tests. I'm nearly sure if your GP wrote to the hospital and doctor who performed the tests they should receive the all the results directly.

        I had test last year for my gallbladder and I remember signing forms that would inform me and my doctor directly.

        I really hope you can get something worked out. My best to you both.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Test for Cirhosis

          " He said he thinks it was an ET test or scan"

          It sounds like it may have been referrring to a CT scan but your husband would know if he had one. I'm wondering if he's mistaken and it said something like he should have a CT scan to confirm cirrhosis? sometimes when test results come back the lab will add notes at the bottom about what the results may indicate and also suggest further tests, and a CT scan would make sense if the blood tests indicated it. The notes are often very brief so he may have just misread it. I'm thinking that may be what the second page said that he should have a CT scan because of the blood test results and maybe the employer didn't want to do it because of the cost? That might be why they don't want to give you a copy.

          I agree with jackieclaire, go through your gp and he should be able to refer your husband for the CT and it might even be covered under your govt health scheme? Also if your gp has a copy of the first page, then the lab details should be on it, maybe your gp could contact them to see if they will send him a copy of the full results.

