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    need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)


    If anyone is around now, I was AF for a few days and had some today....... I had no plan after I quit. I am with a spouse. Spouse is hungry, I am not. Spouse already knows I cannot drink. Any ideas? Sorry to sound "bad" here, but any ideas to sneak just one more and then please the hubby? Should I? Shouldn't I???? Again, I have no plan, I just know I went AF for 4 days and I DID already start today. I will resume tomorrow, but just looking for tips right now. I have the chance to run to the store and get "one more", BUT I have done that in that past 10,000 times.

    Ok, time running out. I am asking for suggestions but I think my "mind" is made up.............. I think I'm going to try to sneak and buy JUST ONE MORE. But we all know how that turns out................ if anyone actually responds, change the subject, because you know us, I WILL FIND A WAY TO GET ONE MORE! I probably will............ I just had the weirdest thought that I won't leave???????????

    thoughts anyone???? I have the chance, but trying to wait it out......... oh, i HAVE THE CHANCE!

    so i am going! any suggestions to keep it minimal?????????

    need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

    the "sneak" part came up because I already started............ I am trying to live my life without that anymore, but the "start" already happened....


      need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

      and please remind me in the newbies thread tomorrow to have NOTHING! LOL, I will most likely be sick as a dog, but just in case....................


        need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

        sorry, but wow, this is the first time I actually posted in "crisis", lol. It feels good, I'm feeling better, but about to do a "duck and cover" run to the store. If I do, what do I do???????????? Not only with the spouse, but also with my health? I've been feeling great and did so much yard work today it is unreal!


          need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

          Don't forget, I already started, and am having that "evil" feeling come over me that I can't stop........... hmmmmmmm, even me ranting has helped so far as I haven't left yet to do the sneak to the store..................


            need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

            This is why moderating does not work for 99% of us, after we start we don't know when to stop.
            No, you should not have one more....there is never one more... cut it off now. I know you have already been drinking, but stop now before you inflame the situation.
            No more yourself or to your hubs! It will never stop until you stop.

            Start drinking water and eat something...and let's start again. One more will not do anything more except sink you deeper. You can trust me on that one.

            No Buts. No more. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

              Hi Woody! What is it you are looking for? Permission? You won't get it here. Don't go to the store.

              Do something else instead. Watch the stories listed below. Alcoholism is no joke. If you don't get a handle on it it WILL kill you.

              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                I agree with Byrdie. Nothing good will come of this. I want you to take a minute before you go to the store. Imagine waking up in the morning...the dry mouth, pounding head, aching body. There will also be the "Oh shit, what did I do?". Did you call, text, email...what did I say? Then comes the guilt. Possibly some vomitting. Shaking, red-glassy eyes. Unable to accomplish what you had planned for the day.
                I could go on, seriously. Think about it. Is that "one more" really worth it?
                Eat some food, drink some water and go to sleep. You will thank yourself tomorrow.


                  need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                  Thank you both................. um, yeah, the "once you start" is already over. I'm pretty sure I can't moderate. I did sneak to the store. I got something "strong" for me so that means it is strong. Before I even opened it I went out back to let my dog in. I TRIPPED, I did not fall but I tripped and almost fell on my face! Wow, I did not think I was that bad off! I already cracked open the new strong thing before I started this post. It kind of made me feel bad seeing the responses, but I am going to just show this all to the hubby right now and get it all out! I know, at least for me, when I call myself out it works. I want to say this again for many reasons, especially the hubby, I have been completely free for 4 plus days, I only had a couple beers, I am falling all over????? I stepped out back and almost completely fell down! Strange! What is more strange is I have the other one next to me, the stronger one, and I am sipping on it............ I am giving him this thread now............. um, be ready, tomorrow the newbie threads will be SPAMMED, lol. I WILL be asking for help.

                  Thanks again you two, you really did help!!!! If I would have lied and tried to hide it, it would have been worse and went on for who knows!


                    need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                    shelby, just read your note............. thank you too! Nothing is ever too late, so thank you very much!


                      need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                      Now the "mean" part comes in, lol. I am trying to be nice. Siren, I saw your post............ please give me some credibility here, ok? (again, this is the angry drunk and ignore it). I have been through many rehabs, many detoxes, multiple DUI's that put me in jail/prison many times, so if you are a 20 something that is a good speaker, please stop

                      Again, I have the happy face

                      But please stop unless you are older than 40 and have been through multiple relapses before. If you are, SORRY! MY BAD, lol


                        need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                        I admire you being able to disclose it to your husband. I so hated those struggles, should I or shouldn't I. AB took that away. Whenever I gave in, it NEVER ended up good. Yet, I tried again and again.


                          need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                          4 Days is awesome, but that's when many folks fall. They think that since they can do that, maybe they don't have a problem after all...what was all the fuss about? The trouble is, 4 days is only the beginning of the journey. It takes much longer than that to get free of this demon. You can clearly see how quickly things spiral out of went to the store and bought something even stronger! That's the way addiction works. We are never satisfied with what we have, we are thinking about the next fix.
                          Wish you'd pour this one will be glad you did tomorrow....
                          Watch those Documentaries that were suggested....they are frightening. This is the path we are on! ALK is progressive....whatever your problem today, will be worse tomorrow without the treatment. The treatment is NO ALCOHOL. NONE. And it works really well.
                          Cut your losses and stop drinking right now.... sign off from will thank us tomorrow.
                          Good luck to you...Byrdie

                          P.S. Siren has been to hell and back trying to beat this thing....she absolutely knows what she's talking about.
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                            Thank you byrd....................... speechless. sorry everyone............. byrd slammed it in my face like I needed it............ STOPPING NOW!


                              need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                              siren just knows what they know........ seen too many of them in facilities. No offense Siren, and keep on doing what you are doing. Gonna be a fun night!

