I started drinking from 16 and I was always drinking to get drunk, but ONLY once a month or less, in the beginning.
Last year's fall, however, I started drinking about 1,5 liters of wine every Friday and Saturday. Then, last easter, I started drinking everyday about a bottle of whiskey or more for about six months, not exercising and not eating almost anything. Last July I was diagnosed with fatty liver disease and the doctor told me to stop drinking for ten days to see if it was caused from alcohol and that I may develop cirrhosis in two years if I continue like that. However, I did continue this lifestyle until Semptember, when I stopped drinking for twelve days and then had a blood test. The blood tests showed these:
Everything normal except of the average of blood cells which was 32.5 while the normal was from 27 to 32pg, my APTT was 41,1 while the normal was from 26 to 38 seconds. Everything else was completely normal, so, this winter I started drinking very heavily again. Started from one to two times a week and then made it daily about two bottles of whiskey. The last three months however, I completely stopped drinking at daytime and I am currently only drinking one or two bottles of pink wine every night. Only a few times I take a "night off" and have started to exercise again the last two days.
My symptoms are these: Racing heart while starting drinking that justs goes away when I get drunk. I don't have angina, dizziness, lightheadedness and things like that, neither does my heart pound abnormally when I exercise for too long. What worries me the most is that I cough too much every morning (only until I smoke the first cigarette) and have mouth and nose mucus. I also cough several times each day but it's not acute like it is in the morning and it never happens while I'm exercising. My other symptoms is itching on my left upper abdomen and severe upper right and left back pain when I wake up (only while I'm laying down).
Are these early symptoms of liver disease?