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    need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

    And Byrd, I know I don't say much, do you not think I have been through "hell and back"???? Just curious. I am NOT a newbie to all of this. Actually, to be "drunk honest", that kind of pissed me off. Let's discuss............... are we supposed to say someone has "x" amount of whatever and that makes their word the words of Jesus Christ (or whoever your main man is???)???? I don't care WHO has been though hell and back! I have been through it myself, I have been in and out of rehab and AA meeting rooms for 12 plus years................

    If anyone wants to know what I am looking for, IT IS CREDIBILITY!

    OK, again, sorry for the rant, lol. I will most likely do it again tonight, so please do not mind me being an IDIiot tonight


      need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

      I will try to chill and know I at the very least need to check in somewhere to be safe............... I already tried calling the local place, but they are booked........... still, I will smile, um, i think, lol


        need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

        Woody, I feel if someone is on this site they probably have been there and back. Try not to get caught up in a pissing match of who has the most problems.

        We are all here trying to help one another.


          need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

          thank you, shelby!


            need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

            can I post a feat? Here we go, 88 days clean and STILL scared of sharks! This was a few months ago but reminds me what I would love to do! It might help me considering that is the "rum capital" of the world!



              need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

              Hi Woody how are you doing? Are you Jamaican? At least i thought that was the rum capital of the world lol. Do you really want to stop or are you just looking to vent steam here?


                need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                Are you trying to stop for you or your spouse?

                I tried for my spouse before. No ultimatum, threat, etc on earth would make me quit drinking for 25 years until I figured out I was doing it for ME. I would "taper" bide my time, and be back in full swing drinking in 6 months or so.

                Tapering off, etc may work for a few people, but knowing myself, and probably a majority of the people I have seen in here it would be just another reason for me to drink and not feel as guilty about drinking because I was "doing" something about it, but I wouldnt really be doing a damn thing about it, just rationalizing and continuing drinking. Thats just my opinion of course. Can only speak for me.

                You have been through multiple rehabs, detoxes and relapses. Great, you already know the answer in your HEAD.

                Now its time for you to find your answer in your HEART. Only YOU can do that.

                Take care, and we are here for you



                  need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                  Woody, I am 43 and have had more 'Day 1s' off AL than I can count. I'm only 24 days sober now and only because I went on Antabuse 24 days ago. So I'm going to let your response slide.

                  I only posted those videos because they helped me see what I was doing to my body and helped me choose to stop doing it. I hoped they would help you as well, so please take my response in the spirit in which it was intended. Or not.

                  Best of luck to you.
                  Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                    need to stop ASAP! (URGENT, BUT NOT URGENT)

                    don't post when you are drunk sweetie
                    I am glad you reached out, but you had already passed go and it was a bit late
                    all of us have done what you did.....sneaked out for one more...that's how I ended up with a DUI
                    how did it go with your husband?
                    And kudos to all who were here for you last night
                    I try to ignore the drama, but be available the next day for encouragement
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem

