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Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

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    Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

    I have been a HEAVY drinker for the past 4 years. Meaning not a day went by that I havent had a drink. The idea of being sober scares me because Ive only dealt with life drunk.

    It started off with pot smoking in high school and then college, everyday. I stopped for a few years once I started working but would still get loaded when I went out to a party (pretty often). Then in my mid-twenties, I would have a glass or two of wine a night to "unwind" while still smoking pot to fall asleep.

    By the time I was 30, I was drinking about a bottle of wine every night and then 6 drinks in one sitting while out socially.

    About 2 years ago, everything around me collapsed, I lost my relationship, my career most likely because of my addiction to alcohol. So, instead of dealing with my reality, I was so depressed that I just drank more and upped my drink of choice to hard liquor. I would drink from the moment I woke up to the minute I passed out. Living off my savings from the high powered career I lost due to my careless behaviour.

    Everything I did throughout the day depended on alcohol - I would walk to a bar and drink alone and pick up from the liquor store to make sure I had enough before I ran out. I went from being a social butterfly to a closet drinker with nothing. The funny thing is that nobody knew. I was drinking vodka in a water bottle all day long. Living a secret life. Even my recent boyfriend didnt know. But the joke has been on me.

    For the past 5 months, it got worse, I have been drinking up 4 to 5 750 ml bottles of vodka per week, all alone. I gave up all hobbies, dont go to social gatherings anymore because I am either already too drunk or just prefer to keep drinking alone. I actually dont want people to see me drink-- talk about living a double life. These people must suspect something in my behaviour or just think Im crazy. My boyfriend just broke up with me because he couldnt take my "moodiness" and horrible temper (I never had one when I wasnt drunk) and I barely have any friends because I had managed to fight with all of them or just act selfishly by not being there for them.

    Two weeks ago when I went to throw out my stash of bottles, I counted 12-- I had drank them in less than 3 weeks. The visual of me throwing away each bottle in the dumpster is what did it. I am done with living this disgusting life.

    These are the changes I have made so far, last week, I tapered off the booze to 2 drinks a day and even skipped 3 days out of the week altogether. Im shaky, tired as hell, craving alcohol but getting through it. My doctor gave me some xanex (i told him it was for anxiety) so thats helping with edginess. I sent out my resume and got a number of calls back, this will be the first time I am working in a while

    I didnt drink Saturday or Sunday but had 4 drinks on Monday. Not proud about that but its Wednesday and I havent drank yesterday or today. I am going to bed feeling good that I have FINALLY opened up about this secret life I have been leading for so long.

    Tomorrow I have a job interview and I hope it goes well. I have to become a functioning member of society again-- I have a great education and resume and my whole life ahead of me to meet a man, get married and have a babies. I cannot be alone anymore. I am committed to doing this and through this forum I dont feel alone. You have no idea what a release this has been.
    So now that you know my story, I hope you will join me in my journey in restoring my life. I plan to take it one day at a time and if you dont mind, I plan to share this experience with you. Ive never posted on a forum before, just read others' stories while sipping a drink hoping that one day I had the strength not only admit I had a problem but to speak up about it and do something about it. You have all in your own way inspired to to get on this path. I envy all of you and thank you for giving me this time to listen.

    Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

    Hi and :welcome:

    Well done on getting a couple days sober after a four year stint.

    Don't panic, this is doable.

    Recognising it has to stop is the first step, getting some help the next.

    Go to the tool,box and read, get a feel for how much you share with others here.

    When you are ready hop into the newbies nest....there are lots of folk at the beginning of quitting and it is good to have some company on this journey.


      Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

      Thank you! How do i go about locating other "newbies" on the site?

      kuya;1496747 wrote: Hi and :welcome:

      Well done on getting a couple days sober after a four year stint.

      Don't panic, this is doable.

      Recognising it has to stop is the first step, getting some help the next.

      Go to the tool,box and read, get a feel for how much you share with others here.

      When you are ready hop into the newbies nest....there are lots of folk at the beginning of quitting and it is good to have some company on this journey.
      How do i go about locating other "newbies" on the site?


        Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

        Go to the starting out section and there is a thread called newbies nest. Click on last page and post an introduction.
        It is often quiet at this time of night though but someone will be around soon


          Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

          Hey lost soul, your story rings alot of bells for me, and probably round the same age too, so just wanted to wade in and wish you all the best. It might be a little bumpy at the start but with a bit of help you can stick with it and all will fall into place again. Stay close, early days can be a bit of a minefield and I always found that when my life was coming together again, jobs etc, I got a bit lazy and fell back into bad habits.
          You can do it, loads of wise old heads round here to help you out, well done you on taking this step

          PS You can PM me anytime
          "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


            Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

            Hi Lost soul, and a warm welcome to you.

            Here is the link to

            Here's a link to our

            Best wishes on your journey.

            G bloke.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

              Best of luck to you Lost Soul! This place has saved us all. You sound like you have a plan and determination. You can do this, and we will be here to support you.

              Your new friend, Waggy
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                Thank you to all. Im having a really hard time today though


                  Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                  Work this program and you will be fine.


                    Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                    Welcome aboard, so far all great advice.

                    It is doable, it will be difficult(at first) but it WILL get easier the more you do it
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                      Lost Soul, Thanks for your post! I feel I can relate. I am drinking 2 bottles of wine almost every day and feel so terrible every morning. I to want to stop and will join you on your journey. I am still working but most days don't feel like I should be there. I am tired of feeling bad and doing this in front of my son. I know I need help!


                        Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                        I certainly can relate, Lost Soul - after about 5 days of sobriety, I opened up the back of my pickup truck and was finally clearheaded enough to be disgusted with myself, seeing all the trashbags full of empty beer cans and plastic vodka containers.
                        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                          Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                          clean for life;1499093 wrote: Lost Soul, Thanks for your post! I feel I can relate. I am drinking 2 bottles of wine almost every day and feel so terrible every morning. I to want to stop and will join you on your journey. I am still working but most days don't feel like I should be there. I am tired of feeling bad and doing this in front of my son. I know I need help!
                          Hi, Clean for Life

                          If you haven't visited the Newbies Nest already, we'd love to see you there. It is a great place to hang out, especially at the beginning. There are people there at all stages, which really helps! The link is in my signature as is one to the Toolbox where there are all sorts of strategies for getting free of addiction. I bet something there would work for you!

                          This CAN BE DONE !

                          Glad you are here, :h NS


                            Heavy drinking for 4 years, Have to Stop

                            Thanks so much no sugar. I will look at both!

